Is it better than whispers?

I’ve just been thinking for a little bit and spies from the shadows might be better than whispers I wanna test it out but I just wanna hear from you amazing people



  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I prefer Spies over Whispers any day. A light going on and off vs. the exact location of survivor? The choice is obvious to me.

    Whispers also takes into account a hooked survivor, whereas with Spies I can see if someone is immediately going for a save before I can even get anywhere away from the hook.

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    I might just swap to using spies cos for me I don’t feel like whispers is doing much for me (cos I can barely be bothered to use it normally lmao)

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    Just thinking spies will also work if you can’t see scratch marks and the survivor sneaks off you can see if any crows go off nearby

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    Not quite.

    What makes Whispers great is that it is never wrong. It will never lie to you and is 100% reliable. It might be a bit tricky to understand at first, but once mastered, it is one of—if not the—best info perk in the game.

    Spies? Not so much. For one, it's countered by Calm Spirit, but tbf, most don't run that. But what it can do is be very unreliable. How so? Use it on the game. Crows from the upstairs can be startled by survivors downstairs. Plus, the 36m radius means that survivors are either running (in which case, Scratch marks) or are hiding (so no crows being startled).

    It lacks Whispers reliability. Not to mention, if you keep an ear/eye out, you shouldn't really need spies. The only killers I'd use it on are killers like Ghost Face (since survivors care a lot less about crows if they're not in immediate danger) or Spirit (it's the only aura perk that isn't blocked while phasing).

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,715

    Spies would be a lot more useful if crow density was the same on every map. But you have maps like Hawkins were it's impossible to not run by crows and maps like Rotten Fields where there are absolute dead zones of crows.

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    I wouldn’t think that crows from upstairs would be startled from downstairs and now that I know I’m gonna be using spies on spirit whenever I play her now so thx for letting me know that :)

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    So it’s a bit map dependant? Kinda cringe ngl being a map dependant perk

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    On the same token: Whispers will trigger for upstairs and downstairs, and not leave the killer any way of knowing which floor the survivor is on. This goes both ways. Although I understand your point.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Mhm not usre about it. They are different.

    I prefer the always present Whisper. Sometimes you get a map with plenty of crows which is nice... Sometime you are less lucky.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Oh #########, it's Old King Allant here on the DbD forums.

    On the actual topic, I think Whispers is a much better perk. Whispers is already a pretty damn good way to find Survivor's, and Spies is heavily reliant on not only the survivors, but Crow spawns.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    😁 I knew way more people would recognize my pfp once Demon's souls Remake released! So happy that is the case. Maybe i should update my pfp with the remake Allant... 🙂

    On topic while i personally agree, having a lower level whisper definitely change things: Not having level 3 Whisper drastically change its effectiveness. I usually prefer Spies compared to a Whisper Level 1.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,436

    I would say that anything is better than Whispers level 1...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Whispers is better except on Lery's, Game, and Midwich.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Nothing is better than Whispers >.>

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    I’m just tryna see if spies is actually useful or not cos I like using weird perks and experimenting with them

  • gamblor6
    gamblor6 Member Posts: 25

    I wanna try most maps and see how I get on using it on bad maps for it and good maps for it

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Whispers always better provides the info in clutch situations to help locate survivors than Spies, imo.

    Especially around hooks and gens, and in close proximity to exit gates when survivors are sneaking nearby trying to time the lever.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I've always been a big fan of Spies From the Shadows. Especially great when paired with some other awareness/hunting perks like Nurse's Calling, BloodHound, Stridor, etc.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Personally, I think the thing holding back Spies is the inconsistency of crow density between maps. Some maps it can be not bad; others it can be borderline useless.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You can use both together for quite precise tracking, in the same way Spine Chill and Premonition can give a survivor precise tracking.

    Survivors are much more likely to not expect Spies. That in itself can often give an advantage.

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    in hawakins labs, it works great.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    Whispers is the best Tracking Perk in the game. It also helps to know where NO Survivor is. Like, you dont need to walk that much in a direction (e.g. to a Gen), since Whispers did not activate, you know that nobody is there.

    Same with a worked on Gen, you will know if someone is hiding next to it or not.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Whispers is better overall, but Spies works really well in areas where crows are unavoidable, especially the indoor maps. Spies carried my ass more times than I can count with stealth killers on indoor maps.

  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77

    Spies was my fav perk for a long time, the problem is, that it has so many counters, survivors can run perks to avoid it and some maps don't even have the same amount of birds than others.

    Whispers it's an overall better perk, cause it will always work, and even when u can't see where exactly the survivors were, u know that they are close.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Spies is no where near whispers imo. After finally unlocking every perk on every killer, testing all kinds of builds on each killer....I run whispers on every killer. It sits in fourth slot on every killer and It doesn't come off anymore. I would argue that whispers is even a better choice than corrupt intervention as well. The best part about whispers is that it allows you to locate people quickly at the start of the game and at the end of the game. You want to start the killer/survivor interactions asap when the game starts and when there's only one person left or a three gen situation whispers is there for you. Is there someone in this locker next to this gen that has a lot of progress? Nope whispers is off so I know I don't have to check. Damn this exit gate is far from the other one but whispers is on so I can just defend here instead of wandering back and forth, if it turns off I know they snuck away to the other exit. Is it safe to place this trap? Whispers off, I know no one is watching. Should I waste time kicking this gen? Someone might be hiding near by...? Nope whispers is off, you can kick it and no one will touch it for a while. I'm sure I could come up with more.

    Whenever I have used spies it's going off when the survivor is already in my face. But it has been a while since I used it. After typing this I think it would be interesting to replace whispers with spies in my current builds and see if it has any effect. I always like testing new things and that sounds like a fun experiment. Unfortunately I seriously doubt I will change my mind on whispers.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    Spies is a horrible perk due to the bubble blocking your sight. I though it would go off on huntress and all i got was crow spam and blindness.

  • Whispers is better hands down. Spies is....not the worst perk, it's okay to use if you have nothing else, but as soon as you can get a better tracking perk- do it.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I used to run Spies on Nurse. She has numerous stretches of time where keeping an eye on crows is impossible. Also it would sometimes let me know when a Survivor had gotten on the other side of a wall then left the tile, so that was nice. Most other killers don't have powers that seriously impair the killer's ability to watch their surroundings, so I would... pretty much only use it on Nurse. Definitely would never use it on Slinger.

    That said... on Hawkings... good lord. Having Spies on Hawkings when a Survivor is running is like someone is constantly setting off fireworks. It was too much. Way too much.

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    This is a legit question. Both are situational and both are only effective with the higher tiers. Whispers you would need T3 and spies is okay 2 or 3. Whispers you may search for a survivor and waste time not finding one and spies only matters if they disturb a crow while hiding. I have used both together with great result. Drawback is it will still activate for the survivor on the hook or if they are crawling in the dying state. Also calm spirit renders spies ineffective.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    No, it's worse.