Remember the start game collapse idea?

So I was just thinking the other day. Hey what happened to that like start of game objective idea. Like something before the gens you have to do before being able to start working on gens? It would slow down the game without it feeling forced by gen speeds and give killers a better chance early game so gens don't fly seemingly no matter what they do and it would be new and fun. Matches have gotten stale. Looping is only fun for a time until you realise hey wait I'm doing the exact same thing again as last game. It would add a new layer to each game. Since game modes don't seem to ever be happening it would help add a new bit of fun for those players who don't find endless chasing to be the fun part.
Idk I think some perks would need slight changes but honestly I thought this was a good idea and that there were rumours floating around about it, but nothing ever came of it?
What do you guys think? Let's discuss it. I don't just say gens are fine cuz their not. If survivors spread themselves across the map there is virtually nothing a killer can do. It isn't fun for anyone.
There already is in the form of ruin undying, assuming you can apply enough pressure to make it give you value. It is crippling to leave ruin up against a good killer.
If you don't like looping DBD killer is not for you, that's basically the whole game for the majority of the roster, and I find it to be the most enjoyable part of DBD in general.
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I suppose the Early Game thing is not going to happen as long as we got slowdown builds like Ruin/Undying and Corrupt/Pop/BBQ unless all the slowdown stuff got reworked or nerfed into oblivion.
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They talked about it being implemented but how long did they talk about servers before they actually got here? A few years? When they finally got here they were actually crap for the first few months too.
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We need that feature, I am with you buddy, let's set up that limit to 20 minutes
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They said they were working on the feature, but that was like 6 months ago so we're not sure where it's at now. It's definitely needed.
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I mean fair enough ruin and undying is strong but it's also got an element of randomness. Depending on whether or they find undying or ruin first. If they do find undying first your build is basically gone unless you have a back up perk which takes up a perk slot. All undying does is make ruin reliable. If you're killer has map pressure then yeah it's great. But it's also luck based on which perl the survivors cleanse first which isn't bad necessarily but can be extremely aggravating when the luck is in the survivors favour. When your trying to keep survivors off gens if you see someone on your totem you basically have to give up on that and go back to the totem. This immediately tells the survivor you have hex undying which they then can use to keep you out of chases too long. Hence why I don't consider ruin undying op because it has counterplay and isn't reliable in itself despite the fact it makes ruin slightly more reliable.
When I say start game collapse I don't want something just for the killers. I think it would help but I do want something engaging for the survivors. Matches not just for me but for many long time players haven't changed. And when they have most of the time for the better, such as the end game collapse. I don't see why the devs couldn't be a little creative with this idea and turn into something that makes a match more interesting at the start and more balanced for killers who have little to no map pressure. However I do see problems with certain perks so of course they'd have to looked or and changed in a way that makes them work with this more fun and exciting start game mechanic.
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I one hundred percent agree with you. Solo que is bad. I play solo que and I totally agree that a change to that first is needed to help those players out.
What I'm suggesting would come in say in a game where both solo que and swf are more balanced out.
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Yeah I agree I feel like it could be a very fun mechanic for both sides if done right.
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I can't tell if your being sarcastic or genuinely want games to be 20 mins because that's not what I said at all. Why do you think 20 mins?
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which could take 30 seconds for 2 people to spawn near hex totems and they do them in the right order
quite the hindrance
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Well I agree but I don't think they need to nerfed into the ground but changed so they do something differently or a similar thing that would work with a new early game system. Idk what that could be just looking to share ideas.
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True they would have to put a lot of effort into it. Even more then the end game collapse. But if done well what do you think could be a cool start game thing?
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Someone should bring it up when the next Q&A comes along
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Yeah I'll try to. But it be good if a bunch of us did so we have more of a chance to get it answered.
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I second this. I was playing against a SWF and didn't know one was a twitch streamer. When I rewatched the stream I was rolling and laughing listening to them rage over ruin&Undying. It can preety much end games if it stays up
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I swear I heard an actual dev mention this on a stream, or maybe their own stream at one point.
I'd be all for it. But as others have said, Ruin/Undying or Corrupt already do that job pretty well for the early game. They'd have to nerf those perks. Which I'd be up for if this early game thing happened and was actually well thought out.
Having freed up perk slots and not having to worry about needing slowdown or playing a top tier to make matches not last 5 minutes would be nice. Increasing gen times isn't the answer.
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Hopefully it is totally scraped. As much as I see killers win with ease, a feature that stalls the survivor objective to make it even easier for the killer gets a hard pass for me. The killer should feel urgency to find the survivors just like they've always done.
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If you keep seeing killers "win with ease," maybe the problem isnt necessarily with the killers. Purposely go out of your way to waste their time while all the pallets are still up. Be the change you want to see while 3 other players enjoy the immunity, rather than expect a single player to be able to perfectly counter 4 people simultaneously.
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It's pretty clear from their other comments they're type of the survivor who hides in lockers against frenzied legions then accuses them of hacking
As for the start game thing I'd assumed it's been scrapped at this point, given the radio silence
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I mean I hope not it was an interesting idea to talk about. But yh your right they don't look like a very good survivor which would be fine if they weren't so arrogant.
But as for radio silence. They pretty much have that on all fronts. Unless it entails them selling something. Then it's everywhere.
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If killers do win most games, the problem sits squarely on the killers being too strong or that survivors are too weak.
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Yeah Increasing gen times would be just boring for the survivors so I reckon a more fun way would be some sort of start game mechanic that has things to do for both sides. It would like you said free up perk slots and allow for a more interesting meta
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Those stats aren't everything. They do not reflect the current meta of the community as proven by the killer choose rates. They do not take into account all the factors that happen in a match therefore they are more or less irrelevant. If you are having trouble against killers like my guy here says YOU need to change up the way you play because anyone can instantly drop pallets to waste killers time and to allow gens to fly. Neither side has the upper hand right now there's too many grey areas.
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Buffing solo I agree with. But swfs are and issue that should be looked at. Also a start game feature can be good for both sides if done well. Therefore saying I hope it was scrapped just means you don't want the game to become healthier. Don't you agree?
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Honestly, I would be chearing if those perks would get nerfed to oblivion, that'd mean killers wouldnt have to need those in order to play a calmed game
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Why don't you take your own medicine for killer? You want to ignore the stats because they are not approved by killers? Talking about me being a bad survivor and you can say such. And anyone that is honest knows gens are not going to fly against a rank 1 killer that is loaded down with gen slowdown perks. Most of the time they don't get done and killer has another easy victory to add to their tabs.
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if you want to use the KR stats when they say the nurse is in dire needs for buffs.
If you support those stats for killer nerfs you'd also would have to support buffing nurse because that's what the stats say she needs.
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Ring around the rosie is the pinnacle of gaming for you, huh?
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Yes, and nerfing any killer with more than 50% of kill rate
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Sorry I can't hear you down there, please stop urban evading in the middle of a discussion
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Seems like right now the devs biggest priority is the visual update for every map. I imagine we won't see any early game collapse system until after all the maps have been redone.
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I can't urban evade because of all the deadzones.
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True but I think it be good if we could discuss ideas.
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It can also end a killers game if it goes down? I mean it does effectively destroy two perk slots if the survivors get lucky but it the killers get lucky all it does is make ruin reliable and stops it from being broken 10 seconds into a match because on most maps totems spawn in the open. Do you get my view point? It's why I don't think it's op.
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If that's not working out maybe you should try looping? The proven best way to beat every killer.
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I dont mind it being scrapped, I dont think it is needed. And the Devs thought so as well before they came up with that during a Livestream.
Thing is, if they implement that, I hope they nerf a bunch of stuff on the Killers side. While it is true that weaker Killers like Trapper or Clown (if we ignore that he is next up on the list for a Rework) can benefit from it, the same goes for Freddy, Spirit and other really strong Killers. So those should be nerfed in return.
And well, stuff like Ruin/Undying should also not be ok at this point.
Of course all depending what exactly they come up with.
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Yeah the idea I'm proposing isn't something that just would benefit killers I want their to be just as much reason on the survivors side as well. Hence why I think we should share are ideas of what we want or need instead of just saying let's scrap it because it would mean it be too hard or whatever for survivors. As a survivor I want some sort of start game mechanic that could shake up the meta and how we play the game. So it doesn't get stale.
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No I'm okay here thanks :)
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Let's say they:
- removed all slowdown perks
- and replaced them with a fixed Early Game mechanic
- while also buffing weaker killers and nerfing overly strong killers to make all of them more equal in power
- and made it mechanically impossible to camp/tunnel DURING the early game phase making it impossible to turn the match into an easy 3 v 1 match
Would you consider that a well designed early game? Just curious
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This is a myth, no one has never seen it. Neither do I with 3.000 hours. Probably you can play 1/100 games against a marine surv squad, and you can 4k anyway.
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Remember, they first said they woulnd't add servers x)
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Yes, a feature that makes you a good killer :D
I know u don't see me, but I'm actually tea bagging you right now.
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Yes, I would say so. Giving Killers time to prepare is fine. I dont think that it is needed, but I am also running Corrupt Intervention on almost all of my Killers to have this early game slowdown, and I think it is ok to use a Perk Slot for something like that.
If it would be Basegame Slowdown Mechanic during the early game, fair enough. The thing I worry about the most is that while weaker Killers will get a benefit, strong Killers might become too oppressive. If that is balanced out, completely fine with that.
(But I also think it is quite logical that the early game phase ends at the point where one person is downed/hooked. At this point (the latest) the Killer has his own Slowdown already and the pace of the game slows down significantly)
Post edited by Aven_Fallen on1 -
It’s not a myth it’s an opinion. As is what you say.
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How long did it take from us first hearing about dedicated servers until they were implemented? Or MMR being in the works for long, tested and then temporarily retired which leaves us waiting to see the "final" implementation of that again? Or how they've said moris and keys are on the "to be changed" list and we're waiting for that too. It'll happen when it happens.
There's plenty of things to take into consideration though. From slowdown and speedup mechanics from perks, add-ons and items to more strategic things. I'd much rather it takes a while than them rushing some unfinished band-aidish approach that might have holes in it, and I do think that if they have a solid idea they should test it on the PTB. But make it clear that it's just a test and not something guaranteed to make it to the live game in its current state if people find ways to do undesirable things with the mechanic.
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One things for certian, no matter what is it. It'll be an indirect Pig nerf in some form.
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Yeah I agree it should be totally be released only after making sure it’s the best it can be and has positive feedback.
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Man I can only dream of how good DbD would be if they managed to balance and overhaul the game so well to the point where slowdown perks could be nerfed into the ground and were no longer needed. Would improve killer gameplay so much more if that were the case.
It's asking for a lot but I can dream, damnit :(
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Pig really does need a buff. She’s too rng based.
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Same. I'm sure many people would consider DBD a lot more enjoyable if matches were more consistent due to well designed mechanics.