So I tried to play Blight one time....
![[Deleted User]](
...and honestly now I am terrified to even bother trying again. That was just a nightmare of a time dear god.
People seem to really like him, not saying anything about his balance, just that was not an enjoyable experience at all.
Ping pong boy is amazing and deserves love
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Blight takes a lot of practice to learn to play, but once you have a good grasp of his power and know the layout of every tile in the game by heart, he is REALLY fun and pretty strong.
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He's kind of like nurse, you have to devote a large amount of time to get good with him. Plus map knowledge really helps you line up the lethal rushes.
Sadly he's suffering from hitbox issues with the environment. Where he'll sometimes just slip off of something he's hitting head on. Also he can't see over basic loops.
Otherwise he's a great killer when you Git Gud with him.
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Blight is like having a seizure... in a good way
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I expected mostly insulting comments but these have been surprisingly supportive. I will prolly give him a good few more tries.
Most of my problem is just that chases are basically just:
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Then, if you put in all that effort to learn them, everyone says "lol playing ez mode broken killer" and trashes on you for playing it?
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Just par for the course for killers. I've had survivors say the same thing after getting a 4k with clown.
Best not to let it get to ya very much.
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The problem with being impatient is that, Once you DO get good with Nurse, you become nigh unstoppable. Same can be said for Blight, except unlike Nurse, I got Decent with him after only 5 matches, and Good with him after about 15, which all totaled to about 3 hours of playtime.
Seriously? 1 Match as Blight and you're just gonna give up? sigh...
Sorry for not being supportive, but damn... the post really rubbed me the wrong way.
Seriously... 1 match isn't enough to learn much less judge a killer. Try a few more rounds, and you'll likely find out why we love Blight.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
They're just a first time player of blight man... jesus you need to calm down.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on6 -
This is funny, because this is about the kind of comment I expected. Why it's funny though, is because Nurse is second to my main (DemoGorgon) and I have at least a couple hundred hours as her alone.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
Hey, man, I tried Nurse once and sucked, so I put her on the backburner for matches where I just go "######### it", and play Nurse with no good perks for the lols.
Blight, however, scored me a 2k with no perks on my first ever match, and I fell in love ever since. Blight is tricky, but if you've ever played as Oni, you get the hang of his ability very quickly.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
edited my comment... sorry, the initial complaint against Blight really rubbed me the wrong way.
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I never complained about Blight.
I said my first game with him was a horrible experience, and that I was terrified to try again as him. Those are just two factual statements.
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So you DO have the patience to learn a killer that takes 20+ hours to get good with... but still whine about Blight?
Sigh... I'm just having a hard time comprehending the complaint even more now. Blight takes way less time to learn than Nurse or even Demogorgon... 1 Match with Blight is likely to fail, obviously, but if you just put in 15 matches with him, I promise you'll change your mind.
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I never whined about Blight himself dude, please just stop already.
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Yeah, the charge was pretty fun I just felt anytime I tried to use it it set me back so much; and then afterwards the survivor bullying started pretty hard; with the tea bagging and the flashlights and whatnot.
First impressions are important so getting a pairing like that can really put you in a sour mood.
Going to do a couple more games now though.
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Your initial post comes across as a complaint/whining about the character. Sigh... I haven't met a single killer player out there that outright Dominates in their first game learning one of the killer characters, and you being "Terrified to to even bother trying again" is a statement that just sounds like pathetic whining.
Honestly, the moment I read it I thought "wow... really?" and then thought of all of those overentitled brats that complained when Demons Souls came out because "Its too HARD" and wouldn't admit that they had been coddled up until that point by games that reward them immediately for much less effort, and were just bitching about actually having a challenge for once. AKA: the "Reward me NOW" kid gamers.
That Rubbed me wrong, because anyone who plays killer in DbD will tell you that Perseverance is the key to getting good with any killer, and your unwillingness to persevere, or even attempt another match with Blight because of 1 bad match, just sounded like good ol' entitled whining to me.
Part of me wanted to Shout at you "DEAL WITH IT!" but the more somber side of me decided simply berating you for not trying and comparing you to weaker willed players might actually encourage you to do better. So tell me... Are you going to give him another try, or stand by your post and just "give up"?
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Blight can be extremely frustrating to play. I played him a ton during the PTB. I don't think I've ever cursed a killer so much ever. But I could also see his potential in the PTB and stuck with him. Since he's come out I've been playing him religiously. I'm currently in the top 40 players in terms of Blight lethal rush hits. Once you get the hang of it he does become a lot of fun to play. But there are just some things that do not have collision. I think the most frustrating is the logs in the swamp. Half have collision and the other half don't but they look exactly alike and if you miss a collision you'll often lose chase. Or random trees won't have collision. And random bits of air have collision too. I love him and I hate him.
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I mean, I fail to see how just coming in and making assumptions, putting me down, and insulting my character because I had a hard time is far from motivating in any way shape or form. All it does is associate that type of thing with the character or even the game; which is basically what this topic was actually about.
I already mentioned a couple times I was probably going to play him a few more times. Well I was, but I ended up having to spend all my time defending myself here to you; when I should have just ignored it and played some more- now it will have to wait until tomorrow evening.
Tbh it was mostly the survivor bullying and post game insults for not doing well I think that left such a sour taste in my mouth. I used to play a lot but I took a break for a bout the past few character release and I've only been back for about a few weeks again. However it's been a pretty slippery slope of reminding me why I stopped playing in the first place. I don't mind difficult characters, it's why I love Nurse so much, high risk high reward is actually the least stressful for me genuinely, I don't feel as bad about failure then tbh.
He definitely seems like he could be really good, and we definitely needed more characters that had high skill ceilings for performance potential, they tend to be my favorite killers so it probably will be worth it to keep at it with him.
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Blight is the 2nd most skill based and muscle memory related killer, just behind nurse, and a little bit above hag in personal opinion
however if you face a good blight just like a good nurse you are doomed
and the best part of his power is getting to move fast in real time not having to charge a blink and move foward after
if you learn blight he is probably the 2nd or 3rd best strongest killer in the game and possibly the most fun hands down
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Yeah, I did sneak a second game in for the evening, but I need to head off now. The supportive and helpful comments from most of everyone here helped a lot. So did having a fairly lenient matchmaker this time around.
It was a lot of fun that time, even if I had lost (and I almost did, they only slipped up at the very end) I still would have had a lot of fun.
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Word your post more carefully next time then. If you had come in and posted: "wow, my first game as Blight sucked, why do you guys like him?... Any advice?" I would've gladly jumped on with everyone else to give you advice and motivate you in a more pleasant way. Instead you put in: "SO I TRIED TO PLAY BLIGHT ONE TIME ...and honestly now I am terrified to even bother trying again. That was just a nightmare of a time dear god. People seem to really like him, not saying anything about his balance, just that was not an enjoyable experience at all."
How can I not see that as anything other than a complaint about the character, and an unwillingness to persevere because it translated to "it's too hard" in my brain? I'm a Long time Multiplayer gamer, and killer main in DbD, and that just made me want to tell you to "to stop whining, and man/woman up!" While that was undoubtedly a negative way to motivate someone, it still gets results: They either shut up, or put up. Belittling you, and attacking your character, was totally intentional because you would either fight back, or give up... and being that you have previously mentioned that you're decent with killers, I put my bets on you fighting back, as any true killer main would.
Was it unpleasant of me? Yes. Did I hurt your feelings? Probably. Are you now determined to take on the challenge and prove you aren't what I claimed? That's up to you!
Now get out there, Persevere, and start kicking ass as Blight. We're all rooting for you, whether it seems like it or not.
I come from a military family, and negative reinforcement is all I've ever known, so I'm sorry if what I said was hurtful, but in my experience... it gets results. I honestly can't understand how anyone plays a multiplayer game without it.
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But I mean, if you only tried one time, did you expect it to go well?
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If you think you might enjoy Blight, I have a potential strategy for you: Thrill of the Hunt and Devour Hope make a killer combo on Blight, due to his ability to aggressively defend his totems. You don't really use Devour Hooe for the moris, but the Exposed status is deadly.
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Well, imagine if you had someone who was bullied, or who was anxious and depressed, and you came up to them and started calling them weak, and to shut up or whatever else- that's not going to have any positive effect on like 99% of people.
(That is NOT a comment on this scenario, only on that idea of thinking I want to stress that part. It's merely an ideation for the sake of explanation and is NOT me trying to draw parallels. )
Anyways, while I don't agree with a lot of that, let's just focus on the last parts of what you said cause I feel it's a lot easier for us to get along then. I'm appreciative of the support and I'll try and update this thread tomorrow after some matches!
Yeah, I do something similar with Demogorgon sometimes; especially with deer lung. I'll give it a try if I ever get them unlocked for him. I have almost a mil BP, I'll dump them in and give it a try tomorrow if all goes well with the blood web.
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I highly recommend it.
With the video Otzdarva just released as a result of him getting cucked by a Nancy in a match, I have a feeling Survivors are gonna focus a lot more on gens than totems because of the statement he made that goes:
"If it glows, it goes untouched."
This in reference to Ruin-Undying, where more often than not, just pounding out the gens will negate the effects of the totems anyway.
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Additionally, BBQ is a must-have for Blight, simply due to the nature of his Power, allowing him to cross the 40+ meter distances to catch Survivors steering clear of the hooks in a fraction of the time it would normally require.
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If you check my profile and previous comments, especially concerning players asking for help, you'll likely find I'm a pretty nice guy. However, I don't put up with posters/players who just complain about perceived wrongs with DbD based upon inexperience or misunderstandings of the games mechanics. I Hate when someone comes in posting about how unfair the DC penalty is, how "x killer has no counter-play, plz nerf", or "x is unplayable because..." Those all rub me the wrong way, and I admit, I'm quick to berate someone over it.
The way I see it though, if you can't put up with some negative criticism in a multiplayer environment, then why are you even playing? I don't mean to be toxic, but if you're not strong enough to put up, you're better off shutting up and leaving these forums for players with more pressing concerns. Nothing in your initial post showed any signs of you being bullied, that you were anxious, or depressed, and just came across to me as another post among the plethora of others that I hate: "x is unplayable because..."
I may be an old time jaded player with a short fuse, but that doesn't make my stance against others who only come to these forums to whine/complain out of inexperience or entitlement any less relevant. To quote a previous comment I've made in another post, DbD is a:
"School of hard knocks"... this is the creed of all multiplayer games. It's not pleasant, and often infuriating, but as long as you stick to it and do your best to adapt and power through all the BS until you get decent, you'll have fun again. Killers are difficult to get used to, but also highly rewarding, and the survivors know how vicious decent/pro players are with them, so when they encounter an inexperienced Killer and have an Easy time for once against them, they tend to kick your ass and gloat about it. Again, this is infuriating, but it's all part of the multiplayer experience, so try not to take any of their bullying or insults too seriously, because if you just persevere, you're gonna get good with the killers you play, and they're gonna fear going up against you.
Up until then it's as I've said... "school of hard knocks" just take each loss as a learning experience, and adapt as best you can. Once you get decent, it'll feel well earned and you'll forget about posting this on the forums as it won't even matter anymore."
Perhaps I should have led with that statement, but damn... your posts wording just rubbed me the wrong way, and I apologize for misunderstanding it as a complaint vs. what it actually is: a cry for support/help.
Post edited by TWiXT on0 -
Blight requires a similar amount of skill to nurse, but his payoff is worse in every way. He doesn't ignore anything, he just excels in specific tiles or scores cheeky corner hits due to his wider lunge cone. I'd say just pick up nurse if you want to invest skill into a killer that'll pay off almost every time, guaranteed.
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This pretty much sums up DBD, really. However, something I will note is that as a Killer, you rely on Survivor mistakes just as much as your own skill.
If a team of Survivors never screw up ONCE, there's nothing you can do about that. Just work with what you got, really.
It's more than likely you'll score a 2k if you're good, unless the Survivors in question are a SWF, in which case you're probably boned.
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This is unacceptable. You must join the Blighterhood. We just got new robes an everything, and Talbot's been baking these little pink cupcakes with lemon icing...
Uh, I mean, screams and alchemy. Yes. And serum.
With sprinkles.
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first off, I agree that blight is also a strong but hard killer but he's not remotely on the same level as nurse even if you master him. You still have to use m1-killer looping sometimes at certain loops etc. You can definitely get consistent 4ks at high ranks if you master him for sure tho.
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I played three games for his Adept when he released and felt similar to you. It might have been worse because of how poor this game performs on last gen consoles, so I had to deal with learning a new Killer while struggling with terrible FPS. Now that I have a PS5 (funny how you need a new console to play this game lol) and his POV is supposed to be getting changed, I can't wait to play him again. He seems like a great Killer to play once you've got him down.
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Another thing I've said repeatedly in these forums: "Survivors never hold back on their builds or tactics, so why should you?"
While What you've said is true that there's very little even a good killer can do against the best survivor teams, that just means that there's literally no reason for a killer player to hold back, no matter who they are up against. "School of Hard Knocks" rings both ways, and I never begrudge any killer or survivor for bringing in anything that gives them an advantage against me, because, If anything, I relish the challenge. Yet often times I come to these forums and find that others simply aren't like me. They complain that killers/perks/items/survivors they face are "Boring" or "Unfun" which I've translated to = "challenging", and they want x to be reworked so that they're "Exciting/Fun" = "Easy" and honestly, I'm sick of it. Against a fully decked out SWF team with all meta perks and items, I'm thrilled to bring my all against them, and win or lose, I take it as a learning experience and proudly give them a "GG" in the endgame chat. It may be too much for me to expect the same respect back from them, but at least I won't walk away from it saying that I didn't give it my all. If they begrudge me for that, then that's just bad sportsmanship in my book.
"School of hard knocks" is my creed, and if you can't put up... then shut up.
Edit: Also I'm a competitive sadist who gets off when other players vomit up insults on their keyboards when I beat them (as it means I've effectively bruised their egos and hurt them emotionally irl)... but that's another discussion entirely.
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ill be honest so far with blight on live, Ive probably only had 3-4 exit gate escapes with all gens powered (hatch and hatch closed exit gates not counted) the escapes were from two games, my first blight game with no perks, and a meme game, other than that I have been consistantly stomping or winning by a hair, even with a clan and a 3 man of a 4 man sweat squad I can still manage.
so just speaking from experience I know that blight is extremely strong and capable in the right hands
for context for how many games ive played as blight, I have the 12th most lethal rush hits with 4634
if you keep working at it im sure you would have lots of fun, but its alright to ask others for help and encouragement
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This is also true, though I do have some sentiment with people who say that X is unfun/boring.
I see like, 18 second chance perks in a match consistently, and I find that unfun and boring simply because it removes any agency on my part when I get DS'd into a pallet stun into a Head-On from some guy behind me that I couldn't even turn to look at.
It's like, "This is fine. I didn't want to play the video games anyway.".
It's the same feeling I get in For Honor a lot of times when enemies can counter everyhing you do because they have split-second reaction times that allow them to counter everything and just hit you constantly without giving you any room to breathe.
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The positive folks got me to try some more, and I am coming around. I definitely don't think he's a weak killer at any rate, and who knows maybe I'll get a skin I like that Blight flower-face Resident Evil 5 zombambo looking skin....
Yeah I did two games and both were 4ks, albeit no SWF again just yet.... He's not weak by any stretch. Doubt I'll ever be that effective but I never aim to be, I generally just try not to be a punching bag and I am quite happy with my matches generally.
Yeah, I'm coming around to him as well. Mostly because in late that 2nd match I realized I could drive by hit people and it's actually pretty forgiving. Also BBQ helped a lot.
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People seem to respect a good Blight from what I've seen.
If you're running Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer you'll get a bit of flack, but that tends to come from the same guys running DS+Unbreakable+DH, so...
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While his power is fairly straightforward, he's got a fairly higher skill floor than most Killers. You need to practice and get really comfortable with how he handles, then you'll be dominating with him. No worries about the nightmares lol, I felt the same way first time I tried a few Killers (Billy, Nurse, Oni, etc.).
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To pile on the positivity with a bit of self care advice for playing killers:
Don't worry about playing him just because he is good if you legitimately don't like the playstyle!
I took the time to get good with nurse, and she ended up just being really frustrating and not fun to play even when I was doing very well. She just wasn't the killer for me, and that is heckin valid too.
If you love the idea of 'doing the math' to really get some weird downs I suspect Blight will be really fun for you! If not, it is fine to drop him once you realize this fact, there are plenty of awesome killers out there and all of them are viable at high ranks!
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Yeah, there was a lot of judgement under the assumption I just lacked the ability to learn some hard to play killer. It was more like, initial impression was the playstyle was just not going to work (and some toxic survivors to boot).
Thing is though after a few games I am having a change of heart with the playstyle, which I didn't expect. A couple of things just sorta clicked pretty quick, normally that doesn't happen with killers till much later I find. I am excited to play him some more tomorrow.
My initial match just had me a bit shook. I am over it now yeah.
Though I played that newer killer on the PTB; and tbh I now have more doubts about them than any killer. They seem really really fun though, so here is hoping it turns out to be another bit of a hidden gem for me, we'll see, I am more hesitant with that one than I am was with Blight.
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I'm not saying that all "x is unfun/boring" posts are bad... just that the majority of them happen to be. If there is a genuine concern that needs to be discussed based upon experience and forethought, then I'll gladly either agree or debate it. Unfortunately, this isn't often the case. Most Posters/commenters would rather ######### and moan about anything that doesn't make things easier for their side, and are by nature heavily biased.
If you make a fair point about something that is affecting the game, then I'll agree/debate it, If not, then I have no qualms with tearing you down over it.
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Inb4 those people go "TWiXT is unfun and boring in forums! Why should I be expected to provide valid arguments and cite my experience for something when I just want to bully Survivors/Killers?!1?1!!1?!1?1!??1!"
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Surely, thou jests.
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Blight just as Huntress or Nurse has a high skill cap in terms of how longer will take you to master them.
I'm no expert on blight, but think about him as a moth, just go hit walls.
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Whats funny about blight is normally I LOVE that style of character. A high mobility bouncyball. The problem is he has a similar problem to nurse. He requires such pixel perfect bouncing and a perfect setup to actually get any use out of his power. But he doesnt get anything extra from the hit. He seems so freaking fun but i didnt buy him because i feel itll just be another dissapointing low tier killer
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I don't play him just because his POV is so bad I literally can't see anything. I wish I got my money back sometimes...
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They are both super hard, but nurse is a total snoozefest compared to blight. The payoff is the most mobile character in the game. Going from playing a few rounds of speed add-on blight back to regular killers feels like i'm playing the game in slow motion.
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I got his adept and the 30 lethal hits. Never gonna play him again anytime soon..
Sticking to Billy, Myers, Doc, Oni
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I think I would’ve liked him more initially if I hadn’t gone for the Adept. His unique perks aren’t that good against red rank Survivors. I also can’t wait to use his Hallowed Blight outfit. It’s one of the best in the game.