Results of My 23 Survivor Games and 16 Killer Games During No Bloodlust

MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

My thoughts about the experience are at the bottom if that's all you want to see.

Link to the killer side of this experiment (didn't want to massive a post, this ones already pretty big, killer side has more details and screenshots as well as per request after doing this one):

Mostly just raw data, just posting here so everyone can see if they care for some reason. Added some notes and thoughts as well. Wrote down the outcomes of all my matches today. Bit of a long read if you want everything.

Focused on the survivor side today, played how I normally do. Will be busy tomorrow so hopefully I can test the killer side before the experiment ends. Killer ranks were a little varied, as per usual, but the performances were fairly consistent for the most part. Killers were mostly purple and reds with some greens in there. Didn't record specific ranks because it didn't occur to me at the time and since I don't put a lot of weight on rank in terms of skill since they're not really connected (apologies). Again, even with the different ranks, the performance didn't seem to change much. My rank started at 6/7 and by the end was at 4. At most was in a duo for games. Most games seemed played normally by both sides as far as I could tell, but no way to really know 100%.

My Build was: Lithe, Spine Chill, Kindred, and Small Game or Pharmacy (to get a med-kit if I couldn't come in with one and save that med-kit for the next game). Med-kit was green and had no add-ons.

Quick data (unless I messed up):

  • Average kills per game: 1.13
  • Average hooks per game: 3.95
  • Kills in Order: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0 ,1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 4, 1, 4, 0, 2.
  • Hooks in order: 3, 2, 5, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 0, 4, 2, 8, 3, 4, 4, 3, 10, 5, 7.

Quick data from my when I played killer during this weekend as well, full breakdown at link above:

  • Overall average kills: 3.25
  • Overall average hooks: 8.68
  • Ghostface Average kills:3.33
  • Ghostface Average hooks: 8.83
  • Demo average kills: 3.6
  • Demo average hooks: 10.2
  • Legion average kills: 2.8
  • Legion Average hooks: 7

Format: Map

Killer - Kills - Hooks - personal Result - Possible extra details

1) Preschool

Clown - 0k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape

2) Haddonfield

Wraith - 0k -2 hooks - Gate Escape

3) Rotten fields

Slinger - 1k - 5 hooks -Gate Escape

4) Thompson House

Hag - 1k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape

5) Groaning Storehouse

Wraith - 1k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape - Main Building is disgusting with no BL it seems, so everyone just ran there for chase.

6) Temple Of Purgation

Hag - 0K - 4 hooks - Gate Escape

7) Gas Heaven

Freddy - Mori  3K - 3 hooks - Hatch Escape - didn’t get funbus :(

8) Badham

Trapper - 0K - 4 hooks - Gate Escape - Not the best trapper around

9) Hawkins

Hillbilly - 1k - 4 hooks - Gate Escape

10) Fractured Cowshed

Wraith - 0k - 4 hooks - Gate escape

11) Ironworks - Legion - 0k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape

Upper floor is gross to no one's surprise, survivors were smart enough to split up on gens.

12) The Game (offering)

Mirror Myers - 2k - 3 hooks - sacrificed - Death by first hook Camp with NoED, Bill was tunneled and camped as well till death

13) Haddonfield

Hillbilly - 0k - 0 hooks - "Escape" due to killer DC - Killer DC'd after 2 chases with no hits

14) Saloon

Plague - 0k - 4 hooks - Gate Escape - The saloon itself seemed pretty strong, so of course everyone bolted there anytime they got chased.

15) Badham

Trapper - 0k - 2 hooks - Gate Escape - Killer gave up when 2 gens were left

16) Rotten fields

Forever Freddy - 4k - 8-9 hooks - Sacrificed - Got a red rank Potatodette who got sacrificed when only 1 gen was done, got downed very fast and got tunneled. Only 6K points on her if that helps paint a picture at all. The last 3 of us got all the way to 1/2 of a gen left before the game ended. If it wasn't forever Freddy 2 or 3 of us might have still escaped maybe.

17) Blood Lodge

Doctor - 0k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape

18) Badham

Plague - 2k - 4 hooks - Sacrificed - Me and another survivor Left by the duo teammates on first hook while they ran out :(

19) Ormond

Blight - Mori 4k with tunnel off hook on everyone except the last two - Mori'd - Gates powered by end of game

20) Badham

Freddy - 1k - 3 hooks - Gate Escape - Tunneled Meg out the game

21) Badham

Forever Freddy - 4K - 10 hooks - Sacrifice - Another game with Forever Freddy and we had a Nea doing really dumb plays like sitting behind the killer crouched while injured while they're hooking someone else. One of our teammates also went down and hooked twice back to back greeding for the same gen. Me and the other survivor died on second hook with 1 gen left.

22) Badham

Pyramid Head - 0k - 5-6 hooks - Gate Escape - should've focused targets better if he wanted better results. Unfortunately they played "nice".

23) Grim Pantry

Spirit - 2K - 7 hooks - Gate escape - The spirit wasn't very good, but she's not really affected by BL anyway so it's not like it really matters.

Thoughts after playing only survivor:

I usually survive more than I die but I think this is a little ridiculous. Even my rando teammates are getting out more often. Most of the survivor deaths are from tunnels/camps as well as you can probably tell by the hook amounts if that matters to you. You can run killers so much longer even on some of the common tiles. Holding W and tile chaining is also much stronger. I thought removing BL was going to be an overall negative but even I'm a little surprised.

The Killer side seems to be really impacted by this in a very negative way. The map design and overall balance is appearing to be not where it needs to be to be thinking about removing bloodlust completely. Could do with leaving in just Tier 1 however and taking out 2 and 3. I'd still they rather test things then just throw them out, so that's at least a positive from this whole thing. But there are other issues that really need to be addressed first imho besides BL. Namely the maps and loops need to be better if they want BL out the game asap. Additionally I don't think we should be testing much until we can get matchmaking sorted.

However, I will see how further games play out. Right now it's not looking good. Definitely noticing a big difference in games, it's much easier to loop.

Thoughts after playing both Sides:

Well my killer games were definitely different than my survivor games. Would have liked to do more but the tiredness just hit me really hard and there’s only about an hour left of the test as well at the time of writing this. Legion was definitely hit the hardest out of the 3 I tried. Ghostface had much less of a loss, but it was still noticeable in certain situations. Demo was pretty much exactly the same. Of course I also feel like I got a little more lucky with Ghostface and way less lucky with Legion as well, so that could play into it as well.

I’m a little mixed right now. My survivor test was pretty crazy, there were so many escapes. My killer test however didn’t show much of a difference except on Legion and sometimes GF. However the maps and RNG played a large as well. I also would have liked to play a few more games but there just wasn’t enough time in my life at this moment.

I think the best course of action would be to just fix the maps and the RNG since that’s future proof, but we know that’s not happening soon, even the new maps still have some issues, albeit they are better. Alternatively we could buff the killers that seem to need BL like Legion and such, but that’s also probably not happening.

So in terms of BL I think what we should do is what a lot of people are suggesting and just keep BL 1, potentially 2 maybe, and get rid of 3. I’m only really hesitant about removing BL 2 because of things like that Chapel setup or that one Badham pallet school with a shack in the middle of everything. I don't think the game is ready for complete removal just yet unless the devs have something else in mind.

Really wish I could do more games or was able to get on earlier :/ But it is what it is.

Post edited by MrPenguin on


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    This is really interesting.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It's really interesting to get this kind of perspective. I've maintained my rank (rank 1) as killer thoughout this event. I ended up changing my build to be more chase focused though. My build at the start of this experiment. Blight - Ruin, Undying, BBQ, Surveillance. My build now, Bamboozle, Enduring, BBQ, Pop. I've been really liking it and I haven't lost a game since I've changed my build.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Everyone wants to improve but it has to be within reason. What I have seen yesterday isn't fun for killers at all. You can't expect someone to endure countless games that make them feel bad. I play more killer then survivor and have gone through enough bad games before I became better. The difference is that I had bloodlust help carry me through my early days getting some kills here and there making me have fun and continue playing. Getting continuously stomped ain't fun. We need to consider newer players into this, they do rely on bloodlust. A good killer doesn't rely on bloodlust and will never hit bloodlust beyond tier 1 anyway, if they hit bloodlust at all. The killers in higher ranks that rely on bloodlust to much will always spend to much time in chase making them lose to much gens they will realise this and are forced to adapt if they want to win more consistent. But yes we do still need bloodlust in my opinion.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    True that you will derank eventually. I just feel that the skill threshold will become to big since it does take quite some time to learn basic killer mechanics. Not even mentioning a killer's power. And before you know how to do things properly like mindgaming, predict survivors movement and capitalizing on survivor mistakes you will be playing hundredths of hours. Killers will rank up vs new/bad not looping correctly survivors and then derank vs survivors who know a little bit about looping. This will become frustrating since you notice you don't do good as killer when you rank up. If this takes to much time a player will simply stop since there is no fun. I'm fine with a bit higher escape rate but what I got yesterday was a large change to my escape rate and that simply isn't healthy for any game. I'm curious if bhvr will share some of their results and what they will do with bloodlust, I do feel it needs change since getting bloodlusted without skill isn't fun either.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    But the problem is that until you de-rank it will be a nightmare.... And I don’t believe in the MMR its been a very long time they disabled... it won’t come back anytime soon. I don’t wanna play 20 plus terrible games from rank 3 till I get to the place I belong.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    To be fair you can't know both ways (and matchmaking is almost always screwed, unless you think it is was perfect before the weekend). You are just assuming as such because it is your point of view. He is playing a lot of matches, assuming every match is against inexperienced killers is a bit far fetched. Many experienced killers said plenty of times they are playing as if nothing was happening. If that indeed is true and those saying left and right they are so good killers, there should be enough of them playing to get a good sample.

    I dont consider myself a good killer and I was playing yesterday. It didn't feel that different when I played eventually against purple ranks mixed in red ranks, they get destroyed. But I can't really say I got many matches to know. From the ones I played, most of them I got 1 k or 0 k, either way with Brutal killer as result of most of them because I got many hooks (thats on red ranks only). One of them was 2k and another 3k. None of them on red ranks were 4k. It is easier to know things about the matches if they are recorded for sure. But assuming they are this and that...

    Post edited by Chekita on
  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Can't say, that's just been my experience so far. It'd be hard for me to believe I just got an ungodly lucky streak since I'm usually very unlucky and just well, its not likely to begin with. But I still need to see my experience on the other side, I just hope I have the time to.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Why aren't you getting complete potatoes? Yesterday was almost unbearable for me with the stupid crap I saw in red ranks.

    Solo Q makes me want to quit every time, I hate survivor challenges but gotta do them cause Battle pass and FOMO.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Sure is interesting how most people that comment on forums have a perfect score on both ends, survivor and killer, but most of the population in the game is not like that. Not saying you are lying, but surely a lot of people seem to be lying on forums if you follow that logic.

    I wished people were a tad more honest and little more humble with their own self image, but that seems to be asking too much on forums, since people just want to win an argument not to present things to discuss.

    If you are that kind of person you would have to agree that most players won't be like that and not necessarily the game is ballanced around that as well. Also, that many people probably are faking their so called skill when talking about this subject.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    This info would have been better received had you screen shot the post match so we all could physically see the Ranks of the survivors involved and the each of the killer’s Rank.

    As MMR is currently off, this makes a difference

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I mean, don’t take my word for it. People lie on the internet all the time so it’s smart to be skeptical. The survivor matches I played were in a 3 or 4 man (no comms but we all know how to play and have plenty of hours) and a few of my killer matches were against rainbow lobbies. I did get a 2k as Hag and a 0k as Pig, and had at least some matches where I died so I’m not saying I had a perfect score, just really good. But then I have probably 3000 hours in this game.

    There’s no way for me to prove it outside of streaming, which I’m not gonna do, so you’re free to disbelieve me.

    But my point wasn’t anything to do with balance. Actually my point was that anecdotal evidence is a bad basis for balance discussions because so many things skew it. That’s why the devs are testing this out, so they can get something more reliable than just anecdotes.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Yeah I see that now, I had tunnel vision for the results and such, didn't really think about the ranks too much since ranks aren't really a good measure of much besides time in game. MMR has been off for effectively all of DBD's career, I do think they should have gotten a good MMR system before testing this. Priorities have seemed very off for a while now :/

    Given its been off for most of the game existing and rank not meaning much, I don't necessarily agree with it making a huge difference.

    But this is the state they're testing in so its all we have to work with for now. I'll make sure to make note of the ranks if I get to do another session. I feel like putting in 23 screen shots though would make the post way to long. But maybe that's just me.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I still got a few potatoes (like that awful rank 4 Claudette, I only remember her rank because I was shocked), but it might be that no BL is just really buffing survivors that much or something else. Hard to definitively say with just 1 day of testing.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    yeah I can see that being the case, it doesn't help that bad and good and great players are all paired together both in games and in ranks. Red and purple ranks are full of players of every skill level. The ranking system really needs addressing.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I had a red rank teammate recently that was running both Sprint Burst and Balanced Landing. Explain to me how that person ended up in red ranks, lmao.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Yeah I do find that kinda strange as well. There's a lot of people on both sides who make excuses for anything so its not them that needs to improve and it can make it difficult to identify actual problems sometimes. They'll find anything to blame but themselves. Just as an example, there was a pretty big wave of supposed survivors claiming BL was the only reason they got hit most of the time. Conversely there's supposed killers claiming they never got BL and if you did your bad. I guess they got constant downs before 15 seconds passed in every chase.

    Both of these statements are kinda ridiculous in my opinion. You're going to have unsafe tiles you get hit and on the other side you're going to have setups where you can't do much but run after them. 15 seconds is also not crazy long either to go without hitting someone.

    I also wish people where more honest and humble as well, but a lot of people think their best of the best can't possibly be bad or need to improve when in reality, most of them aren't very good if at all (in my view at least). Additionally we do most likely have people making stuff up to push their narrative or just not considering valid arguments because they just want to be right, as you said, or just to get a change they want. I don't think I'm amazing top tier or anything, but I do believe I'm at least good/decent at the game.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Because something something DS something something can loop for days with no perks something something something next DBD big streamer.

    On a serious answer is probably because the current rank/emblem system does not measure skill in any good way. Certain bad killers like Legion can cheese the system to red ranks, certain other ones like Plague (I think, I don't play her much) struggle to get anything rank wise even if they do great. Then you got perks like DS and co. and the general map and game design being survivor favored (imo) that really boost up players as well. Its also much harder to lose rank once you get it than gain it, so eventually you'll get a lucky match or something and rank up. You don't have to be good to rank up, you just need to play enough.

    I don't think, if the game ranked correctly I would be in red ranks where the best of the best amazing players should be. Maybe around purple or green where the just good to great above average players are. But I still get red rank whenever I decide its DBD month and I don't play many other games.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    The recent sentiment of if a someone is doing well as a survivor they are a killer main lying is so stupid.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    23 matches, we don't know rank, we don't know perks, we don't know if alone or SWF.

    Also, 23 matches out of 20.000 that are played daily.

    Completely useless data.

    Meanwhile, on the data that shows 80% death rate : "ThATz d0ezNt MeAnnN AnYThIng... DEVZ SaiD..."

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Which data, from what ranks? The data from here, the ones I remember they are pretty old and there is no such thing as overall 80% death rate. If you clarify that information with a link it can help illuminate your point, otherwise ppl will think you are taking the numbers from your head. If you are talking about pick rate and kill rate of singular killers that is not the same as survival rate or kill rate in any ranks, there is a separate graph for that.

    Only one that I know from this site is this one:

    From the one here rank 1 on pc reaches 80% survival rate. There is never 80% death rate.

    The survival rate from rank 20s is around 32% and that is from august 2019. That would be 68% death rate if you will. Not even rank 20s reach that absurd number. Don't spread numbers unless you will back them up.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Survivor main and meghead here! I haven't seen much of a difference to be honest, except for more tunneling and a bit of camping, which isn't rare but still not too common. I have had team wipe outs and pretty intense chases, but bloodlust being gone seems to make a very small difference. I also play killer, and I genuinely forgot BL was a thing until the patch came out talking about the test lol!

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305

    i am mainsurviver and i played every game as killer and do ez 4k (red ranks), maybe its because you are bad ? sry but examble bubba they 5 gens 4k, and then only because the archive challange, i have play blight (only lvl 40 for the teachable perks) 4 gens 4k and and and, must time you find noobi surviver and when you lose then because you are bad... and i didnt notice BL is going and i cant play any more because its gon

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Conversely I played survivor and I usually play killer. In 14 matches I died 4 times. Usually I die much more than this, specially because I lost rank for not touching survivor for a long time and solo queues tend to have a lower survival rate for me if playing with brown or green ranks.

    As for the numbers:

    14 Matches.

    Hooks/ Escapes/ (Killer Rank) -my rank-

    2H/4E/ (17) 11; 0H/4E/ (14 - DC) 11; 4H/4E (14)11; 0H/4E (14-DC) 11; 8H/1 E (12 Nurse, 1 suicide) 10; 7H/3E (13) 10; 3H/3E (15) 10;

    10H /0E (14) 10; 3H/4E (14) 9; 12H/0E (10 - Freddy, best match) 9 ; 6H/ 4E (gave hatch to last Rank12 Spirit) 9; 3H/4E (14) 9; 7H/4E (4)8;

    4H/0E (13 Camping Hag with Ebony) 8.

    From those there are 2 DCs that the killer gave up because he thought he couldnt win, but I still counted, same way as in two of them a person suicided on hook (only put one there, dont remember which doctor it was that another person commited suicide on hook). The best match was against Freddy that hooked everyone 3 times without camping or tunneling, at least on my opinion. Personally I never ranked up so fast by solo queue. For other people with more experience in survivor certainly this is a piece of cake, but my personal experience is that it became much more simple to hold killer for a long period of time.

    One of the matches I held an Oni for pratically the entire match and another that we died against Doctor I held him for something around a minute (preschool) and the team mate kept over the hatch without doing the generator.

    Will post a link to public screenshots in the case of the doubters.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Interesting. I was rank 4 until the rest which, strangely, gave me green and brown rank teammates that were not as altruistic or aware of their surroundings (although rank doesn't equal skill as I have come to learn!) and I am at rank 5 now. So far, I have died every match and the chases are about the same length as usual, and I was able to play killer without much issue (rank 20 since I always let them escape) but went against purple ranks for some odd, MMR reason lol! I never chased long enough to get the ultra BL speed boost, and I have never DC'd as killer for any reason, and I hope the players get more comfortable with adapting. The game changes, and we can only move forward and learn.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    As it is the game still didnt change, its just a test. But they will probably remove Bloodlust for sure. As for playing killer on lower ranks if you have a little experience in the game, even as survivor it won't be that difficult. I would say it only gets difficult around purple to red ranks if the person doesn't have much experience and red ranks if he has.

    But usually for people just beginning in the game on both sides it is very difficult, specially with the current matchmaking that puts beginner killers against more experienced players (and also because their rank system only demonstrates if the person is playing for a long period of time, like a straight week or month, not necessarily skill). People just dismiss it either because they don't have enough empathy or memory.

    Also, something people dont usually notice is that players on different regions seem to have much different experiences from what I gather watching from EU, Asia, North America and South America (the one I play). So people come right in the jugular saying this and that when actually we need to put forward our experiences to compare, not to attest any case as factual statistic. Our experiences are limited.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Unfortunately most of this data is useless because we don't know your rank or the ranks of all the players, what perk builds they went with, what the killer's perks are, or what their motives were that match. We also don't know when the first chase started and ended(either through escapes or downs), when the first hook happened if any, what items anyone brought in, or how long each killer's hex(es) lasted per game.

    Right now this basically just tells us very limited data and is trying to push an agenda with that limited data.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    I'm not trying to push any agenda I jut recorded the results and thought to share it and my thoughts. It seems like a lot of people are having the same experiences. I also wouldn't say its useless, this is still the result of multiple games at the higher ranks and noting the general difference in performance. Just because we don't have every little detail doesn't make it useless.

    Test is about BL, the games in general are being affected and I was more interested in the general change of the matches which is pretty big as far as I'm seeing. I don't think including killer perks is really necessary. I did note the builds that stood out as well if I felt like they made a significant impact. One of the matches that match stood out to me that is not included had Ruin/Undying, but that's because it didn't do much because we weren't really pushed off gens much since chases lasted so long. it didn't have an effect on the game really so I didn't think it was worth mentioning. If it helps at all I wasn't running anything crazy myself. My build was Lithe, Spine Chill, Kindred, and either Small Same or Pharmacy depending if I had a med-kit or not. My teammates were the typical survivor second chance build that you see in all your matches for the most part, I think that should go without saying. All my med-kits were green (pharmacy) and had no add-ons since I burned through them before this test started and I haven't put BP in my survivors since. I will say I had no games with keys in them, but I did have some with a mori, which were listed. There's also data you're asking for I can't provide like when the chases started.

    I didn't really think to record rank at the time as I don't connect rank and skills since, well, they're not connected. I started at purple around rank 6 or 7, ended at red rank at rank 4. But if we are concerned about rank, my doesn't really matter as much as the killers. I did state the killers ranks were varied, but for additional info I'll also say they were mostly purples and a few reds, with some greens here and there if memory serves. But the results didn't change much, rank doesn't seem to be making too big of a difference since again, rank =/= skill.

    I will update the post with some of this info, not that its much since I'm going off memory. A match history would be nice lol. If I can get some killer matches in I'll be sure to take down ranks as well since I underestimated the weight some people put on rank even though it doesn't mean much imbho. A high rank game doesn't mean a high skill game as I'm sure we all know. Still busy for the day and I might have to make a choice between playing and sleep.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Thanks for sharing! It seems we are having similar experiences of being able to hold killers for much longer periods of time unless they have something specific about them that makes them pretty much ignore bloodlust anyway. Also in escaping a significant amount more. Freddy seems to still be doing pretty well even without BL.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    One thing I'm noticing in my chases is that many killers do not understand positioning at all, and the lack of bloodlust is exposing that. Only had time for two survivor games.

    A Ghostface chased me for 3 gens and ragequit on Blood Lodge because I was making a ridiculous amount of distance on every pallet break. 3 gens, 3 pallets used. He kept breaking the pallets with me towards the inside of the map. Big no no.

    A Doctor got 4 outed in the second game on Lery's. Maps like that are really problematic without bloodlust as I could W for an absurd amount of time before having to actually play a tile.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Curious as to why you believe that with only 2 games, I'm assuming you have some other source of info you're drawing from? I would not be surprised however if that is the case. Its not exactly a clear thing or talked about much even if it is pretty important. I expect most players only think about how to play the loop in question and don't really consider where they could be pushing the survivor with their break.

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11

    funny thing is, i lost almost all of my games yesterday as survivor, and more than two people per match didn't make it out. Some of the killers were prrtty damn good, some of them really bad considering most of them were red/purple, but to be honest i haven't touched dbd for about two weeks and before that i wasn't playing too much either so even tho there were some big brain plays i was mostly just ######### up and my teammates weren't helping lmao. Anyway i don't think there was any visible difference for me, and imo bloodlust mainly matters in lower ranks, where people rely on it.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    I just finished my killer testing and I'm preparing the results now. It was very different, I didn't get a single 0k at all. There was a small difference in most of my matches, but not enough to really be concerned about. Just little window loops here and there that BL would have sped up a little. There were some other ones though that I really felt it. It really depended on the map, the Map RNG, and the killer I was playing. I also haven't played much recently so I get the feeling lol.

    The next report has more details and some thing requested by my fellow forum members so I'll link it in this thread as well when its done. Wasn't able to get as many matches in though because life.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    1st everyone could make up datas like this just to prove their point. Even more when they aren't backed up with screenshots that show ranks, perks, playtime, etc.

    23 games are really too few to draw any conclusion and 1 player experience in a 40k players community means as much as 1 drop into the ocean

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Yeah someone said that earlier in the post as well. This is a lot to just make up. I would have done a much shorter statement if I really wanted to make up data. Additionally I have nothing to gain by lying, the devs have the info.

    I'm just trying to share my experience and have a discussion to see how others feel about it and how their experience is going. Any single player doesn't really matter in the game using your logic sure, but everyone should be allowed to share their thoughts as long as they are respectful about it. Otherwise why should we care about what anyone post in the forums, it's 1 person. I want to share to see what others think about it and to get other viewpoint and of course, talk about it. The whole point of the forums.

    Anyway I'm also uploading my killer matches I just finished as well in a different thread, just need to double check the formatting carries over to the forums well, which it probably won't, and adjust it. Only got to do 16 but the results were much different and there is going to be much more data as requested such as screenshots and ranks. Of course I still have to prepare the screenshots by blanking out the names, but I'll have to do those later, I need to sleep right now. Pulled an all nighter for this. You're free to look if you want. If I was faking it there'd be no reason for me to post these results up as well. I'll link it in the main post here as well as in a separate comment once its done.

    If we had the time I'd probably do anther survivor day and have all the extra info. But alas that's not the case. Would love to have more matches but I'm working with the situation at hand.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Not just basing it off of two games. General experience overall. The lack of bloodlust is just highlighting the issue. I played plenty of killer over the weekend and definitely felt it at times on M1 killers when I didn't have an angle to cut off a survivor at a strong main building loop.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Ok the killer side is up, just need to add in screenshots when I wake up and edit them. Link here:

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I think it's actually more of a realization that you're not as good as you think you are, maybe your rank or mmr has been inadvertently boosted because of your reliance on bloodlust, whether it's conscious or not.

    Yes this applies to everyone else complaining about high rank games being very bad. I played several games yesterday as survivor and didn't notice any real difference in how much I died vs how often I escaped. It's always situational, depends on the day, depends on my luck, depends on who I'm facing.

    My point is that there are so many variables that affect how well you do in a game, there's no possible way that straight kills/escapes markers could ever truly give any indication of change aside from anecdotal experience.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    MMR is not currently in place. When it was, it was a debacle, that's why they disabled (and intend possibly to reactivate). Poor matchmaking right now has nothing to do with MMR.

    It's easy to know the difference when MMR was in place, if can't even notice this I think it's rather difficult for you to criticize someone sharing his experiences. He is not saying this is how it would be for everyone, it's a way of sharing the experience in a more objetive way than all people saying: "ah nothing has changed", "ah I get 4ks every game" and so on. Hardly anyone that came down criticizing his attempts with this logic put his time to gather his own data to demonstrate his own experiences to prove otherwise.

    Not even the number of matches or their results. As such, anyone that says all this or all that is much more ambiguous and suspicious than someone trying to contribute with real numbers, no matter if they are not a significative sample, their here to compare to others. That's how feed back works. Also, only looking through the statistics you won't get the whole picture as well (it's the most important part in my opinion as well), but players also have to give feedback.

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    Survivors are the ones that suck man I’m in red ranks in both sides and killers smack survivors almost every single game. Your data sucks lol

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    Killers are actually quite overpowered at the moment due to small map sizes not matching up with killer speed and strong anti loop abilities and add ons coupled with the information given to them through perks it’s almost excessive. I’ve been playing this game for awhile, killers have the upper hand even in a 1v4.