Do you try to unhook yourself in front of another survivor that came to save you?

Fog_King Member Posts: 688

I ask this question because I'm seeing survivors trying to unhook themselves in front of other survivors that came to help them. And I don't mean when the killer is camping or when the survivor has the perk Deliverance or if no one is coming to save you. A survivor is on the hook, another one comes to save them from the hook, no killer around and the hooked survivor tries to save themselves in front of the person that just came to help them.

Of course, do to low chances, most times they can't actually do it, but I have seen it happen two or three times where the survivor actually escapes the hook and the other one ends up just looking at them like "Hum, why did you do that?" Now, I know you get points for unhooking yourself and that is the only reason I see for someone to actually do that, but I might be wrong. So I wanted to know if you do that and why, if you care to share.

Do you try to unhook yourself in front of another survivor that came to save you? 90 votes

Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors
LavernneCamoRangerDeadByDayDwightWoodywoolAsgrafNaiadBoosted_DwightBeHasUFreddoAhoyWolfpichumudkipParallaxHellraisingPredatorSassySolidSnakeScary_Punk_GhostHannonRocketPenguinAwkward_FiendElcopolloCephalon_Lebron 37 votes
No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself
FatelanceFoggyWeather_TapeKnotF60_31JarkyhimynameisvadimDemiurgAven_FallenFog_KingmichaelmortonDeadeyeGoogolTaigaAvilgusDicklayciaMooksPlantCollectorzmassaniDBD78fairfieldisms 53 votes


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    I know it's scummy kinda, but points are points, and it's funny if teammates meme with me when I do unhook myself, I also meme with them if they do the same thing to me tho.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    If I don't go down to phase two then yes, I will. I don't recall the name of the achievement but there is one for getting off the hook by yourself a ton of times.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    Points are Points, and Survival Points trump all

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I despise it when people do that and I am very tempted to leave them and let them hit struggle phase. As we can see from this poll it is only for egoistic reasons. No wonder solo queue is a frustrating experience if people have a mindset like that.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    Only in swf. I like to mess with my friends >:)

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    If I don't have Deliverance and know that unhooking attempt won't send me to the second phase - yeah, why not. It's always fun to 4% xd

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I also love this with Deliverance. Like "cant waste the perk!" and eating the broken status, stealing the 1000BP from the unhooker and most likely go down easily while being broken soon

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I don't get that logic. You want to be tunneled?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    yeah, and you get the 1k while denying the other guy 1.5k

    Also like to selfcare into others faces?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    You get 1.5k for unhooking yourself, it's not like I unhook myself every time, it's a 4% chance, also I only do it when I'm sure to not go into the struggle phase.

    Also idk why are you so salty.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    Well, you should think about that. Ever got a kobe into your face? You said yourself it is scummy, so you got the answer already

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    Yea, I got, and it's the most hilarious think in the game.

    Even better if the Survivor that kobed memes with u.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    And most thrilling thing is when the other one DCs, or lets you go to second stage after a failed attempt. Well, I guess it is a pretty subjective topic

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I didn't used to, but now that it's fashionable...

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    In my view I find it so distasteful to try to unhook yourself when someone is right there to save you. It has happened to me a few times that the hooked survivor does that and sometimes they actually free themselves.

    I remember one time, there were only 3 of us left. One got hooked, another started being chased and I was on the last gen on the other side of the map. I left the gen and ran to the hooked survivor. When I got there, she tried to unhooked herself in front of me and actually did it. Then she just crouched for me to heal her.

    I was so mad. I left the gen, got to the other side of the map only to not even get any points for trying to save. If it wasn't for the points, a lot of times when I see that kind of behavior, what I want is to let them rot on the hook and get in the second phase, to teach them a lesson. But I don't or the whole team ends up suffering...

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    There are way too many perks that give benefits to unhook actions. You don't know if the person unhooking you has BT, Second Wind, We'll Make It, or even WGLF. It doesn't bother me to let myself get unhooked.

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    It's rare, but when I actually manage to 4%, it's hilarious when another Survivor just sees me do it. The reaction is usually priceless.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    It's a team game and that is a selfish play. Simple as that.

    You can of course play how you'd like, but don't be surprised if teammates will refuse to heal you and/or will comment on it after the match.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    Preach. Especially WGLF ;_; That one stack of WGLF is usually worth like 5-8k BPs, in addition to the 2-2.5k you get for the unhook and the subsequent heal that you might refuse to do if someone kobes in your face. So, not only are you costing them like 10k BPs and other possible useful effects, like 90 seconds of We'll Make It, in exchange for 1.5k points for yourself, you're also causing them to entirely waste all of the time they spent running over to the hook.

    It's such a dick move.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    My buddy has started to intentionally let people who do this go into struggle phase. I think it's a great idea, but so far I've been too keen on getting WGLF stacks to commit to that. After reading this thread, though, I might start.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    edited November 2020
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    Does it bother you that you're wasting more BPs for your teammate than you get for unhooking yourself? I run WGLF on all of my characters. Every time someone does this to me it costs me like 5-8k BPs for a WGLF stack, 1.5k for the safe unhook, 500-1k BPs for the heal (because there is no chance I'm healing someone who does this to me), and all of the BPs that I gave up running to the hook instead of doing gens, totems, etc. And this is just the BPs side. You could be denying a We'll Make It proc that would otherwise give you a quick heal and bail the team out down the line, for example.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    Even if I'm running WGLF, it's not that big a deal if somebody does this imo. I can get the stack somewhere else and I can probably cap Altruism without that 2000BP. When running We'll make it it's definitely annoying, but it's not really game changingly bad or anything, that's instead extra time spent on gens which is fine by me.

    This is also a more toxic thing than testing your luck, instead of a 4% chance you're intentionally sabotaging the match in a large way. A hook state is a big deal, spending time on gens instead of healing isn't, neither is voiding a WGLF stack. If you crave BP enough to do this than just play Killer with BBQ instead of spiting people who're also trying to get BP.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    It is not easy to max your WGLF stacks in a match while also trying to win. Missing out on a stack from an unhook you commit to is very likely to be a stack you never make up.

    I 100% disagree about letting people hit struggle state being toxic. You might as well sucker punch someone and then claim they were in the wrong when they hit you back. Letting someone struggle hurts the team in the short term, but it helps the survivor side in the long term. If people frequently react to kobes in this way, people will stop trying to do it. Since this behavior hurts the team, in addition to being selfish and dickish, eradicating it is a good thing for survivors.

    It's exactly the same reason that you should rush gens instead of feeding the killer free pressure when they decide to camp someone to death. If they learn that camping is a viable strategy, they will continue to do it. If they learn that it leads to boring 1ks, they will stop.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I'm just completely indifferent to the whole situation. Unless I'm running Deliverence, in which case sit back and watch me yeet right into your farming face, because the only way you're near me when I Deliverence is if you're going for a farm (I am very impatient).

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    It's pretty obvious you're not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to change yours. You clearly care way more about BP than I do and to me it just seems ludicrous. Today I also learned that intentionally sabotaging the match out of spite isn't toxic if the person being sabotaged cost you an out of match resource, let alone the fact that you're also sabotaging the other people in the trial in most instances since they're less likely to escape. It just seems counterintuitive as well, if they fail to jump off then just grab them off for the stack, then you don't lose a chance of a WGLF stack to struggle phase, hell, you could even take a prot hit for them if you stick around and earn 2 tokens instead of harming everybody on your team.

    Everybody has to look out for their own BP, and using that as a reason to harm literally everybody sans the killer just seems toxic, spiteful, and rude

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    No because it's scummy you will get less BPs than the person saving you plus he might have Well make it or other unhook perks. I'm thinking of leaving people who try to rescue themselves in front of me from now on.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    It's not just about BPs. It's about a fundamental lack of empathy and a "######### you, I got mine" attitude. I see enough of this crap in society and I have no patience for it.

    Kobeing in someone's face is sabotaging the match in its own right. You wasted your teammate's time, you denied valuable perk procs, and you destroyed the mutual trust between you and that teammate. This will hurt the team, since you now have to expect that player to play selfishly. When you can no longer trust that player to make the right play for the team you are forced to play sub-optimally. Even making an unsuccessful attempt to Kobe in someone's face does this.

    By all means, make a selfish play for some survival BPs if you'd like, but call it what it is. Don't give me a shocked pikachu face and blame your teammate if they choose to teach you a lesson. Actions have consequences.

    It's funny that you're saying "You clearly care way more about BP than I do and to me it just seems ludicrous" while also saying "It just seems counterintuitive as well, if they fail to jump off then just grab them off for the stack, then you don't lose a chance of a WGLF stack to struggle phase, hell, you could even take a prot hit for them if you stick around and earn 2 tokens instead of harming everybody on your team." It's counterintuitive because I don't actually care as much about BPs as you think I do. I am sometimes willing to forego a WGLF stack and risk a worse result in that particular match in order to benefit myself and others in future matches by teaching a selfish teammate a lesson about doing the right thing for the collective. This is far more important to me than BPs.

  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    It depends on what mood I'm in. If a survivor is coming to get me I rarely attempt to get off myself but if I'm bored and I KNOW it won't send me into struggle phase I'll maybe try once. The only other scenario I purposefully try to get myself off is if I know a survivor is running to unhook me while being chased and they don't have BT or the killer has tunnelled previous unhooks. If the unhooker manages to unhook me in that situation I usually go straight down again in 10 secs anyway because they rarely take the hit. They still get unhook points, just not the safe unhook points, and I would rather they not be rewarded for bad play.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes, I try to unhook myself in front of other survivors

    Ok, I understand your point more now, I still don't agree with your methodology though. It's clear we're not going to change each others minds, so it's better here to just stop wasting our time on bickering online.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    That's fair. Have a good one!

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    No, if there is someone coming to save me, I don't try to unhook myself

    I never try to unhook myself unless doors are open and no one is coming to save me as a last ditch effort to try to get out...