Best way to play against Bubba?

Hey all!

Just wondering what everyones best play against Leatherface is?

Hes Chainsaw charge seems to be amazingly hard to out maneuver ever since hes remodel, so what is the best way to play against him?


  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    With your butt puckered up.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Use windows, a lot.

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    gen rush, there is no other option

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    I am not confident with bubba chainsaw. he is a normal killer. act with him like a normal killer. never chase close to hooked survivors. his power require paying attention to the chainsaw meter and you. use this to gain distance if you could.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Most often, BBq is in the build. Don’t fear it.

    If you choose to jump in a locker to avoid it, no worries. If not, and you wanna be bold and continue working on your gen, good on you! That gives your teammates an extra chance that he won’t be coming for them.

    If Bubba engages you, stay out of the open space. You can’t 360° and outrun his saw easily like you used to be able to.

    Stay near pallets and play smart loops. No need to drop the pallets immediately, he’s going to saw through them anyway. Pace your route in case he starts his frenzy early to put yourself in proper position to time your pallet stuns. (timing it just right gets the stun, dropping too late and you may get hit) Regardless if you get the stun or not, once you drop it tho, keep moving in a direct route to the next safe spot and do the same, while staying alert to not sandbag your teammates.

    I’ve only ever looped a reworked Bubba for 3 gens. This often results in a friendly face camp or proxy.

    Usually tho, after a lengthy chase they’ll move on to the next available fresh meat.

    If he’s camping the hook on someone, unless you’re equipped with a Styptic and BT, let em hang and finish the gens.

    Be cautious of Insidious, especially when someone gets hooked in the basement. My rule for basement Bubba is, if you aren’t around to see him exit, and it’s been quiet for a short while, and you don’t have styptic/BT, let em hang and finish the gens.

    Bubba’s a threat, but he’s not uncounterable as some make him out to be.

    Jus be confident, fearless, and don’t let him have his way with you.