Rip Coup De Grace

When learning about Coup de grace being nerfed for no reason did anyone else get flashbacks to gearhead?
Wait, Really? What got nerfed about it?
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This could be another case where they don’t give us the full details of the changes. What if they made it only 60% longer, but now your speed also increases too?
They did the same thing with mindbreaker. In the patch notes they said they just up’d the exhaustion # but they also removed the 50% restriction.
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It was reduced from 100% increase to your lunge speed to just 60%.
If they did indeed increase the actual speed of the lunge like the guy above me said, that would be a buff and make it a decent perk.
I wouldn't rely on such a change, so until we see it in action, it's a massive nerf to a hilarious weak perk that only activates as you lose more and more, and is immediately used the second you begin a lunge.
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Other than the few bugs with the perk (like how it works on pig's ambush and demo's shred) it's a terrible perk. I really want to know why they would decide to nerf it.
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I admit, I read that and chuckled. It wasn't even worth complaining about.
The perk allowed you to do a bad Pig Lunge once per completed gen. It was a gimmick perk to begin with I wouldn't run in anything but a meme build... and they made it even worse for reasons. OK. lol
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It was never a good perk to begin with.
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Doesn't mean it's ok to nerf it
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can't have perks that would make other killers fun to use, not allowed
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Reduce the lunge distance; increase the speed the killer moves when lunging. Perk fixed.
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Yeah, given it uses tokens it's not that useful now.
It might have made killers like clown actually not so bad, and obviously that couldn't be allowed to happen.
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Maybe they were worried about perma T3 Myers with Play With Your Food and Coup De Grace?
IDK... That's the only reason I can think of for nerfing it. In any other non bug situation, it looks meh at best without the nerf.
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I thought it would get a buff but they nerf it.
And the new killer still seems like a trash.
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Not lunge speed. It’s lunge distance.
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Same with Thanatophobia - it also affects totem-cleansing speeds. Haven't tried it yet, but have wanted to try Thrill of the Hunt + Thana + Undying + Ruin ... -50% totem cleansing speed when all 4 are injured and 5 totems active. Might be more of a meme build, but... anyways. Not to change the subject.
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I ran this build on doc and work alright. It might work alot better on plague or legion more.
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you'd still only get it max 5 times and by the time you hit P3 the game is almost over.. is it really going to break the game?
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So the meme perk that is trash at best was nerfed? Lmfao okay man I mean I was never gonna use it outside of funny memes but I guess I'll just never use it ever.
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Ah, my best bet was hag with mint rag, or demo... almost anyone that can teleport to a totem. Gotta get to the totem before they can be cleansed! Spirit could work too, iwth the yakoyuki amulet and mothers ring.
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True, but T3 Myers only needs 4 to slug everyone and win.
Idk... that sort of thing probably won't break the game but edge cases like that are the only think I can think of as to why they nerfed it. Though someone theorized that they nerfed it because they couldn't sort out the bug with Demo and Pig. Which... that bug was actually brokenly OP on Demo. Also hilarious, but broken. So maybe that's why.
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if it was nerfed due to incompatibility with specific killers, they should've given that reason as to why it was nerfed.. instead they just said 'not working as intended'.. aka nerfed because BHVR reasons
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Curious, can someone post a link to this? I can't navigate this site for anything.
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The perk was weak really anyway, as it needs a generator to be done to work. And either you killed all survivors before one is done, you used up a token after each generator was done, end game happens, and alot of other things between those three, the perk is down right restricted, as it requires input of survivors for it to activate. Plus if you miss, get stun or hit a wall... etc, you use up a token, and you get five of them a match, so the nerf was basically unnecessary, making this perk really bad to use
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You could say BHVR gave it the coup de grâce
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That's what I meant. It's just that their idea of a lunge-improving perk is so comically bad that my mind defaults to what it should actually be.
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funny, but sad :(
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I think the problem with it, was that killers could reach things they shouldnt be able to reach and pretty much break the game. I mean, Billy has gotten nerfed in the past once because his angular momentum was slightly too big and launched him into space
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So what if they can get to certain places like on top of a wall? It's only 5 uses the entire match lol
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Oh, like getting stuck on rocks with no way to get out, some maybe being able to get you out if you use another token, meaning you lost 2 gens for getting stuck with a perk. Or damaging survivors through certain walls because there is a hole in it and the new lunge distance being able to make it(I've seen a person get damaged in a locker once without the killer having to check which locker).
So yeah, reaching places they shouldnt be able to reach. Piggy and Demogorgon are already able to get on top of certain walls, obviously that wasnt the issue, let alone that Nurse can get pretty much everywhere any other killer can go. Getting stuck on accident because of a perk OR using that perk to hit through walls is a bit broken and can turn a relatively decent perk into an uncounterable monster. Sometimes all you need is 1 single hit through a wall to turn the game into your favor, having 5 of them is an issue.
Im sure they will compensate the nerf with something else.
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Ok so they could just fix those things instead or ruining the perk instead
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I mean it was already mediocre, now it's trash.
I don't really care since I had no plans to use it before the nerf since it was already bad. The need doesn't really change anything imo.