Anyone else think RNG maps need to go away?

Think we should just have like 3 variations of the same map for each map and they be set in stone and not be RNG based on how things spawn. I think the game's balance could go way further and the game be more fun for both sides when you know for sure what tiles and objects have spawned versus having to guess or hope certain things have or have not spawned.

I assume it'd help with perk balance to some degree as well but not too sure. Though I can say not running meta perks while playing solo is nightmarish. As fun as this game is if you're not SWF you can give up using anything that isn't DS Adrenaline DH and whatever your last perk is because you can be unfortunate to get a camping or tunneling killer and if you don't have those few perks you die for free and you can also just get other survivors that do nothing out of fear or stupidity and play immersed and still get caught and die in the end because they probably can't loop either.

As for playing killer its about the same you can't ever just have fun with some niche perks because you get gen rushed depending on the killer because you naturally can't create the pressure needed. You can't win games without either potato survivors or using some form of generator slow perk, maybe something for healing speed and then a perk for chasing or a perk for finding them. Typically we all just use ruin plus corrupt or undying these days. The game's balance shouldn't be focused on these select perks for either side. The map balance needs to be better or the perk balance needs to get better its honestly a bit pathetic that so few perks in this game are actually viable. All of these new perks we get for synergy are usually average at best and still are nowhere near as useful as the survivors ones listed not including the builds around Soul guard which still only help the top survivors and then the killer builds that use either BBQ or Thrilling tremors to find survivors and then ruin with undying and whatever your last perk be. These things need to change as great as this game is its extremely nerve wrecking to always have to use meta if you wanna get anywhere without playing with some friends


  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    They shouldn't make maps based on RNG. Just make one default map and leave it at that, so that it'll be easier to memorize where everything and not be confused saying "it was there last time" but that's just me

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I'd like that too but they want to keep it from being boring I guess but variations are annoying as hell on some maps especially

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I'd like more RNG in map spawn because right now they are too repetitive.

    I wish all maps have same variation as 5 badham variations - different placement of main, shack and key tiles every trial in 1 "variation" of the map, so that everything which is different in map variations within 1 realm is different main building and everything else, including shape would be different.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    The reason perks like ruin, undying, corrupt and Pop are in the meta is simple they're the only good slow down perks. DS, dead hard, adrenaline, and mostly all exhaustion perks are meta is also simple they win chases or the game depending on the situation. The problem is exactly that for killers map rng and size is horrible. Like on maps like coldwind farm, autohaven, red forest even the swamp, and now with the newer maps like dead dawg, the silent hill one and MacMillan you have to decide what gens you want to protect and what gens you're going to let go

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    Ironically I am always getting cornfield and wreckers Haven. I barely get anything else lol

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    DBD is not Call Of Deadlight

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Definitely see them trying to avoid that. To me it would make for more fair gameplay on both sides since most killers play both sides they can memorize where pallets are and which windows are open rather than great that God window is open and having no counterplay towards loops

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited November 2020

    Technically speaking we have this with freddys map. I havent double checked the spawns but I assume the number below indcates what pallets are in play.

    This concept works in theory but since scouting out a location in dbd uses a lot of time. Chases can occur in zones you have ot seen so your decissions are now based off of coin flips which is the opposite of skill. You can make a read on how someones playing you can't anticipate what pallets are in play without having been in that location.

    Also for the flak cod series gets dbd as a game has no business being considered more skill intensive. The more unknown variables you have the less skill intensive and competitive your game is. (activisions its parent company is indeed morally bankrupt but thats a different discussion).

    Most esport games have little to no rng. If it does have rng its odds are clear and a pallet being spawned randomly can never justify a skill intensive argumemt.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Adaptability and improvisation are skills.

    The whole theme of survivor in dbd is to feel like how it’s supposed to feel in a horror film: uncertainty, not knowing your resources, making split second gambles.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I like that explanation better than the one that was given.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Also map knowledge is exactly what helps you survive in this game. When I know where a certain tile is or spawns or places I can loop I can use it to survive. When I know nothing of a map I just have to guess and I get lucky or unlucky. Sure you can call it skill for adapting but all it leads to is exciting when it works out in your favor and wildly frustrating and annoying when it doesn't. Especially when you're killer and you see that "fun bus" spawn. Or back in the day when infinites were all over if you knew the maps had those and abused it you could never be caught unless you messed up. The game still works that way now even without all the infinites. Like the reason they nerfed balanced landing. It created infinites for those that had the map knowledge of when and where to use it.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    It's things like that they wouldn't have to worry about happening or having to nerf perks to compensate for bad map balance. We've had so many issues over time with map balance because they're RNG. It's getting better but it's still not that great we just started at a terribly far off point.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    You mean extreme differences like "having a god bus and a crane on Autohaven" and "2 trucks"?

  • Deadboy
    Deadboy Member Posts: 15

    Good thing this was never intended by design to be an esports game nor is it. People will surely ruin the game as we continue moving in that direction though like most esports games.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    this game not meant to be a 100% competitive game that why it random sometimes.

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    Sorry, but I'm against it, it's one of the only things that actually has real time strategy in this game.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Unfortunately gaming culture has had a tendency to get more and more competitive as time goes on. I don't like dbd being treated as anything but casual fun. Yet at the same time I know a lot of people will want to improve and make use of all there resources so its inevitable we see dbd strive to address peoples complaints. Thus seeking a more balanced competitve experiancre.

    Tournament organisers have a huge issue where a lot of games are decided by the maps changing structures so a jungle gym into shack might spawn in one game but not the next. Meaning if your a team who got the crap layout it feels awful to lose just because your map rng was crap.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Some RNG is ok, but not the extreme RNG that we currently have. It introduces too much statistical noise when you can for example have a Gas Heaven with 2 gens next to god bus vs a single gen by car pile, crane, and a 3 gen with the building and the 2 right outside. That's a wildly different outcome vs competent survivors depending on the map spawn. How do you balance a game correctly when your RNG can swing matches from the loading screen?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    No, maps' randomness is what gives this game the longevity and replayability it has.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I honestly love the Random aspect it keeps the game fresh instead of everyone just running to the safe loops.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 207

    I hate this idea.

    Me and everyone else who has a job and a life and not enough time to obsessively memorize every game map couldn't possibly keep up.

    Plus, every survivor whining about how boring it is to hold M1 and then repetitively loop because they refuse to change perks or anything whatsoever about their build would now be even more bored.

  • Bigbob
    Bigbob Member Posts: 8

    No. Get gud.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    It'd just be one to three map variants though. Not caring about people whining that it's boring because they can play something else or not hold m1 on gens all game. Point is to make it better for people like you and balance the maps better than what they are.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Yeah that's what I mean. I was playing killer on yamaoka and a big ass boulder spawned right at the killer shack that the survivors could run through but I as killer couldn't on top of that there was another boulder set with a pallet at with a window vault next to that as well. Like if I'm not playing DS Freddy or pyramid head I'm not catching them there assuming they're not stupid.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I agree but I'm starting to think the randomness is too much and it should be toned down a little but. Like leave window spawns random but have set tiles or vice versa. Or some other way to change it. Assuming they ever go for a competitive scene all this randomness probably wouldn't be accepted but I also doubt this game will ever get a competitive scene

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Comparing bad RNG to something that's literally broken and needs to be addressed is disingenuous. People shouldn't be able to 'run through' a boulder. That's not an issue of RNG and using it as an example of bad RNG is like saying getting stuck in the hills was a result of bad RNG.

    For people complaining about not knowing where pallets and vaults are, there's LITERALLY a perk for that and you can use it until you get an idea of spawns and you'll start to learn there is a method to the madness such as, but not limited to, 'this window is open, that means that window is closed' and vice versa.

    No game needs to be balanced according to the freshest of players or the oldest most die hard enthusiasts. Nuking the RNG might help a newer player or someone who doesn't play enough to know where things should be or how tiles work, however this will also result in even more stale game play. One of the most stale things to see is all the same perks used every game and now you want to advocate for every map to be the same way? I don't think so.

    You don't need to run the meta to survive, you quite literally just need to 'git gud'. Play more, practice, watch others and you'll become better. I've played enough to learn these things so that I can afford to run a slew of fun perks without feeling punished for doing so. Hell, you don't even need a single exhaustion perk and it's quite funny to get hit with exhaustion addons when you do because it doesn't affect you whatsoever. You just need to spend the time it takes to learn how to do something before you open up a can of complaints that are resolved by simply playing the game the way its meant to be played. Take accountability for your inability.

    In most cases you should be traveling from where you spawn to the best gens to work on (anything mid map, rarely anyone spawns mid map if ever) instead of hoping on the first gen you see (unless it's optimal to do so). By then you've seen at least part of what you've been dealt and should plan your escape strategy accordingly which you should have plenty of time to do while you're holding M1.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    While the RNG can shake things up if they just had set versions of each map this game would be ten times easier for the devs to balance.

    I mean, you can have a game where one side of a map has 2 pallets and the other has 10

    Then you can have the same map with the god bus and an even spread of pallets that easily link together. It's crazy.

  • IKnowBestDammit
    IKnowBestDammit Member Posts: 1

    I VEHEMENTLY disagree.

    Map familiarity hurts the game, gives advantage to those who have it, disadvantage to those who do not, and takes away a great amount of the fun.

    When you know the map, there is no question. You know where to go, what to do and it's just a matter of getting it done.

    The RNG map differences aren't as much as I'd like, but it's something. And just btw, there's only so many variations and for me personally, it's no different than one standard map because I've played them all enough to know them.

    Except the silent hill map. I have no idea ######### is going on there.

    In an ideal DBD you'd be playing a completely different, unknown map every single time forever.