SERIOUS poll: Is decisive strike fine?



  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826
    Decisive strike is fine

    Of course it's fine-- If tunneling and camping is ok, then so is using a perk that allows me to get away and actually do stuff lol

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    But the extreme duration of 60 seconds goes completely out of that purpose and allows survivors to do extremely aggressive plays without being punished

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826
    Decisive strike is fine

    Ah, sorry, but what are aggressive plays? I mean when I'm rescued and the killer immediately tunnels me even when my teammate body blocks me if they don't have bt. If people go out of their way to use it then I'd be annoyed, but most of the time we go and heal each other. The minute is to keep you safe while you heal probably, especially if they chase you and down you. You don't need to use the perk, but if you get chased immediately after an unhook then it's fair to me.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    Decisive strike is too strong

    The problem with DS is that it gives survivors god mode for 60 seconds.

    It should punish killers for tunneling but instead you can chase another person and hook them, just to find the survivor from before again and get DS in the last second. There are also other scenarios where survivors are hopping on gens or forcing their DS in a locker. That goes beyond the original purpose of this perk.

    It really needs it's duration reduced and it should completely deactivate if survivors are starting to work on a gen. If you have the time to do a gen you can't be tunneled, right?

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    It mean that another person can come, trade you immediately, then i hook the rescuer, then you come back with borrowed time and ds and I down you, your teammate escapes, you are now on the ground with ds unbreakable and soul guard and then I'm completely #########, while the other 2 survivors are doing 2 separate gens at the speed of light across the map. and you are invincible combinating multiple perks. that's the poor part

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Oh hag it's literally horrible, the amount of hits and exchanges they go just because you have only m1 and no instadowns is insane

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826
    Decisive strike is fine

    I don't even have ds, I've only played it in custom matches with my friends ;w;

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222
    Decisive strike is too strong

    This perk is in a weird spot. the core ability of it is fine, but the problem is that it gives way too much freedom for survivors due to it giving a free minute of time to mess around with. If they made it so that you can't work on gens or cleanse totems without losing it, then it will be more balanced.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Seeing that you have the profile picture of the most annoying and toxic killer in the game, I feel like you hate decisive and hate everyone who uses it against you.

    Bubba literally deserves every decisive there is, they already made him a really strong killer with almost the best killer perks in the game as well.

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49
    Decisive strike is weak

    I want the old decisive back becuase you chould use it 3 times and not have a time "window" to use it and not have a like 15 second time "window" to use it and only be able to use it 2 times. And by time "windows" i mean like the time you have to use it :)

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    yeah, sure, why not....

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    Decisive strike is fine

    I play Killer a lot and I main Pig, arguably one of the weakest Killers. Yet I still never have a problem with DS because it's such a simple concept: don't tunnel.

    The only times I've ever had problems with DS is when I downed survivors extremely quickly (like with Hillbilly) and just got DS'd because I was still in the 60 seconds mark, but since I was downing people that fast, it hardly even mattered because I practically had the game at that point.

    If you never tunnel, you make them waste a perk slot. Maybe two if you don't slug and three if you just go for the unhooker instead of the victim.

    Having a Survivor that's dead/dead on hook sucks for the team but having the entire team dead on hook near the end game starts to actually make it scary.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 103
    edited November 2020
    Decisive strike is strong

    It’s strong and used in the wrong way because most meta or copy meta users.

    Don’t plan ahead and never use it to there advantage,

    They just force a ds locker stun then run and when they get taken down they dc. Which is a dick move and screws there team and in turn sucks the fun out of the match for both sides.

    Ds locker stun is not a good strategy and is pathetic that people even do it.

    I feel as I said before ds needs a objective to get it to activate in the first place. Such as safe hook rescue, cleanse a hex totem or stun the killer.

    That way people would actually use ds more strategic and not waste it in dumb way.

    This will also help both sides to learn loops and become more efficient killers/survivors.

    Not relaying on second chance or forced ds locker stuns all the time.

    (Looping and learning is vital, this game not meant to be a walk in the park each trial)

    Bringing the skill up of players and balance as well the fun up to a new high.

    Post edited by TsukiYurei on