Is self care a good perk to run by itself?

ChefRakille Member Posts: 24

Is self care a good perk to run by itself? 67 votes

No, Its too slow and unreliable.
F60_31DimekVoltMyNamePeteBoosted_DwightFichteHiroPlantCollectorIronWillRoffelbillyTotemsCleanserPior_MorteFobboYordszoozoom6BugsGalorejotarotonyischillLunarApocInk_EyesAgentMouse2 20 votes
No, Its a waste of a perk space when there are so many better perks.
MandyEqMonkVeeshanMat_SellaJarkyHoodiedIcewhisperSassySolidSnaketenoresaxWarcrafter4needyRepostRiposteTsukiYureiUniversalTaxiquentinsimpRubixInnocentMoonLoveyrekkershrekker 18 votes
Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.
TapeKnotFreddy96DetailedDetrimentnotstarboardPega6KA149108NITRAS42[Deleted User]CheeseAntonxXM7MD97XxmodernhighlanderFairRelic64722 12 votes
Yes, when coupled with other perks that compliment it.
Dr_TrautsBabyCameron10FreddoRoboMojoDBD78nimesulideHannonOBXAwkward_FiendMadLordJackBeast123344WishIcouldmainLe_DWKHerachi_SakuraVenusaMilk323Gl1TcH_8727 17 votes


  • modernhighlander
    modernhighlander Member Posts: 27
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    When playing alone, I really like to bring self-care. Mainly because I get socially rejected from the three queued survivors so i kind of have to heal myself or die on 2nd hook

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53
    No, Its too slow and unreliable.

    I think it’s too slow and unreliable to run by itself most of the time. When I was leveling up Claudette, I used botany knowledge + self care which was better but again that’s 2 perk slots. Unless you bring a med kit for yourself, you’re gonna spend too much of the match hiding and healing. Not to mention the abundance of perks/addons that apply mangled

  • ChefRakille
    ChefRakille Member Posts: 24

    That's a really well constructed answer. I agree 100% I just needed a second opinion, I don't think its that useful but whenever I prestige a character I use it and the perk works out really well for me. I believe that the perk should be used at low levels and the higher the level you get your character better perk opportunities and choices come up.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    No, Its too slow and unreliable.

    I know it is convenient to be able to heal without a med kit any time you want, but it takes a very long time to heal with it. At least bring resilience and botonny knowledge if you are going to use it. If you are a newer player, it might seem tempting and a very good perk, but it wastes so much precious time.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited November 2020

    its alright, use it but don't abuse it. the problem with using self care that most of the community has, is using it when they don't need to like running into a corner for 14 seconds and then doing the self heal action with sloppy on for 30 something second.. time where they could be better spent repairing a generator or looking for ruin/totems. and just wait until they run into each other.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    No, Its too slow and unreliable.

    I think Self Care's kinda inefficient by itself but can totally be worth running when paired with other perks and a med-kit.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    Got saved by selfcare way more than ds and many other perks.

    I've seen a lot of players saying it's a bad perk and all but then once in game with them they are the ones that will stay injured the whole match because rush gens ya know, and as soon as the killer down someone they will be an easy snowball for the killer where it will be up to the self care user to save everyone with bt where they probably won't even take a hit. When as killer you hook someone and everyone is injured why should you ever leave the hook when you can virtually get an endless amount of trades with 1 secs each chases?

    Self care is a really valid perk and it's up to the user to get a value or an hindering out of it.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    No, Its a waste of a perk space when there are so many better perks.

    Here's a new way to look at it:

    If you Self-Care to full after a hit the killer has essentially stunned you for 32 seconds. 32 seconds that may be interrupted partway through or immediately wasted if he comes and smacks you again.

    The killer can injure you as many times as he wants, but he can't un-repair generators.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    Noone is forcing you to heal yourself after every hit if you are using selfcare.

    The no heal meta came just because old ruin became a thing, old ruin is gone, gen speed doesn't require you to rush gens at all cost to win the game. Games are now lost because of poor judgement by survivors and big mistakes not because you are running out of time.

    I had so many games where the killer managed to get somehow many hooks at 4 gens but by resetting the game (everyone fully healing alone) the game fate was twisted and we managed to win anyway.

    It's not 2017 anymore, gen speed doesn't require you to rush at all costs, game are lost way more due to slugging (consequence of multiple survivor staying injured) than any other reason.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Self-care is fine, just use it at the right times. It gets a bad rep because of a lot of players using it when they shouldn't. Factoring in time it can take to find someone and depending on if they even heal you, it can be pretty good. Again just don't use it when someone is on a hook right near you or waste time running to the corner to use it.

    if you're really concerned about time wasting you can bring botany or Desperate measures or something as well, but then that's 2 perk slots.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    No, Its a waste of a perk space when there are so many better perks.

    Honestly that's more a consequence of solo queue teammates being dumb. Self-care won't save them from throwing the game and hook-bombing basement.

    The one thing Self-care is good for is if you combine it with Resilience or if your team is really terrible in chase and you need to carry.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    It's not, even for yourself. By staying injured you are willingly deciding to let your chases last half than they potentially could be. If the killer is a stealth one you'll actually won't be able to even have a chase in the first place. Staying injured puts you and your teammates in a position of extreme weakness. If you get chases while full health you have room for more mistakes, if you get chased while injured you have just 1 mistake and you are downed. If you get downed and even only 1 of your teammates is injured the killer can apply an insane amount of pressure just from one thing that seems worthless but it isnt. Add to that 2 or 3 teammates injured and your options narrow down to just 2 events unless the killer decides to not take advantage of this situation: you'll get 2nd phase for free or you will need a chain reaction of trades that will make killer's job easier.

    Selfcare opinion in the community is bad because the players using it are 90% of the times bad, selfcaring in a corner while the killer is miles away, selfcaring against legion etc. But in the hands of (not gonna say good players because i can't judge myself) experience players it becomes a really valid perk that can twist the game's result.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    edited November 2020
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    I wouldn't call it "amazing", but it's certainly a good perk if you use it right. You should not be running to the corners of the map to use it. You probably should not be healing every single time you get injured either. Still, 32 seconds for one person is just as valuable as 16 seconds for two people, so you're not really wasting your team any time by healing with Self Care. It is also very convenient to be able to heal as many times as you'd like and wherever you'd like without an item.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244
    No, Its too slow and unreliable.

    I despite 90% of the people who use this perk cause most of the time the scenario is following: one dude on hook, 1 getting chased, one uselessy crouching around, 1 self caring in a corner - game over with 4+ gens left. I wished survivors could see other people perks in the lobby, I would dodge every one with people who bring SC or Urban Evasion.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    Yes, when coupled with other perks that compliment it.

    I just wanted to laugh at how this answer is for a different question. Although it is still totally true.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    I run Self Care and its saved my ass so many times. Also it saves time on having to find a survivor and be healed. The way I see it, I get injured I either escape killer or get downed. If I escape I just heal up and go find a gen if I get hooked I get rescued I go and heal while my team mates are doing gens. Its all about picking the right time to heal. I've had situations where because I healed myself I could do rescues and plays that wouldn't of been possible if I didn't have it. Again it's about timing though. If you're going to heal do it on a pallet or jungle gym instead of running to the edge of the map.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    Self-Care is a great perk to have, especially in solo queue due to always having a way to heal. The only issue is that many players prioritize healing over objectives. That's what gives this perk such a bad rep.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes, when coupled with other perks that compliment it.

    Combine it with Resilience and Botany and it's actually a pretty solid way to easily 99% your heal before cracking a gen, however you could also bring a Medkit and Resi instead

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554
    No, Its a waste of a perk space when there are so many better perks.

    if you bring self-care and I see you using it when you could be doing anything more productive, me and my friends will leave you to die on your next hook phase.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    edited November 2020
    No, Its too slow and unreliable.

    context matters too much to say well its good if you are solo q-ing kinderd and self-care are amoung the best perks in the game but if you have even one guy you can talk to then not so much

  • xXM7MD97Xx
    xXM7MD97Xx Member Posts: 16
    Yes, Its an amazing perk due to the fact you can heal yourself on the spot.

    I have no problem if you heal yourself when no one hooked ;)

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    Yes, when coupled with other perks that compliment it.

    It’s decent if you’re running a dedicated healing build. On its own it’s actually a hindrance if anything so I wouldn’t run it by itself.

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    Yes, when coupled with other perks that compliment it.

    Simply put, there is a right and wrong time to use Self-Care.

    With great power comes great responsibility.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 103
    edited November 2020
    No, Its a waste of a perk space when there are so many better perks.

    I don’t use meta perks and definitely not self care.

    Just wastes your time and your team to be honest in my opinion.

    But run what helps you as long you are respectable during the trial.