What do you consider a "win" as killer (excluding hatch escapes)?

DeftDaemon Member Posts: 21

What do you consider a "win" as killer (excluding hatch escapes)? 129 votes

MigrantTheGreatsteponmeadiris 2 votes
FatelanceFallenRanger0Jacoby2041RullisiTylko1zmassaniIcewhispernimesulideMeneLawDarkMagikFobboGhouled_MojoWraithBabyTheKrazyKatLadVenusaSenyor_Yiff 16 votes
Weeb_H_ToastBlueberryMiriamGTapeKnotDr_Trauts[Deleted User]I_am_NeganJawsIsTheNextKillerLeonardo1itayobudddAetherBytesBoosted_DwightMrPenguinFreddoUistreelpalletsryummyRoboMojoMattie_MayhemOGSebaOutbreakBloodyBunny 63 votes
Gibberish[Deleted User]DemiurgKeezoTaigaCritical_FishPadafuoskar0chMalum_MidnightKatie_metTripleStealHex_Llamagetuy45u4iuLoneEmberFTWDaniGExalyThorHotline04RockotheawesomepugDADDYMYERS1978Betrayed_Talion 21 votes
"Pipping up"
Seiko300F60_31MelvinPennosukekaratinac97IronWillOBXGenerator_RepairerHypsterMosesstargazer9cheezjtzMoundshroudKatiyacomboikBeast123344ScreamingFengDistortedDreamMoreRagocornerofthewebx 19 votes
"Black pip"
Demon_SwordspichumudkipFilthyLegionMainBassTramGuest1567432JocLewis2018Le_DWKNotSoCertain 8 votes


  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    What's a black pip? sorry lol

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    I find getting a 3k a win as killer because that means you killed the majority of players.

  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    3k but if I have fun with the survivors I don't really care about kills

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    "Black pip"

    Honestly focusing on strictly getting kills can be stressful so since I play pretty casually I always use BBQ and Chili and make it a goal to get all 4 tokens each game. It at least shows you were able to down and hook every survivor at least once instead of feeling good about a 3k but still have one survivor who you couldn't win a single chase against

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    4k because I've completed my objective

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    You left out endgame score screen. If I get two kills but outscore all the survivors I consider that a close win as well.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    3k+hatch / 4k, which is pretty much the same from my perspective

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2020

    For me

    All escaped im pepega

    1 k i did bad

    2 k tie somehow a win(ballanced game)

    3 k super

    4 k i own them

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    1k is a loss.

    2k is a tie.

    3k is a win.

    4k is a dominating win.

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    "Black pip"

    I love playing Killer, but I always feel a bit bad if I see someone with less than 10K bloodpoints at the end of the game.

    I didn't have someone wait a loading screen just so that they could get kicked out again. Sure I know letting everyone escape might not count as "winning" to some, but as long as I hooked everyone once and just black pip, I'm pretty content.

    I don't ever intentionally try to bloodpoint farm, but I want everyone to have a fair chance, y'know? Not only to get bloodpoints, but to just have fun too.

    As a Killer, you're practically the host of the game. Give your hosts a good game.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    4k and 3k is a win, 2k is a draw.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Killing survivors to satisfy the entity is the win condition, even indicated in the game tutorials.

    Not pipping, end of the story.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I use what I feel might be viewed as a weird way to understand if I've won. I do it individually and then determine by the group.

    Survivor killed/sacrificed: win

    Survivor dc's before found: not counted/goes with majority

    Survivor dc's after found: counts as a win

    Survivor escapes: loss

    Then it's basically majority rules. So yeah a 3k (no dc's) or a 2k + a dc for me counts as minimum for a win.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    The only real difference between 3K and 4K is whether you want to slug or not. A survivor can escape with zero gens completed if they get lucky.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Though I voted “3k”, my win criteria is actually a little different. If I got 8+ hooks and the match felt active, where I KNEW I was giving them trouble, then that’s a win. Even if they all escape! Really it comes down to if it was fun I guess.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    2k feels enough, survivors would also feel satisfied of the match's outcome I hope.

  • Demon_Swords
    Demon_Swords Member Posts: 68
    "Black pip"

    I usually end up as rank 1 in killer by just playing it a bunch which at that point whether I black pip or pip up doesn't matter. I like to play meme killer builds at rank 1 and usually don't play the top tier killers so though getting 4ks as them is quite nice just not depiping is acceptable. (Clown, stealth only Ghostface, and Doctor are my mains since I really only learned how to play m1 killers and looping fairly well.)

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    2k is a tie

    3k is a win

    4k is a domination

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    if i get 2k then i think its a tie

  • MoreRago
    MoreRago Member Posts: 9
    "Pipping up"

    pip because you can 3k by 1 hooking 3 people if you really wanted to. in order to pip you must win multiple chases, have good gen defense etc. black pip is a draw.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    I would consider a technical win a 3k. But as some of the other people who have commented, one of my main goals is to hook each player and I try to do it before I start on 2nd hooks. (I'm not rigid on that second part, just something that I prefer.) If the match was enjoyable, even if I didn't get any kills, but my points were in the middle and I had hooked everyone at least once, I would be happy with that. I've also noticed that killing toxic players isn't enjoyable. Yes, I want to kill them, yes I think they deserve it, but I don't find that fun.

    When I get "yellows" or higher and totally dominate them, I feel bad at the end when I see their rank. I know how it is to be on your first character and get smashed by a killer who has perks from all different killers. Not fun. Had I known their levels or "color" I would have gone easier on them. Mowing down higher (13 - 20) ranked individuals isn't fun.

    A match that is fun and challenging is a win in my book. (But if I get 3 or 4 kills, that's even better!)

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Honestly? 2 kills everyone been on the hook at least twice. Maybe enough points to lvl up a few pages

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620

    Usually 3k, but if the survivors were extremely good at looping & etc I will happily take the 2k.

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    0k is a complete loss

    1k is a loss

    2k is a draw

    3k is a win

    4k is a complete victory

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    Honestly, neither of these options. The real win is when I spend most of the game laughing. Whether I pip down or up doesn't matter - my only goal is to confuse/scare Survivors as much as possible. If the game ends with a Survivor saying "dude what the hell was that", I'm satisfied.