The sabo changes went a little too far, this from a survivor/killer

powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.


  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    huh almost like i predicted this would happen

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:
    huh almost like i predicted this would happen

    Well I thought it'd be a nice change but the numbers seem to have gone overboard with the changes since one thing was supposed to cancel out the other.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    Reading this gave me PTSD from 2016/early 2017.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Wait... didn´t we have a hefty discussion because of the upcoming sabotage buff?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:
    Wait... didn´t we have a hefty discussion because of the upcoming sabotage buff?

    We did but the numbers weren't supposed to be so ahem off so to speak. I think part of it's Alex tool Boxes with Hacksaw and Wire are making it around 3-6 seconds with Leader and Prove thyself I think it's around 2-4.
    I tested it out in kyf with no other survivors and got 7 sabo's done total and that was without getting great skill checks. With Prove Thyself and Leader you'd probably hit 10-15 along with the other erk that reduces consumption rate.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    Just slugg like we did in the past.

    Of course survivors will cry about that so it will get changed soon again.....

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    Just slugg like we did in the past.

    Of course survivors wont like thsi and it will get changed again.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    As already stated... slug em... leaving them on the ground has been buffed... from what I've seen everything that has been changed has equaled out.... 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    On the bright side, only a few more days until the event, as well as Indestructible Hooks*.

    *(Hooks can not be damaged by Saboteur but can be broken by sacrifices.)
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    My first two matches in this updates, was let them die on the ground. Sadly....but this will the future of the next matches?

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @yeet said:
    sabo IMO isn't a fun or engaging mechanic for either side, for survivors it's exactly the same level of exitement as doing a gen, and for killer it serves only to exist as a frustration

    Maybe to you... but running up and finishing off a 99'd hook right in front of the killer... Best feeling ever.. Especially if the survivor wiggles off because of it.

    Once I can do that in a match... I'm happy... I'm done.. Kill me.. I did what I wanted to do... I can move onto the next match now. That is how I feel when I successfully use sabo.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    I think it's more fun this way, I like to slug and see them crawl on the ground like little babies :blush:

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Run a slug build when you see 4 man toolbox squad

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    I'm glad they finally changed the event hooks being saboed and although I have yet to experience your scenario I personally haven't had any trouble with sabo squads. The first squad I fought spent so much time 99% hooks that I was able to "fake" pick people up and have them come running to me. I don't enjoy playing a slug build but it seems to work wonders against these types of players. Now I just need BHVR to hurry up and implement the console DC banns because sabo squads seem inclined to DC once they realize that I don't need hooks to slug.

    Either way sabo squads will die down soon enough once more killers start running slug builds. These games are boring for everyone after all.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2018

    Not sure what the fuss is about.

    I just Sabo'd 4 hooks to 99%; went to work on a gen; heard the killer's terror radius; broke all 4 hooks; ran to the edge of the map; and still got hooked on a 5th one elsewhere, and that's with Boil Over and without Iron Grasp or Agitation.

    There are hooks everywhere...

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    Nos37 said:

    Not sure what the fuss is about.

    I just Sabo'd 4 hooks to 99%; went to work on a gen; heard the killer's terror radius; broke all 4 hooks; ran to the edge of the map; and still got hooked on a 5th one elsewhere, and that's with Boil Over and without Iron Grasp or Agitation.

    There are hooks everywhere...

    Because any time some people get frustrated by a game that doesn't go their way they have to make a topic about how it's ruining everything.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited October 2018

    It's fine

    It's a good change, it will draw more attention into the devs adding surrender option for killers and survivors

    it also shows that most survivors mains dont care about this change at all and did not realize how good it is and just whine about everything

    saying it as a Killer main

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I know a lot of players (some streamers like Tru3 too) are saying sabo buff leads to slugging games and that's not fun, but I disagree. First off, it's not such a great buff (+40 seconds is not that much and they took away Saboteur's speed bonus).

    Second, not only I kinda like doing those well planned sabotages to 99% then dropping the hook right in front of the killer carrying someone, but I can respect it when playing killer too. It's not that easy! I had a game (pre-buff) against a funny sabo squad, and it cracked me up every time when the hook fell on the ground right in front of me again and again. They hardly made any progress with gens so they ended up all sacrificed anyway, but it was so funny. Granted, they were also nice players so the friendly convo after game makes it a good memory. But my point is, don't get too worked up about "survivors screwing with you on purpose". This is kind of what the game is about: hinder your opponent any way you can. And sometimes it's really just about someone testing new tactics to play, new loadouts. Variety should be always welcome.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I play this game way more than most people on here and I've yet to see any difference whatsoever after the sabo changes much less anyone really using it.

  • Gemasuda
    Gemasuda Member Posts: 70
    Love how a KYF match is used to illustrate his point.  Because solo queuing or swf groups would never be able to replicate this occurrence.  Unless your in a controlled atmosphere of KYF.  GG
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    I was testing it out last night and was able to 99 a ton of hooks with a brown toolbox. It doesn't feel right.

  • TheRealHansGruber
    TheRealHansGruber Member Posts: 204
    Its twice as bad with the new hook arrangements, i never had trouble getting people to hook before now, and thats without them saboing my hooks
  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    If hooks were still right beside eachother the new Sabo changes would be fine. As it is currently though hooks are actually spaced decently far apart to the point that Saboing a hook is very effective. Henceforth being able to 99% all the hooks in a general area and break them all if the killer downs someone in that area basically forces the killer to either slug or take the drop. And in either case they're not going to be sacrificing the survivor any time soon.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited October 2018

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    These are some of the changes I would make to Saboteur.

    • Make Saboteur sabotage at 50% speed across all tiers.
    • Have the sabotage action take longer and/or be louder.
    • When not being sabotaged, the automatic repair timer should undo progress over time (maybe 1% per second? Perhaps make Hangman's Trick be 2% per second).
    • Make Hangman's Trick trump the increased repair timer (hooks will still return after 30/20/10 seconds).
    • EDIT: Increased repair timer does not apply to bear traps.
  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    I played so many sabo games today and everything ive got was frustration because of all the hooks. Thought the distance between the hooks got fixed but it's still silly. Idk whats your problem seriously. Sabotage got an very slightly buff
    thats all it's still bs and very dumb to do and i will sandbagg every sabo survivor whos doing this instead of idk repairing gens? I mean healing, selfhealing can consume fcing 40 seconds now?! a half generator? healing dude
    sry but sabotage is and will always be a viable thing for funny moments with your 4 man swf. for solo q's it's just crap

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    This is called a tactic i believe, but hallowed blight hooks cannot be saboed

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @HellDescent said:
    Run a slug build when you see 4 man toolbox squad

    unbreakable jake ruins your life

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Saboteur is pointless to have. Even with the new buff, it's nearly useless.

    It's not an objective with priority unless all 4 Survivors are running Saboteur and Sabotaging hooks.

    It takes 15 secs~ to sabotage one hook.

    You must FIND the hooks (Not that hard) That takes time.

    15s = 15 charges for a generator. Running around to find the hooks will cost you time.

    You're putting yourself miles away from completing your actual objective.

    It's. not. worth. using. Another failed attempt. I'd use saboteur more if i didn't have to use a toolbox just to utilize this perk.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Gemasuda said:
    Love how a KYF match is used to illustrate his point.  Because solo queuing or swf groups would never be able to replicate this occurrence.  Unless your in a controlled atmosphere of KYF.  GG

    I love how you completely ignored my original post where I encountered this in a regular match. You know the 1st post at the top of the 1st page.

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    TheBean said:

    @yeet said:
    sabo IMO isn't a fun or engaging mechanic for either side, for survivors it's exactly the same level of exitement as doing a gen, and for killer it serves only to exist as a frustration

    Maybe to you... but running up and finishing off a 99'd hook right in front of the killer... Best feeling ever.. Especially if the survivor wiggles off because of it.

    Once I can do that in a match... I'm happy... I'm done.. Kill me.. I did what I wanted to do... I can move onto the next match now. That is how I feel when I successfully use sabo.

    Not a skillful interaction that only leads to frustration, shouldn't be in the game at all tbh
  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2018

    How about keep sabo as it is but bring in a new non-perk counter mechanism for killers. Say for every 2 or 3 hooks destroyed within your terror radius while carrying a survivor, gain a token which would allow you to mori a survivor. I know its kinda band aid fix but again whats the equivalent of sabo for killers? Make a generator un-repairable for 3 minutes? lmao

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    huh almost like i predicted this would happen

    Well I thought it'd be a nice change but the numbers seem to have gone overboard with the changes since one thing was supposed to cancel out the other.

    sabo IMO isn't a fun or engaging mechanic for either side, for survivors it's exactly the same level of exitement as doing a gen, and for killer it serves only to exist as a frustration

    Failing a sabo skill check is more exciting tbh. It's like the hook gets mad at me.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SurpriseSurprise said:
    Wait, Your sabo progress stays and doesn't degrade when you leave a hook mid-sabo?
    Shouldn't the entity be 'regressing' it like the generators?

    I've always thought it should slowly repair back up over time if left untouched since that would really spice things up for both sides. To really make it interesting a killer when they pick up a survivor they can see the health status of each hook in their vicinity.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    Sabotage is still a bad strategy and the perk could use another buff.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Id find it cool if there could be a offering for killers that if somone fails a sabotage skill check the hook hits them (like a entity claw swipes them) as well as alerting the killer to them with a scream of pain
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @powerbats said:
    To the devs while I appreciate the sabo being made more useful having 4 hooks all drop within the 1st 6 seconds or so of a game starting is a bit much. I didn't ever really see 4 man tool box sabo squads on either side, but now it's rampant and even with Hangman's they just 99 it and then drop everything in the vicinity.

    While you could 99 before it took a lot longer and wasn't so completely broken to the point that people could 99 and gen rush with impunity.

    I'm glad they finally changed the event hooks being saboed and although I have yet to experience your scenario I personally haven't had any trouble with sabo squads. The first squad I fought spent so much time 99% hooks that I was able to "fake" pick people up and have them come running to me. I don't enjoy playing a slug build but it seems to work wonders against these types of players. Now I just need BHVR to hurry up and implement the console DC banns because sabo squads seem inclined to DC once they realize that I don't need hooks to slug.

    Either way sabo squads will die down soon enough once more killers start running slug builds. These games are boring for everyone after all.

    What I don't get is when there's 3 down and they realize the killer is slugging and yet all 3 move in the same direction or stay in one spot. It's like they WANT the 4th to get downed while trying to bring them up.