Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Players are Exploiting the Match Making System

3 matches in a row, I've gotten red and/or purple ranked Survivors, matched with Survivors near my rank. Each time, the wait times were short, so it's not the "not enough Survivors in your area" argument. I can't progress any further, and even though I'm getting over 15k blood points each time, it's never fun.

I don't think these people deserve their blood points OR their rank, if this is how they play. It's absolutely pathetic.


  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    There are less killy peeps during certain hours + there really is no matchmaking ATM(at the moment you pervs)

  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    I think this is more general terrible matchmaking than a swf thing. Just going as solo survivor I often get these lobbies (rank 1). Though most of the time the killer is near my rank and my teammates are yellow/greenish

  • UnDead_PoLo
    UnDead_PoLo Member Posts: 7

    That's actually good match making considering you held your own claiming they were too high of rank. As a survivor you can literally get less than 7k in BP and die 30 seconds in.

  • Mischievous_Cat
    Mischievous_Cat Member Posts: 10

    I'm currently rank 4 survivor. My husband is rank 16, so when we play together, it makes it difficult regarding matchmaking. I had heard we were suposed to be matched with a killer matching highest rank survivor, however it doesn't seem to be the case.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I'm a rank 5 survivor due to the reset and I just got paired with all yellow ranks soooooo.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I think its just matchmaking being matchmaking, yesterday it seemed especially bad on both ends, as a rank 2 killer I was mainly getting green ranks with one red or purple thrown in, and as a rank 4 survivor I was getting yellow and green rank teammates and killers.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I confess I'm not entirely innocent of this sort of thing. Though I like to think I at least have the courtesy of playing on a platform where my rank actually is low when playing with also low ranked friends. It's mostly to lower it risk of the opposite situation of landing teammates with too strong a killer. I also have s personal rule of letting the killer have me if they're getting ROFLstomped. In those cases my score is usually solid enough I can still score high despite dying.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't know if that actually works any more. A year ago they implimented a system that only takes into account the SWF member with the highest rank while matchmaking to prevent exactly this, and I've heard conflicting statements about whether or not it was actually disabled

  • Queen_Élodie
    Queen_Élodie Member Posts: 12

    I use to feel the same way as a Rank 13 killer, but I only ever really get purple/red ranks. So matchmaking really is just booty right now. And they'll be a SWF of red ranks as well for no reason at all when I definitely don't exhibit any skill as a killer actually. Highest I've gotten was Rank 6 as killer, BUT like since the changes, I've sucked. And god forbid I play killer with crossplay on lol

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It isn't working. My gal was getting into the game and then that turned off. She had the same experience, game after game of SWF rigging things to get her into a room with 1-3 Red Rank and their token lower ranks. She won't play Killer anymore.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    These aren't necessarily SWFs, tbh. Matchmaking is random right now.

    And grouping up with an incredibly low ranked player doesn't guarantee a low rank killer. It hasn't for a while; I actually came across a duo a few weeks ago where one was rank 1 with 7k hours and the other was rank 20 with one perk; they were a smurf account trying to get low rank killers, but it didn't work.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited November 2020

    All right, good to know. Wish there had been a clearer, louder statement from the Devs on the same level as the initial change, but if wishes were horses and all that.

    Edit: also, sorry to hear about that. I got to rank 1 before the system was implimented. I know the pain and sheer unfairness.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Fairly certain it only matchmakes SWF off the highest ranked. This is just the matchmaking sucking. I play solo and have already have multiple lobbies today at rank 5 with 15 or above killers.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    When I was red rank I was frequently placed with people who were like rank 18. I'm purple now because I haven't played in a while--and I get placed with and against yellow ranks even more now. I really doubt this is their fault.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Don't blame the players, blame the devs. The only way to exploit the ranking system is to purposely lose over and over till your rank is very low and then stomp other low rank players (smurfing).

    It's not their fault that the game matches them with killers that are way too new. It's a faulty matchmaking system that's never been good as far as I can tell

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 827

    Both of these screenshots are from this week:

    The rank 3 and rank 14 were SWF so the system worked in that case.

    I was grouped with the rank 2, the rank 18 and 16 might have been an SWF, I don't remember, but they definitely weren't grouped with us, but the matchmaking still matched us like that.

    I don't know if the system is only working for Duo-SWFs or only working sometimes or doesn't work it all, but the last pictures shows, that weird matchmaking happens even without mixed SWF groups.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    Yesterday I played two matches where the killer rank was way below my survivor rank (red ranks). I was playing solo, so it wasn't because of SWF, so not sure why the game matched me like that. Also, the other survivor's ranks were all scrambled too. Both times it was me (red), a purple, a green and yellow against a green rank killer. I play on PS4 and I can only say it was the matchmaking. I agree it's not fair for a killer to go against survivors way higher in rank, but the survivors only realise that for sure when the match ends for them.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,305

    When I play solo (I'm red/purple) I'll get thrown into random matches where it's all low ranks for few matches then get back to being matched in my ranks. Sometimes it feels like they're testing MMR randomly to see how it's doing. 😂

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    People would be a lot happier if they didn't pretend this was a concerted effort to ruin their games. This happens regularly in solo que. That's not to say people don't try to do this, but matchmaking is SUPPOSED to be based on the highest rank so that people couldn't do this to begin with, whether or not that works is obviously debatable.

    Matchmaking is just like this. It also isn't really fair to tell people they can't play with their friends just because they aren't the same rank because some people don't play all the time. I have some friends that are decent but don't play a lot so they're yellow rank and I'm R1 regularly, but even with full red rank teammates when I play solo I get green rank killers a lot.

    I actually prefer to play with one other person as opposed to a full squad, three squad or solo.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the idea of you wait too long it opens up what ranks you are matched with is not JUST the killer, but it is ALSO survivor. so if the survivor doesn't get a lobby in a certain time it does the same thing. So yes you can get a high rank as a solo in a lower rank killer match

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305

    dbd has not a matchmaking (ranking system) is realy realy bad but not even that works, red ranks with red ranks, purple with purple...

    you waist so long for a lobby and at the end you match with other ranks, 95% in the red ranks are realy bad, rank reset havent a sense

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,548

    uhm I sometimes get this too while playing solo survivor

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I do this, but only bc I want to play with a friend, not to bully.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    It's not always about survivors trying to abuse the system, yes there will be survivors that do this to bully me killers but alot of the time it's simply just a couple friends have other friends who are new to the game and there isnt anything they can do to not get in with newer killers.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    if your in swf group you should face a killer who is as high as your highest rank survivor like you your in a group survivors are rank 20 15 5 1 you need to be face a rank 1 or 2 killer.

    that how it should be.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I've actually noticed that this happens to me at certain times of day, I turned off crossplay to see if it was that causing the issue and it's the same on console, it's time dependant sometimes, sometimes it's swf.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Did something change, because I've had about seven friends try this game and they all quit because match making so heavily favored the killer it was unplayable. We'd have one red/purple survivor and three grey ranks vs a red/purple killer. We couldn't' even get two gens done most games and I am not exaggerating when I say they all quit the game because of it.

    This isn't salt, but if you're not having fun, stop playing the game. I see so many killers say they aren't having fun and the game is stressful for them, etc. Why are you playing a game that's not fun?

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    When I used to play DBD regularly, I was always in red ranks. Now I only play a couple of times a month due to my schedule, and I'm regularly #########-stomping in green ranks. It's just an unfortunate side effect of the terrible ranking system and also the matchmaking.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "Players are exploiting something"

    Oh say it ain't so

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited November 2020

    This isn't abuse. The devs made the game the way it is and it's unfortunate for the lower ranked or new killers but some people just play with friends and have a friend that's bad or doesn't play much. I have three white rank friends. So when we all play these matches will happen but it's not our fault for it. The devs have to choose to favor the survivor experience or the killer experience. The only thing we have is a match maker that tries to find a "fair" game where it averages all the ranks. It's never going to be fair. If they make it favor the killer and just force low rank survivors to play against high rank killers but that'd not be fair for the bigger number of survivors. The killer will suffer this once for every SWF group but it's only going to be bad if it's a 3 or 4 man that is actually good.

    Now if it were the other way around the low rank survivor would constantly face high ranked killers possibly ruining their experience every game vs possibly ruining a killer's game that one time. Personally I think it's best as is there is no real solution unless everyone magically got good

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Also they may not be a SWF I get a lot of games at night that are like this when I'm solo. I'm rank 1 and I'll get games like that almost guaranteed. I'd recommend not playing during the off peak hours

  • DannyD
    DannyD Member Posts: 5

    I agree. I am ranked 15 survivor. yet from time to time i will go up against a rank 1 killer. ( all other survivors are give or take 1 rank difference.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Should not that there are actually people who have been playing this game for years, and suddenly one of their friends decided to join in and buy it during a sale (like the one that happened a few weeks ago) and now they are playing together not because the veteran player wants to be a jerk and abuse the game's matchmaking, but because they just want to play with their friend who they have been begging for the last few years to buy the game.

    Not all survivors are jerks.

  • MagickDream
    MagickDream Member Posts: 6

    Honestly I host lobby all the time on stream. Some of my viewers are way lower rank than I am (I'm red rank) but I warn them they may get a lot of red ranks as killers. I thought the host with SWF would determine rank. Nope.

    I tend to try and give the killer one kill of they're completely stomped. I dunno, some maybe abusing it and some may not. I do know that it's all very wonky.

  • dderosa1292
    dderosa1292 Member Posts: 5

    Can we PLEASE stop pretending it’s exploits. Is matchmaking bad? Yea. Are these probably SWF? Yes. Are they exploiting to get ######### killers and bully them? I’d be hard pressed to find actual evidence to support that. Like my dad is low ranks and I’m purple/red. Just a couple people trying to have fun, nothing more. This is why our community is so toxic, everyone wants to attribute the worst motives to everyone else and it’s not fair to people just enjoying the game.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    These matches that bother you with 3 escapes and 25% kill rate are exactly the matches survs have every day, with 25% of escapes on average

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Sometimes friends just want to play together. No 'rigging' or 'exploits'. Survivors aren't all always out to ruin your day.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    how can this happen?

    didn't dev say that swf will pair the rank with the highest member ?

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    It's been like forever unfortunately. The devs won't change it their stubborn when it comes to not being harsh on swfs or people abusing the almost non existent rank system. Because they know there's gonna be people claiming that it's just cuz their friends don't play often. Unfortunately more often then not they just want to bully new players. Like I said tho whether or not u agree with what I'm saying they will not change it because it would mean possibly changing how swfs work. Maybe even consider a nerf which everyone would scream about.

  • Rockatansky
    Rockatansky Member Posts: 32

    It could also have something to do with playing the two most set up dependent killers in the game without any gen defense.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its easy to cry SWF, but I think most often its just really bad match making.

    That said when you get three rank 1's and a rank 15 who is maxed on all their perks its a bit sus.

    Usually gameplay will tell you if people are grouped up or not, its often pretty clear when there is a high level of coordination or not. Even when its a team of two and a couple of randoms it can be pretty clear.

    That said it is my dirty pleasure to wreck teams that do this being a former red rank who's had enough and has managed to drop all the way back to the low greens. :)