Bloodlust is sometimes optimal and strategic

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Sometimes it’s strategic to prevent the Survivor from moving to different tiles.

If you catch someone right near a hooked survivor or generator that you want to keep an eye on, sometimes its better to go around and around on a relatively safe loop and catch them with bloodlust. Because if you break the pallet and continue the chase away from the area, you lose potential map pressure.

It’s also really useful in endgame because giving the Survivor distance by breaking the pallet gives them more opportunity to find the hatch. When you could just keep them there and win by default because they can’t leave and they’ll eventually get hit by the power of bloodlust.

It’s unnecessary in normal gameplay and most of the time the chases go quicker by breaking the pallet or getting the hit by using the Killer’s power. But there are scenarios where bloodlusting benefits a Killer that is playing optimally. I think people sometimes forget that.


  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    All of that plus map balance. If the realms were all balanced we wouldn't need bloodlust.

    I'm sure you've heard that some infinites have been created with the absence of bloodlust. This just goes to show how much bloodlust covered for bad map design.

    At least now they know what loops are problematic, or they'll just ignore it. Their updates are very hit or miss.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Honestly, I haven’t noticed any infinites. But that’s partly by choice because the only Killers I’ve been playing this weekend are Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Hag and Spirit

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Looking at a person for 2 minutes is very strategic indeed.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Especially if you’re going for Evil Incarnate Myers and have the crazy add-ons lol

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060
    edited November 2020

    You have an opportunity to outplay the Survivor at an unsafe Pallet without breaking it. If you cannot do that, the Survivor is better.

    And Bloodlust does not really do much against safe Pallets, since those need to be broken anyway (as long as you dont want to spend a huge amount of time).

    EDIT: But I have the feeling that you dont want to understand it and you are more than happy to get your free Speedboost to carry you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea this was the one big thing I noticed about not having Bloodlust actually. It gave survivors a lot more opportunity to just run tiles, especially against a 110 killer. It was kind of frustrating to deal with.

    As I said elsewhere, Bloodlust 1 after 20 seconds is fine. Bloodlust 2 and 3 can go.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    so when the exit gates are open and a survivor drops a pallet where you are in between them and the gate.. you should just break that pallet and let them run free

    got it

    totally outplayed

    or maybe there's another lame ass safe tile right beside a downed pallet, and you choose to BL it in order to prevent them from looping 90 safe zones together

    map design totally the killer's fault, let's limit the ways they can play the game even further

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060
    edited November 2020

    Ok, you dont want to understand, but I try once more:

    Look at this video. Those are two unsafe Pallets, the Killer is totally able to outplay the Survivor here. But he cannot, because he is bad and makes numerous mistakes.

    What you want is a hand-holding mechanic which grants him a hit which he clearly does not deserve.

    Bloodlust was a band-aid fix for Looping because those Loops back in the days were ridiculous. It is not a hand-holding mechanic for playing bad.

    And sorry, but unsafe Pallets are not bad map design. If a Killer cannot outplay a Survivor at an unsafe pallet, the Survivor is simply better. But with Bloodlust, this does not matter since the Killer can just run around the Loop until he is fast enough to get a Hit. Does this waste time? Yes. Is the hit deserved? No, not at all.

  • laorik
    laorik Member Posts: 2

    Okay Mr survivor main, let's have an ACTUAL look at that footage.

    Gf finds Survivor

    0s > Survivor loops a car

    10s > survivor drops pallet (no stun)

    15s > GF first opportunity to break pallet

    From here, GF makes alot of mistakes (probably didn't even know BL was disabled), that we can agree on, so let's theorize how it goes from there.

    17s > pallet is broken

    *Lets be SUPER generous and give him a 7s chase for first m1 hit post pallet*

    24s > Survivor is injured

    That's 24s, for one injured state. The second state, is almost always longer due to DH and IW. Often IW triples the 24s. For arguments sake, let's keep it at 24s per damage state. That's 48s for 1 down, then another 12s to hook. We're suddenly at 1 minute for a single hook state. If this is the first hook state, that means every other survivor tunnels their gen for 20s, and STILL save the hooked survivor in time, and suddenly we're down to 2 gens.

    2 Gens. 1 hook state. all from this survivor "outplaying" GF. Now imagine he's an actually competent survivor who can loop for more than 1 minute for each hook state...

    All this happened, WITH bloodlust. With the absense of BL, every figure I've quoted blows out outrageously beyond the realm of possabilities for even the best killers.

    Pray tell Mr survivor, how do you justify disabling BL with my cold hard mathematics?

  • laorik
    laorik Member Posts: 2

    I'm not even taking into account connecting loops together, the time it takes to find the survivor in the first place, loosing them mid chase, DS and 360s.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    "Okay Mr survivor main, let's have an ACTUAL look at that footage."

    First of all, no reason to go like "Mr survivor", I play Killer as well, at Rank 1 as well and I dont struggle without Bloodlust. And I am not even good.

    Second...actual look at the footage? And then you write about:

    Gets his hit-->In the video the Survivor was already injured

    Breaks Pallet-->He does not break it

    Dead Hard and Iron Will-->None of these come into effect, the Survivor in the video does not even have Dead Hard

    So why do you get sassy by going like "Ok Mr Survivor" and then you talk about a lot of hypothetical stuff which is not even in the video?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    You are saying that the Survivor should not get hit at this situations, yet it happens, if the Killer is better than the Survivor. And if the Survivor is better, the Killer should get a free Speedboost, to get a Hit anyway, despite being worse?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Yeah, but if Bloodlust is enabled, they will get hit. Despite playing the Tile perfectly. So you are for free Hits for Killers at unsafe Tiles, despite being worse than the Survivor?

  • donutman47
    donutman47 Member Posts: 21

    I say remove blood lust but also remove speed burst survivor gets after being hit as well or just buff

    killer movement speed. Honestly survivor is still really easy to play the only thing hard about survivor is your team sometimes suck

  • donutman47
    donutman47 Member Posts: 21

    Also if they remove bloodlust I will quit for good

  • donutman47
    donutman47 Member Posts: 21

    Also remember survivor only player's this is a 1 vs 4 game a killer with reasonable skill and map knowledge should be able to win his 1 vs 1 quickly. I understand as survivor it's fun to loop someone for 3 gens yes people should just not chase me but at some point you have to. Killer want a 4k survivor wants to survive. I just feel that survivor is just too easy I should feel scared of killer it should feel like a accomplishment to survive. I understand for every killer main there are 4 survivors crying so survivors have louder voice. Just remember when you're waiting 20 minutes for a match and all you play is freddy and spirit because that's all who's left don't complain about it.