Convince my friend that Self Care is not a good perk.

Title, me and my friend have been playing duos for a while and he keeps running self care, I keep telling him it's the slowest healing perk in the game and wastes time but he always replies with "muh infinite heals". He does not get any value from it as he is pretty good at chase and avoids the killer incredibly often (unless self-caring, because he's stuck in position for 30 seconds). What should I say to him?


  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    maybe have him not take it for a few games while you take we'll make it and he will clearly see its not worth it in duo

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Tell him he already has access to faster infinite heals from you healing him :P

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    I mean i agree it's not a great pick, but ya can't pick your friend's nose. My buddy loves bringing a flashlight and proceeds to try and blind the killer in every scenario *except* animation locks. Voice your opinion, shrug, and hold W.

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    One if the funnest things is running nurses calling and sneaking up on a blendy trying to self care I'm the corner. It wastes time, especially if the killer has sloppy. Just do gens, find or bring a medkit, or have someone else heal you. Unless it's an Oni, then selfcare away cause you need to be healed asap

  • hmorle12
    hmorle12 Member Posts: 2

    I think it depends on the rank of the survivor tbh. I don't think it is a bad perk but I think most people who are red ranks would agree that there are better options especially if you aren't playing as a solo survivor. They have 4 perk slots so if they want to run it then its up to them, they still have 3 other slots that could prove useful.

  • antifreedomring
    antifreedomring Member Posts: 24

    Self care is only for bad survivors. Just simply ask your friend if he is a scrub. If he answers yes, let him use selfcare if he answers no then ask him why is he using a perk for scrubs

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    But it is a good perk if you don't have inner strength and don't bring medkits

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Just unfriend him.lul Self-care is an op killer perk 😂

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    Back when I played survivor I always used self care because having limitless heals is pretty nice. Oh BuT hAvE yOuR tEaMaTeS hEaL yOu. Yeah I'm sure the blendette in a corner, Dwight in a locker or the boosted 4head meg are all willing to heal me. Not to mention if you're the last survivor or there's another survivor on the opposite side of the match, being able to heal yourself forever comes in handy. Use inner strength 4head. Well too bad I didn't buy the dlc.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    Self-Care honestly isn't a bad perk. Thae way he's using it is terrible, but the perk itself is fine.

    It is useful when used in emergency scenarios, like it's endgame and you're at a gate but your teammate is hooked. You have BT but you're injured. That's the perfect time to use Self-Care.

    Is it better than bringing a medkit? No. Better than Inner Strength? Not really, although at least you won't have to compete for totems in this Ruin-Undying killer meta. It is a terrible perk? No. But when you use it as your go-to means of healing and heal every moment you're safe, then you're pretty much being the 2nd killer.

    And for Entity's sake, please, if you're going to use Self-Care, just run Botany. It turns 32 secs to 24. Believe me, it makes all the difference.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Self Care IS a good perk. Almost every perk is a good perk if used correctly. I pair it with Botany almost every match and it allows me to avoid relying on teammates or to help them when the killer is camping someone and slugging one or two survivors, then I can take a hit for someoene at least.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    At least tell him to run botany or a med kit with Self-care.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Why would I convince him of something that isn't true?

    It is easy to end up self caring when you shouldn't, but If you have a good read on the map, Self Care is a solid healing perk. I will freely admit that it starts really shining if you combo it with a medkit or Botany, but even without that, it's pretty good. However, making a plain yellow kit or brown + bandages have 2 full self heals is not too shabby.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Not bad, just massively overrated.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Still so many people with no understanding of basic math.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    What? Self Care is the best killer perk in the game! It massively slows down the game by putting survivors in the corner for a 32 seconds timeout for escaping the chase.

    jk, self care gets a bad rep bc new players don't have good priorities. Also, remember that new survivors make very few BPs per match have limited access to items in the bloodweb which may cause attachment to the few they have.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    To your friend: use whatever perks you want

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I can not convince your friend of this and you should not either. STOP telling others that it is a crap perk. I've found many times it was needed and I saved many people and escaped because I was able to take a hit and get them off! if you want to run around grunting and groaning and crying to alert the killer you are near that is your choice, if your choice is to always be by their side to heal them then you're making it worse by taking two players off the field because you have to stick near him so you can heal them. this is the same as convince x that sprint burst is a crappy perk. I don't like it myself because i can't easily control when I use it BUT I understand people love it, so I don't convince them I just accept their way of playing. you are trying to get others to impose your "WILL" on your friend and that honestly makes you a crappy friend.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You also have to consider killer seconds. 16 killer seconds vs 32 killer seconds. Which one is more likely to be interrupted by the killer and therefore have been a complete waste of time? Which one is more likely to be interrupted by more pressing concerns, like a teammate who needs unhooking?

    The issues with SC aren’t just about raw time taken but also opportunity cost and risk.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    what you have to also consider is you don't just plop down in the middle of an open space to self care! there are many things that can happen but you may think it's not a good perk but the people i've rescued after using it can attest to the fact that it helped! so if you're talking about someone just in the middle of no where with nothing to obscure them or even allow them to protect themselves from the killer while doing that, then it's a bad use of the perk.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Very often Self-Caring is better that looking for somebody else and distracting them from gens. Medkits are even better though.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’m not talking about plopping down in the middle of an open space. Killers have eyes, ears and aura reading perks with which to find healing survivors.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so? you watch and you evaluate where you use the perk. but i guess you can't have a mind if you run the perk so i'm a mindless player that can avoid the killer and rescue people... so since you don't think i have a mind and eyes to watch for the killer and what they could do i can't argue any more as your argument is not even holding water. let people play their way... if you don't like it don't like it but keep your opinion to yourself.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    You need to add on time for finding another Survivor vs time it takes to find a safe location.

    There’s also the fact that finding a safe location to self-heal is significantly safer than wandering the map, injured, trying to find another Survivor.

    Self-heal is good for Solo Survivors and Team-mates who play for fun.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Keep my opinion to myself? This is a discussion forum and the OP specifically asked for opinions on Self Care. Maybe if you can’t read opinions about your beloved perk without becoming upset, you should be the one avoiding them.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You don’t need to spend time looking for another survivor to heal you though. I agree that running around the map injured searching for help is inefficient, but you can just wait until you’re unhooked and get healed then, or work on a gen until someone finds you.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I don't play Killer often but when I do, I'm lucky enough to OFTEN find Claudette's Self-Caring behind cover in the corner of the map... but they're either too loud or I have Nurse's Calling. I feel like they waste nearly 30 seconds, but I interrupt them and put them on a hook.... And I know I don't even have to camp them, because I can show up late to the nearest corner and still interrupt their self-caring once they're unhooked!

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I personally stopped running self care a while ago, I started running bond.

    If he is good at chases and can heal mid chase then he already got good value on it.

    But I disagree with you, it isn't a horrible perk when used smart the problem is when it's used against every hit and against sloppy.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Self-Care is not the strongest perk you can take. Period. He can take better perks.

    Let him play what he wants.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I prefer to heal myself ASAP. Unless a nearby gen is nearly complete (which I can quickly finish before healing) I don't like remaining injured in case the killer finds me.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It's a good perk in the right hands - there just aren't many right hands.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited November 2020

    Tell him to keep a timer going for every time he heals with self care across a match and compare it to the amount of gens he could have completed after. As long as he's using Botany he isn't losing much time, if any. But if hes Self caring on its own or through slopyy hes a dumdum

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,070

    Healing in general is a waste of time, you should only really be healing once you're on death hook to maximize gen times. If you waste your time healing with Self Care you could of done almost half a gen in that time, which could mean the difference between winning and losing the match. But if he likes Self Care so much let him bring it with Borrowed Time and he can fill in the roll as end game rescuer

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited November 2020

    Self-Care's perceived value comes from the fact that it's so inefficient in the first place. Yes, you're getting multiple heals, but you have time for multiple heals because you're healing when you shouldn't be at 50% efficiency and single-handedly prolonging the game. You wouldn't be getting "infinite heals" if the trial was over, and it's still going on because Jimmy is self-caring through Sloppy for the 3rd time and getting tremendous self-care "value". Take Adrenaline/Pharmacy/Inner Strength and heal once during the trial. Healing any more than that means gens are being done way too slow.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited November 2020

    Still remember the days back in 2016 when Self Care was god-like ultra SS tier meta Perk.

    Literally undesputed best Perk in the game. And then they nerfed it into oblivion.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    People who know how to use self-care know that you use it next to a finished generator, outside of the killer's terror radius.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I have no argument against "muh infinite heals" XD

    Keep at it, unnamed friend!

    The best thing to keep in mind though, is that you won't be using Self-Care if you never get injured until your escape or until you're one-hooked.