Killer emotes would be cool and interesting to see

Would be nice to have killers have emotes as well. I was thinking for the wraith pressing 1 could make him play the tune of Dead by Daylight on his bell. Same kind of thing for the huntress, she could hum the dbd tune just for a few seconds. Or other things for different killers.
there are MANY cool little things they could do... but somehow they don't 😂
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There wouldn't be any point gameplay-wise. It also wouldn't be very immersive for the bloodthirsty killer chasing you to suddenly start jamming to the DBD menu theme.
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So? This is a game. It's meant for you to have fun. If I could listen to Wraith bing-bonging the theme I'd have a lot of fun.
Not everything has to match a brutal ruthless killer, it's a game. Games are meant for you to have fun. Even if doesn't do anything as long as it doesn't hinder the killer I think it would be a lovely addition.
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To be fair, it doesn't make sense for Wraith to be hunting down the survivors in either of his lore entries, unless they're tied to the mafia somehow... :p
It'd be cool to have emotes to play around with, but I don't know how we'd implement them when ninety nine percent of the time the survivors are running away. :)
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But to ruin the atmosphere of the game just for another thing that could be used for BM?
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ghost face teabagging master race rise up
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This could be really cool if survivors also get emotes as well. To be honest I'm surprised they didn't try and do this sooner considering from a monetary perspective this would make them some money.
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It’s a lot more work for minimal gain
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Trapper- wipes cleaver on his face
Billy- hits his chainsaw with his hammer as it sputters to life and dies again once the emote ends
Wraith- Rings his bell to an ominous tune
Nurse- shrieks and flails her bonesaw
Myers- Head tilt
Hag-Eats a scrap of flesh
Doc-Electricity crackles around him and he cackles manically
Huntress-throws hatchet in the air and catches it
Freddy-waves his glove in front of his face
Pig-Tightens a screw on an RBT
Clown-Inspects his finger collection
Legion-Flips the bird
Plague-recites a bible verse and barfs
Demo-Hisses and shrieks, lights all around start flickering
Oni-Roars and blood swirls around him
Slinger-fires gun into the air
Phead-Barbed wire swirls around him, and a tornado of red surrounds him as he raises the great knife. A small shockwave occurs when he slams it back on the ground.
Blight-Injects serum and releases a feral shriek
Twins-Victor climbs onto Charlotte's shoulder and howls
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is hag eating herself?
wasnt plague born and taken before the bible was written?
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I mean so? Survivors have Tea Bagging and whatever else thst ruins the atmosphere.
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Being killed over and over again would probably make you a bit strange tbf
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i want them to blow me a kiss while i die on the hook because it would be such a beautiful taunt
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It could be that one of the reasons is to cause emotion in the survivors. If they’re down, seeing the killer “tease” them could fill them with different emotions
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Fortnite dance or we riot