Which of these do you find to be the most problematic?

Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

Curious what the community finds the most problematic between these three. I actually don’t find slugging to be all that bad, But really despise being tunneled.

Which of these do you find to be the most problematic? 80 votes

Camping (including face camping/proxy camping)
ObsoleteYuno12345musstang62SillierHorizon5GoshJoshArcticWolfpichumudkipSebaOutbreakHannonSpeeddemonsaifAwkward_Fiend[Deleted User]Xavier22brubligrumpyTotemsCleanserneedyTripleStealJocLewis2018comboikTheButcher6641 34 votes
elasticheartOnryosTapeRentalsTapeKnotF60_31[Deleted User]DeadeyePennosukeTaigaAhoyWolfRoboMojofairfieldismsRoffelbillyRareware0192Scary_Punk_GhostnimesulideCornHubBassTramGreyBigfootMadLordJacknotstarboard 39 votes
DetailedDetrimentHellraisingPredatorbm33ckygirlie898emofriendowhat_if_they_find_usInk_Eyes 7 votes


  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    DS and limited time killer powers makes slugging mandatory you cant really fault killers for doing it

    facecamping for no reason is not ok and if this was its own choice i wouldve chosen that

    proxycamping you mean see scratch marks everywhere around you right after hooking someone so you choose to look for the person that will unhook in .5 seconds if you leave? naw

    tunnneling is often worse as there isnt much you can do about it and even when its very nearly out of the killers control they can still choose not to hook after the down but often times what people call tunneling is playing substaintially worse than the rest of your team by being caught out in the open every 5 seconds when everyone else has the game sense to hide. but it is still unfun and more often than not not a result of toxic survivor circumstances and just killers being toxic

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    Slugging because you can't speed up the bleed out timer and 4 minutes is a ridiculously long time to be on the ground doing nothing.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Where's the none option lol.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    You think hardcorde tunnelling and face camping is totally fine? Lol.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I shouldn’t have to run a perk from a LICENSED CHARACTER to avoid being denied the chance to play the game. Not to mention that DS isn’t even really a good counter to tunnelling if the killer just focuses you down but that’s kinda beside the point. Tunnelling is problematic for the same reason that face camping is problematic, that is to say, there is no counterplay for the one being tunnelled/camped. It’s guaranteed death and there’s nothing you can do to save yourself. The just do gens argument doesn’t apply to the one who died to tunnelling. Admittedly, if you’re a good player AND the killer is a bit dumb AND you’re in a strong area of the map then you MIGHT be able to escape. That’s entirely dependent on luck though. After all, it doesn’t matter how good you are if you’re stuck in a deadzone.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Tunneling is the smart play since you want someone out the game asap. Camping can be the right call against certain teams and a horrible call against others. So no I don't see a problem with the killer doing their objective the same way I don't see a problem with survivors doing theirs and tunneling gens. Do you also have a problem with survivors doing a gen till completion?

    The only problem I see is with the game design that encourages these tactics, the bugs, and the balance of the game. Those weren't an option. I blame the game not the players.

    It doesn't bother me when its done to me except for the fact I have to slam my button/keys for the struggle phase.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • elasticheart
    elasticheart Member Posts: 146

    Sometimes I do get it tunneling is fair but to those who just tunnel every survivor off the hook are just annoying to go against. They have no excuse or anything too. Even they wait BT and DS out just to get one person out of the match.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620
    Camping (including face camping/proxy camping)

    I don't mind slugging tbh. Among camping and tunneling I dislike camping the most because it usually also involves tunneling lol.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    The issue is that the killer's objective is to take out another player and considering that there is no ability to respawn in this game, death is permanent. As a result, tunneling someone out of the game so that they die faster is actively obstructing their ability to play the game. No one wants to que up for a match, load in and then die two minutes into the match starting because the killer didn't like you in particular. For the record, I do find swf groups who run 4 toolboxes with prove thyself and adrenaline to be a bit problematic because unless the killer sweats themselves a river, it's pretty hard to even get a 2k against that. Good luck beating that if you're just playing to have a chilled game. At the end of the day, we're all in this to have fun. Ruining someone else's experience in a multiplayer game, just so that you can win in a videogame is scummy in my opinion but hey, no one's perfect. Besides, whether you win or lose in a game is not going to matter in a weeks time.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited November 2020

    Tunneling gens is obstructing everyone's ability to play the game since you end the match faster. Doesn't mean its a problem inherently. Unless the fundamentals of the game changes, doing either objective is "unfun" for the other side. It's not "they didn't like you in particular", that's the gameplay that's encouraged by game design. If I someone wants to play their side well, which most do, that's what they should do. They should be tunneling 1-2 people out the game asap as killer and tunneling gens to 100% as survivor. Not leaving a person 33% dead or leaving a gen 33% done to work on a different untouched one.

    If anything its a problem with the game design not the player playing a certain way because of it. Change the game so tunneling is no longer encouraged and then we can talk about it being potentially problematic. As the game is now I can't reasonably blame either side for tunneling their objective, that's what they should be doing. Knowing that, it doesn't really bother me when it's done.

    If it really bothers everyone so much to be tunneled, then come together as a community and also agree to not focus gens or something. But I heavily doubt that's going to happen.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160
    Camping (including face camping/proxy camping)

    In some forms it is. You haven't seen the same things I have seen when people slug. It's disgusting what people do. Slugging in general is just boring tho for survivor and is toxic when the killer just slugs and stands over the body which is still considered slugging. I didn't vote slugging bc some killers genuinely slug bc it's the best thing to do and I understand that. People have different experiences tho and I also understand that.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252
    Camping (including face camping/proxy camping)

    It's a close one between camping and tunnelling. I hate both but I went with camping. Camping if fun for nobody and incredibly hard to work with. If you are camped there is a very small chance that you will escape and if you are you will be tunnelled and then camped again. If you are tunnelled, you can do things to stall the killer or even lose him. You could run certain perks such as quick and quiet, lithe or urban evasion. Camping is intentional, the killer knows that you can not escape with him guarding you. Sometimes, I find myself unintentionally tunnelling one guy because he's the only survivor I come across.

  • ckygirlie898
    ckygirlie898 Member Posts: 5

    This can be particularly annoying and dragged out when the killer refuses to pick you up after downing you near endgame cause there’s one other survivor left and they refuse to let the survivor get hatch

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40

    Camping is pretty annoying to go against, especially agaisnt Leatherface or Billy, but at least stuff like Borrowed can help against other killers.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 103

    Agreed, like there no body blocking hooks option.

    When swf use flashlight and bodyblock the hook at the same time, that’s cool and fair yeah?

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I mean yeah there's ways around it. Not even factoring in perks like lightborn mad grit and ect. You can drop the survivor and start another chase or even potentially get a down with them on your shoulders if the others misplay or overcommit. you can pick up facing a wall as well as moon walk or crab walk to the hook. You can also switch which hook you're goin going to if you realize soon enough and there's one near you. If all 3 survivors body block that's the whole team injured as well and you are stalling multiple survivors. It can really screw you over in EGC sometimes however if thing line up well for the survivors and you're near the exit gate.

    Yeah it sucks when map rng put all the hooks so far you can't get to them in time, much less if you get body blocked. If that's the issue I would say that's more a rng map issue.

    So in the overall game I don't think I would consider that particular situation necessarily problematic in itself. I do think SWF in general kinda screws balance in a lot of ways however. I would much like if they gave solos more communication tools and buff up the killer roster to make up for it.

    is it "cool", no not really. I don't really find any of these options "cool" either, which is why I don't do them myself. Is it "fair" as in I think it doesn't need changes? As far as I can tell yeah for the most part it seems fine. Feel free to tell me if you think body blocking is really a huge issue and why, I'm open to hearing it.

    When I think "problematic" I think of like, DS, Spirit, Freddy, Keys, Mori's, other second chance perks. Like, balance issues. I would not put any of these under that category right now.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Slugging, when referred to in it's common form, isn't a problem at all. People slug to not get hit with DS or to down another survivor. However, I've played against several killers recently who will slug survivors until they are about to bleed out or they do bleed out. This is an issue.