Camping and Tunneling

So I'm a killer main and I've never understood something. What's with all the camping and tunneling? I have never done well camping and tunneling and I know survivors think that killers are rewarded for it. That's not true, every round where I've camped and tunneled I've either just depiped or ranked down. I think I've only once seen someone 4k with that "strategy." (It's not a strategy) I also play as survivor a lot and I get camped/tunneled a lot. It's not good for either side, so why do it?


  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    "That's not true, every round where I've camped and tunneled I've either just depiped or ranked down."

    Sounds like a personal problem.

    "I think I've only once seen someone 4k with that "strategy." (It's not a strategy)"

    Why do you think it's not a strategy?

    "It's not good for either side"

    If a killer routinely gets 4k by camping/tunneling, why wouldn't it be good for his side?

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    edited November 2020

    You didn't answer my question though, all you did was attack my view. Thank you for your honest input though.

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    Camping and tunneling should be neutral terms. If it was a problem, it would be taken out of the game, but camping/tunneling are game mechanics. If there are no leads on generators, why wander aimlessly on the map wasting time and easing up the pressure? It is a legit strategy. If there are no obsessions, you can assume there isn't anyone running DS, so it's safe to tunnel. What is the question exactly?

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    The only time camping is an issue is if you are the unlucky one in solo queue and have no one to rely on, or if you are in an SWF and the killer doesn't make it easy for you to rescue your teammates. The other survivors can still do their objectives and escape, but its on them if they want to throw the game to a camping killer.

    Ultimately it comes down to survivors wanting to get all their friends out, and being upset that the killer isn't letting them.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    edited November 2020

    You are hypocritical. You called camping and tunneling a game mechanic and then 2 sentences later called it a strategy. If you believe your second sentence then it can't be a strategy. Seriously, you can't take strategies out of games. The reasoning that if it's a problem then it would be taken is not a reason because you can't take out a human beings behavior. I want to know why people do camp and tunnel, to sit there and fight me about it isn't answering the question.

  • HulkHodn
    HulkHodn Member Posts: 116

    To get kills? I see more survivors rushing the hoook instead of doing gens. And if i only see the unhooked person why not tunnel? Why should i waste time?

  • nagikiko
    nagikiko Member Posts: 2

    They aren't mechanics programmed in, so they can't be removed. The devs could add in more ways to discourage it (more bloodpoints lost, slowed down timers, whatever), but they can't remove a strategy, even if it's one that's irritating.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I don't mean like if survivors just rush the hook before you leave or you come back and only see the unhooked survivor. I'm talking about intentionally staying around the hook even if no one is around (and maybe you know it cuz you have BBQ) and then after the person gets unhooked (while still around) you keep going after the unhooked person.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571
    edited November 2020

    I just hate how counters to these issues are relegated to having to bring insurance perks rather than just being built in mechanics. Feels like BT is a must with how frequently killers come back to the hook. Had a game earlier where a Nurse ran down a teammate off hook due to no obsession and then tried to do it to me and was almost successful.

    It just really kills build diversity when I have to run 2-3 perks each game to guarantee the killer is punished if they play like a total douche and most teammates rarely bring any of them in solo play. It sucks even more to be a newer player and not even have immediate access to all of them at a time.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I agree, that's why I don't camp and tunnel (or at least try too in some cases) because I know there will be Decisive Strike/Borrowed Time in the match. It makes it unfun to play killer and survivor when I know what people are going to be running because people won't stop camping and tunneling then say "If it was a problem the devs would take it out of the game" like it's a game mechanic when they know it's not. They just want to get away with it and drive survivors to use the same 2-3 perks.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Camping is a strategy against over altruistic survivors. If all the survivors are near the hook it is nonsense to leave the area.

    And then some people camp because they are pissed.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Why do [some] people camp?

    As a new player (less than a month in the game), I did it early on because, without any perks, knowledge of the maps, and total lack of experience in survivor strategies and aspects of the game in general, I felt it was my only option in order to secure a kill. I grew frustrated with committing the time to chase someone, down them, carry them over to a hook and hooking them only to have a survivor speed by and spend 1 second unhooking them, forcing me into an annoying loop chase all over again.

    Now, after playing survivors, different killers, and gaining more experience in general, I don't camp as I'm confident enough in my ability but also because it's plain boring.

    I will say, I still get plenty of hate mail from people accusing me of camping when really, I'm just being aware and alert. For instance, I hook someone and know a survivor is in the area waiting to attempt a save, so I fake like I'm leaving to go hunting, and turn around when I see or hear the save occurring and happen to quickly down someone again. Camping? I mean...I guess it sort of is, but, am I just supposed to let survivors get away with the save? No, of course not.

    That's just me though. Personally, I don't see why people complain about camping. It's a crappy strategy but certainly not an instant-win one, and easily counterable.