Enough Salty Survivor polls... Which killer is your favorite?

Just a counter to all the "What is ur least fav, or most hated Killer?"
Enough Salty Survivor polls... Which killer is your favorite? 61 votes
Hilbilly/ Legion/ Blight (Rush down)
Legion he's my only P3 Killer.
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Myers/ Plague/ Oni/ Leatherface (Hybrid or Powerburst)
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Hilbilly/ Legion/ Blight (Rush down)
Bashing your face against a wall isn't just what Blight does, it's what I do after 12 straight hours of DbD
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Hilbilly/ Legion/ Blight (Rush down)
Oni should be here too btw. But those killers are just fun to play and fun to go against which is why bhvr probably makes them because they won't be problematic like some of the others killers
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Hilbilly/ Legion/ Blight (Rush down)
i main Legion and require help.
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Hag/ Trapper (Map Control)
There's a satisfaction in playing the Trapper that I cannot find with any other killer. It's something about playing the long game, until you have survivors in a near-impossible situation that makes it feel worthwhile. There are stronger killers, but Evan is just so rewarding to play!
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Hilbilly/ Legion/ Blight (Rush down)
If you dont want to repeatedly slam your face into a wall, I don't want to hear about it.
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Ghostface/ Pig/ Wraith (Stealth)
Been a pig main since as far as I can remember and don't plan to stop playing her anytime soon
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Nurse/ Spirit (Phase walkers)
If we’re talking about playing against then I’d say Nurse or Spirit.
Playing as, I’d say Legion.
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Freddy/ Demogorgon/ Pyramid head/ Doctor/ Clown (Oppression or survivor control))
I love playing as doctor because those survivors are pretty sneaky sometimes and I just gotta give em a little ZAP!
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Freddy/ Demogorgon/ Pyramid head/ Doctor/ Clown (Oppression or survivor control))
Demogorgon because he is a good doggo.
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Myers/ Plague/ Oni/ Leatherface (Hybrid or Powerburst)
Plague <3
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Nurse/ Spirit (Phase walkers)
I'm literally in love with spirit
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Deathslinger/ Huntress (Ranged)
daddyslinger 100%
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Myers/ Plague/ Oni/ Leatherface (Hybrid or Powerburst)
Big BBQ Chili Boi all day!