Fun builds

What are some killer/survivor builds that you use to have fun.
NOTE that by have fun I don't mean make the other guy miserable or irritated or ruin their play.
For survivor there's the all time classic, the Houdini build. For this number you'll need Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Lithe and Dance With Me. The trick here is to enter a chase then vault a window when the killer has no line of sight. With the silent vault, 150 speed and no scratch marks you'll seemingly vanish into thin air!
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Tbh I have few
As survivor:
1:lithe, dance with me, iron will and resilience
2.flip flop, unbreakable, tenacity and deliverance
3.(less fun more op) decisive strike,dead hard, spine chill and adrenaline (I know too op 😂)
4.kindred, alert,spine chill etc basically all eye build
As killer:
1.make your choice, pop goes weasel, bbq&c and I like personally to use iron maiden
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Usually when I want a fun build I would use a randomizer. I hope that helps.
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Trapper - Iron grasp, Agitation, Nemesis, Play With Your Food.
It’s fun zooming around.
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I use this with any 115% killer,
Iron grasp
mad grit
unrelenting (or hangman's trick)
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my favourite build on my favourite killer has to be as follows:
Piggy: Knock Out, Thanataphobia, Ruin, Sloppy Butcher. Addons are Face Mask and Last Will.
Basically just slug master Pig, Knock Out + Face Mask make people really hard to find. Sloppy will make healing longer so a squad of WGLF will have a rougher time getting people up, and Ruin + Thanataphobia can slow the game down to a crawl. Really fun build and nets you a lot of salt.
Another build I really like is Basement Demogorgon which is as such:
Make Your Choice, Territorial, Ruin, STBFL. Add-ons can be either increased teleport speed or decreased cooldown, which ever tickles your fancy.
Territorial combined with Demo's innate detection through his portals give him a lot of info on the basement. Providing you put a portal at the top of basement stairs, it will make it very easy to see a survivor going for rescue, to then tp after the unhook and get the MYK proc'. STBFL will allow you to recover from the MYK very, very quickly and more often than not get the down on the person being rescued. And Ruin for obvious reasons.
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My favorite Survivor build is For the People, Dead Hard, Tenacity, and Self Care.
For the People is just fun and the rest of the build is there to support it. Dead Hard is there to help survive being broken. Tenacity is there because frequently you get slugged after you do a FtP play and it'll probably happen more times per game than Unbreakable can help with. Self Care is there because you can't FtP if you are injured and I'm bad at finding totems for Inner Strength.
For Killer, my fun Legion build is Whispers, Thana, Play With Your Food, and Make Your Choice. Frenzy with 145% move speed is honestly just great. Its also really funny hunting down your MYC proc with 3 stacks of PWYF.
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Third Seal
Boil Over
Flip Flop
+ Medkit w styptic
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Because it does make you hit faster just for fun, at least I think so. I remember people telling me that it does make you hit even faster. If not, then I will just use hangman's trick.
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Turbo Myers is very fun. Fire up, Bamboozle, Brutal Strength and PWYF. Definitely depends on a snowball to have a shot at winning though.
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This one is great, probably the most successful devour hope build I have run. You can usually open up with a discordance silent bell wallhacks gen grab into a MYC instadown for an easy 2 stacks. Then you got NOED in case devour hope dies and the build falls apart.
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Iron will, soul gaurd, unbreakable, tenacity.
If the killer has a hex and he cant find u, this is rly fun
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Sneakface Ghostface
Two faster crouch add ons
Trail of torment
Pop (gen regression is always needed)
Dragon's grip
And run it on lerys. They will never know when you have your power or if your just using a perk. And you can crouch around all the windows and things and they'll never see you coming. It helps if your cosmetic doesn't have a bunch of frilly ribbons flying off it tho.
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Mad Grit makes the cooldown for missed basic attacks nonexistent short of the swinging animation, but ONLY while carrying a Survivor.
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Michael Myers w/ Fragrant Tuft of Hair, Blight Serum
Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright, Bamboozle, Monitor & Abuse
Michael is now speed. Survivor try do a gen - zoom. Survivor try to save on hook - Zoom. Survivor scream because you down Survivor - Zoom.
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Lately I've just been doing Perk Roulette and seeing where it goes
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No mither
Spine Chill
High risk high reward
Though it does increase the chance of facing an Oni or Thana by 400% just fyi
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Rancor roulette - rancor, myc, furtive chase, nemesis (someone on here recommended me it and I altered it) good on doc or spirit
Ultimate fruit ninja - agitation, iron grasp, mad grit, forced penance - on Freddy with pill bottle
All totems - four totems, one of which is either undying or thrill - on spirit with
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In case you succumb to a desire to make the survivors miserable, here's a build that will give you satisfaction from their pain.
As if regular Legion wasn't bad enough!
- Defaced Smiley pin
- Iridescent button
- Coulrophobia
- Thanatophobia
- Dying Light
- Overwhelming Presence
Now you may be asking, "Doritohead, why on EARTH are you suggesting Coulro and Overwhelming? Wouldn't Franklin's and Sloppy be better?"
And I'm glad you ask this! You see, Franklin's and Sloppy rely on BASIC ATTACKS, and to make them work you'd have to m1 the survivor and then frenzy them if you really want to waste their time. I shouldn't need to explain why this just isn't efficient. Overwhelming counters medkits, and the smiley pin combined with the button and your perks bring healing speeds to a miserable crawl. Plus Coulro and Overwhelming work well with the Iri button. Moving on...
Instructions for use:
- whatever you do, don't stab the obsession first with frenzy. The defaced smiley pin will only do its thing on survivors revealed by killer instinct. This is important because you want to shut down the healing speed buff that the obsession receives with Dying Light by applying as many healing debuffs as you can.
- Turn off Postgame chat.
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Mad Grit reduces the cooldown to 0.
If Unrelenting HAD done anything, it would somehow make the cooldown even more nonexistent.
Unrelenting only works for basic attacks while NOT carrying Survivors.
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good to know
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Jumpscare Hag - Rusty Shackles and Disfigured Ear
I've never personally seen these add-ons used by Hag's before so I have no idea what it's like, but from the way survivors react, it scares the crap out of them. Anytime I use it, I assume they don't hear my TR due to being 'deaf' and when I smack them they seem to panic run into a wall. It's pretty funny to watch.
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Um. I have a little sh!thead build I use sometimes. It's not my intention to ruin anyone's fun with it, but Red Herring, Quick and Quiet, and Head On. It honestly probably hurts my team since I spend the whole time just screwing around but it's so fun when I get that occasional locker stun. Most of the time I don't though, since the Red Herring sends them over to the gen and away form my locker. BUT SOMETIMES ITS REALLY FUNNY
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A really fun and quirky build I've made for killer is
Furtive Chase
Make Your Choice
Dead Man's Switch
Funnily, DMS and Furtive Chase are considered rather pointless perks, but all of these perks in this build all work in glorious symmetry.
To start, Nemesis is a very nice perk since it helps create Obsessions and makes them Oblivious. The funny thing though is... Other methods that create Obsessions such as Decisive Strike or For The People cause thr Oblivious status to activate! You know what perk also does this?
That's right. The imfamous and useless Furtive Chase. Not only does the hook rescuer become the new Obsession, but it also causes the new Obsession to become Oblivious. To make thingd EVEN BETTER, Nemesis STILL lets you see the aura of the unhooker which is EXTREMELY POWERFUL.
Now let's throw Make Your Choice in the mix.
Step away 40m and let the fun begin. Now you have a Survivor that is:
-Has their aura shown to you
-Your new Obsession
And now for the final piece, Dead Man's Switch. In a normal game, DMS will get little value since you can only hook the Obsession 3 times and you can't really choose that. But thanks to Nemesis and Furtive Chase, you'll be CONSTANTLY hooking obsessions AND being able to create Obsessions easily, especially at the start.
Basically a game would go with this build as:
-Find/Make Obsession
-Hook Obsession and activate DMS
-Get away and add pressure while waiting for MYC to activate.
-Find the new exposed and oblivious Obsession
-Repeat until win.
This build is viable on many Killers, from Nurse, to Legion, to Freddy, to Pig, and so on.
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Mettle of man, no mither, soul guard and tenacity. Preferably with a sabo toolbox