Back Door Exit Challenge PSA
I know keys are a hot topic on the forum and I'm not looking to talk about if they are bad or good for the game. I personally view them the same way I do flashlights and mori's, something to not be used unless I have a rift challenge.
That being said, for those who may not do the rift challenges or for people who only play killer, there is currently a survivor challenge called Back Door Exit where you do have to use a key to escape.
So maybe if you see someone with a key in your lobby, someone who starts in the lobby with one, not one who switches in the last 15 seconds, they might be doing that challenge and not out to get you as the killer personally.
Thankfully my buddy and I were able to get this done on our second match trying it, thank you to the Freddy killer who got what we were trying to do, but that's a rarity and our first killer to do this with took that one key as if we were personally out to get him and then got super toxic in end game chat after he moried the entire group.
He refused to believe the other two survivors were solo ques, they were, and that there was a rift challenge for that. He was a rank one Legion so I figure the person has run into a lot of issues with keys, but for the sake of others trying this challenge I figured I would put this out there.
toxic post chat is never forgivable, but as far as the "you bring a key? I'll make you pay" mentality goes... yeah, killers can't be blamed about that.
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You don’t need to use a key to get this challenge, though it’s probably the simplest way. I just threw Left Behind on Bill and got the hatch when I was the last one left (everyone else had escaped or died already).
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I don't blaim killers for bringing mori's, my buddy and I took bets on how many times we would get killed before we finished this challenge so I count us lucky to get it done on our second try.
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I don't blame the killer for bringing a mori, the end game chat however was ridiculous and he really didn't believe that there was a rift challenge to use the hatch, which surprises me for a rank 1 killer, but what can you do.