BHVR has just crossed a line.

Just now, BHVR revealed through in-game news that they'd be disabling Bloodlust for the weekend on the live versions of the game to understand the effect it has better.
This isn't the horrible part.
They've admitted that the Huntress' perk, Beast of Prey, will become useless as a result over this weekend!
Honestly, BHVR, how do you expect us to compete with these sweaty 4man SWFs that I face every single game without fail and always make me lose, using their crutch perks like Quick and Quiet (I already made a thread on how this perk was so OP and needs an 80 second cooldown at tier 3), Calm Spirit, and Urban Evasion?? My Spirit with Stridor, Ruin, Undying, NOED, Mother Daughter Ring, Yakuyoke Amulet, and an Ebony Mori is just so weak in comparison to what she could be like with the Godly perk that is Beast of Prey! This is unacceptable and I demand a refund on all of my skins for making this game such an unbalanced mess! Honestly, I'm so close to uninstalling over this disasterous move, this is just more proof that the devs are toxic entitled survivor main who don't care about us killers at all!
I can't believe you've done this.
Ah [BAD WORD], I can't believe you've done this.
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[mods this is a screenshot from the video we're both referencing not a thread of violence pls dont ban me]
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nvm i just finished reading karu you gave me a heart attack PLEASE LMAO
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######### gottem ayyy
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Although I do look forward to Samination's new "Beast of Prey, You've Gone Away" music video
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my bait be good today
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how dare you!
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I would of never noticied if it wernt for this post thx dont care I only feel bad for m1 killers
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I'm not the one at fault here! It's all because of BHVR!
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yw :)
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i cant tell if you missed the joke or not ._.
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I don't care.
Finally i can play killer without getting srewed over by the frame drops from bloodlust :D
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i also cant tell if you missed the joke but im glad your fps will be marginally better <3
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This is outrageous. How can anyone say the Devs are killer sided at this point, needlessly taking away a meta perk like Beast of Prey, especially when meta survivor perks like Babysitter exist. Wow Devs. Wow. Survivor bias is just obvious at this point.
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I ######### know right!! I'm going to play Pyramid Head with NOED and tunnel everyone off the hook ASAP now to show BHVR that this isn't acceptible HONESTLY they're so biased!
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I get the joke, but i'm just happy that i'm not gonna lose chases or even games because i just had to get bloodlust in the exact moment i was trying to hit a survivor and making me miss because of the frame drop :D
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im glad for ya, man <3
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Honestly, tunnelling as spirit with a mori is gonna be the only way killers are gonna be able to win anymore. I bet they're gonna go after Monstrous Shrine next. Now I'm gonna get bullied with Red Herring all game :(
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Bruh I'm still not gonna break the pallet and I'll still blame SWF. W gamer for life
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When holding W around shack and not breaking the pallet doesn't work, it isn't your fault, they're clearly a SWF!
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Maybe that means Beast Of Prey will finally get the buff it deserves by giving you Undetectable while a chase is active! Yeah no I'm not serious but I'd actually give it a shot if the perk did that.
Pretend to chase someone then quickly walk to a near-by gen... Hmm... 🤔 Yeah... That could be something.
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Is this just another US VS THEM thing?
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Bhvr stinks like rotten eggs 😤
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no this is what's called a "joke". this is me making fun of those types of posts.
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I get its suppose to be a joke, though the preemption is what comes across as more about antagonism where its not actually parodying the point of any specific person(s) and all about dunking on the strawman perception of what some people just be like I guess.
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My guy ate a dictionary for breakfast and hoped that I wouldn't understand him lol.
Look, I get that you're salty that you missed a joke everyone else in the thread managed to comprehend, and also found funny. You clearly didn't get that it's supposed to be a joke, since you asked if it was or not lol.
It's literally a parody. Most of my threads are. I thought it was inherently obvious when I started calling Quick and Quiet and Calm Spirit OP meta crutch perks, but I guess people really do need the /s everywhere to make it obvious.
If you didn't like the joke, that's fine, humour is subjective. Just move on.
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I always wanted Beast of Prey to remove your red stain by pressing a button for x amount of seconds.
That would make this perk so much better and would allow for some great synergies (Maybe with something like I'm all Ears?)
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So you're telling me I can't bloodlust 9,000 these trash survivors??????????
I'm malding.
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In all seriousness, Beast of Prey should be activate-able or something.
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when u have a ptb but only use it for new dlc so u can make money
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nobody would go onto the PTB to test the removal of bloodlust lol
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Does BHVR even know how much my Nurse build with Beast Of Prey, Bamboozle, Enduring, and Brutal Strength is going to suffer?!
Blasphemy, Blasphemy I DO DECLARE!
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i know that shows its pretty useless to even change it in the first place
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or it shows that no killer would go into the PTB where the only new content is a nerf for no reward to themselves and actually a detriment, since they miss out on rift levels and bloodpoints etc. The only one that would go are survivors, who would then make queue times significantly worst for both sides as there wouldn't be enough killers on PTB or survivors on live. This is the smarter move.
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I'm not having bhvr tell me what perks I can or cannot use. I'm running beast of prey on all my killers this weekend in protest.
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I completely agree. There has been so many times due to sweaty see or infinite loopers that I have only gotten them due to bloodlust tier 1&2. This is ridiculous. It's also so ironic how it takes me bloodlust to catch survivors meanwhile as a survivor killers gain speed on me like 15-20 secs into chase
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i really need to get better at telling if people missed the joke or not ._.
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When in the several years of history has this company ever been known for their fine-tuning of the game ? It has with every single patch always been a matter of hitting the whole concept with a sledge hammer until it is no longer recognizable at all.
It will continue likle this.
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On a serious note, I wonder if this is hinting at the Huntress add-on pass, because they usually change some of the perks too and with bloodlust disabled temporarily it practically makes beast of prey useless.
If my theory is correct, then I'd expect the Huntress add-on pass to be in the upcoming Mid-Chapter patch (or the one after).
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I feel like I'm reading a reply to a post I've never read...
Eating a dictionary? What? How did you possibly conclude that my word choices were designed to intimidate you rather than express my own thoughts as accurately as possible? Which words should I have even anticipated as being beyond your vocabulary? That's such a bizarre take.
You even say you still understood, so feel free to rephrase the actual point I was making and maybe respond to that then, because the rebuttal here feels a non-existent in favor of a post veering from calling me salty to calling me stupid.
Of course I get the joke. No, I didn't find it funny--but mostly because it's the sort of sarcasm that people post after any balance changes from either side, and I've seen it literally hundreds of times. That wasn't really really the criticism though, and--despite what you may feel--I'm not just aimlessly trying to dunk on you about whatever I can.
I know I'm raining on your parade by pointing out the the joke's value is more of the same "us vs them" hooting and hollering, but I'm not wrong about that.
(And I think even you recognize it)
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This change is just a front for the true change. Now no one will be able to use moris.
Beast of Prey is a S+ perk not only due to its amazing chase potential, but also the fact that it gives 50% bonus hunter points. Now that the perk is useless killers will have to burn bloodpoints offerings for the hunter category, taking away the spot for moris.
With this big brain move, BHVR will stop moris being used without facing backlash from killer mains, all according to survivor mains' plans.
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When you forget that there is also a large console community that are often affected by the FPS when bloodlust is activated.
This is a change that needs to be tested on all platforms.
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See this is more proof they're killer sided because survivors can still use keys omg Behaviour what the #########
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at a glance I thought he was taking off his mouthmask
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After 2020 who can blame you lol
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Judging by the comments and upvotes (and also some messages on discord from people who don't have a forum account lol) clearly people did find humour and value in this post lmao.
If you didn't like the joke, move on and ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to interact with me or this post.
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I always appreciate seeing your posts and comments, Karu. You seem like you genuinely understand both sides, and it makes me happy.