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The hallowed blight: in search for more money

look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins


  • iTz_KilLaZ_x
    iTz_KilLaZ_x Member Posts: 300

    With the current dissapointment regarding balance reworks (hatch, SC,DS,gens), I am not in the mood to spend any money on skins.

    I’m gonna play this event just for the huntress outfit and then wait a month or two to see how things are regarding balance, etc...
  • Zaram
    Zaram Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2018

    I guess we can farm all outfits in 2 hours and after that we can buy the rest. Sounds fun...not.
    I was really happy about your new business strategy but this is bullshit.
    Just make the grind harder or something...

  • iTz_KilLaZ_x
    iTz_KilLaZ_x Member Posts: 300
    Zaram said:

    I guess we can farm all outfits in 2 hours and after that we can buy the rest. Sounds fun...not.
    I was really happy about your new business strategy but this is bullshit.
    Just make the grind harder or something...

    What’s the point of even participating in the event if you can only get one outfit ? Lol
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins
    stop whining and be thankful for the free skin and event.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Lowbei said:
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins
    stop whining and be thankful for the free skin and event.

    Kids these days are growing greedier
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    I'm happy how the devs planned this wonderful event. The cosmetics that have been designed are really cool. I'd have been happier, if the devs actually allowed players to get one set each for your favorite killer and survivor. I mean, that way, there are still 5 outfits to earn from. 
    Also, it would have made sense, especially for PS4 players, where there's no regional pricing, like it's on steam. 
  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    BHVR annual revenue is estimated between 20 and 50 million dollars.

    Yes, they need to create a holiday event and charge for the majority of skins because they're a small studio and can barely afford to pay the bills.

    Why not create a completely free event thanking the players for their support over the past year? Maybe build some good will so people will opt to buy their other cosmetics instead of building animosity making some players (myself) dig in their heels and actively refusing to buy cosmetics?

    The crux of the issue isn't the price of cosmetics, the availability of events, the quantity of event cosmetics, or whether to thank our lucky stars they are doing the event in the first place.... It's that the devs deliberately took what has traditionally been a free event for the players and monetized it. The skins are available indefinitely from the store making the achievement of unlocking them worthless.

    Business is business and we can understand that. This is borderline predatory marketing, and a sign of what's to come if we continue to support this kind of behavior.

    Couldn't agree more...

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Christmas is coming. Do you want the greed monster to return?

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x said:
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins

    It's almost like Behavior is a business that runs for profit, instead of your personal entertainment alone.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    So they monetized it by adding extra skins you can get in addition to the FREE skin so that people that don't have the time. Those that can't play for family reasons, school, work, family emergency etc so they can get some stuff too.

    Would you be happier if they said you only get 1 cosmetic like during the BBQ event? Because if I was the devs and there was this many people appearing to be entitled I wouldn't do something so good again. Instead of flaming them and calling them everything under the sun why not say i think you should do x instead?

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @Vortexas said:

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x said:
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins

    It's almost like Behavior is a business that runs for profit, instead of your personal entertainment alone.

    While I do agree entertainment is an important factor of a gaming company, there isn't anything wrong with gaining profit for your product. Both should be important factors with entertainment taking priority while ensuring the game can sustain itself and its employees that allow for the game to be worked on.

    Personally in my opinion I can understand the decision here, I would've liked to have been able to get at least two cosmetics out of the event as otherwise it's going to be very difficult for me to pick between some of these skins but realistically speaking we do at least get to pick the character we get the cosmetics for and we get 3 pieces rather than 1 per character for 2 characters. With that being said, I think we should be happy that we are at least getting a full outfit for the character of our choice. With that being said, I have no clue how much the company is already making off of skins or DLC's, the costs of the game but I would imagine they have a decently justified reason to not just allow us to grind every single skin in the game. I think though that overall this is an event with good intention that has just been misinterpreted.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @Vortexas said:

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x said:
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins

    It's almost like Behavior is a business that runs for profit, instead of your personal entertainment alone.

    While I do agree entertainment is an important factor of a gaming company, there isn't anything wrong with gaining profit for your product. Both should be important factors with entertainment taking priority while ensuring the game can sustain itself and its employees that allow for the game to be worked on.

    Personally in my opinion I can understand the decision here, I would've liked to have been able to get at least two cosmetics out of the event as otherwise it's going to be very difficult for me to pick between some of these skins but realistically speaking we do at least get to pick the character we get the cosmetics for and we get 3 pieces rather than 1 per character for 2 characters. With that being said, I think we should be happy that we are at least getting a full outfit for the character of our choice. With that being said, I have no clue how much the company is already making off of skins or DLC's, the costs of the game but I would imagine they have a decently justified reason to not just allow us to grind every single skin in the game. I think though that overall this is an event with good intention that has just been misinterpreted.

    You are getting 3 individual cosmetics free. Which is far more free Cosmetics than they have EVER given out in any other event.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Here is a list of the last event skins.
    I used my awesome paint skills.

    Yes, why even bother with this event -.-

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @Vortexas said:

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @Vortexas said:

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x said:
    look I get you guys need money to continue developing and stuff. But this is an event for the community and you only give us 3 items and we are done? You guys just said on stream it’s a one and done thing. Oh but you can give us $ for the skins. I expect very good things to come in the future for this game or else I won’t be buying any skins

    It's almost like Behavior is a business that runs for profit, instead of your personal entertainment alone.

    While I do agree entertainment is an important factor of a gaming company, there isn't anything wrong with gaining profit for your product. Both should be important factors with entertainment taking priority while ensuring the game can sustain itself and its employees that allow for the game to be worked on.

    Personally in my opinion I can understand the decision here, I would've liked to have been able to get at least two cosmetics out of the event as otherwise it's going to be very difficult for me to pick between some of these skins but realistically speaking we do at least get to pick the character we get the cosmetics for and we get 3 pieces rather than 1 per character for 2 characters. With that being said, I think we should be happy that we are at least getting a full outfit for the character of our choice. With that being said, I have no clue how much the company is already making off of skins or DLC's, the costs of the game but I would imagine they have a decently justified reason to not just allow us to grind every single skin in the game. I think though that overall this is an event with good intention that has just been misinterpreted.

    You are getting 3 individual cosmetics free. Which is far more free Cosmetics than they have EVER given out in any other event.

    I'm not arguing that here, infact my post goes over how I'm fine with how the event will go. I also pointed out what you said here in my post already.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    BHVR annual revenue is estimated between 20 and 50 million dollars.

    Yes, they need to create a holiday event and charge for the majority of skins because they're a small studio and can barely afford to pay the bills.

    Why not create a completely free event thanking the players for their support over the past year? Maybe build some good will so people will opt to buy their other cosmetics instead of building animosity making some players (myself) dig in their heels and actively refusing to buy cosmetics?

    The crux of the issue isn't the price of cosmetics, the availability of events, the quantity of event cosmetics, or whether to thank our lucky stars they are doing the event in the first place.... It's that the devs deliberately took what has traditionally been a free event for the players and monetized it. The skins are available indefinitely from the store making the achievement of unlocking them worthless.

    Business is business and we can understand that. This is borderline predatory marketing, and a sign of what's to come if we continue to support this kind of behavior.

    People are forgetting that BHVR is a company. Companys dont have emotion they need profit.

    Im fine that they have them all monetized because these are some of the best skins we have ever seen in this game it would be stupid to not try and monetize it to pay the people who make those skins.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2018

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    Business is business and we can understand that. This is borderline predatory marketing, and a sign of what's to come if we continue to support this kind of behavior.

    Jesus Christ. The level of entitlement in this community is sickening. I'm all for "taking it to the man"... but it's goddamn cosmetics... and 3 free ones at that.

    I got an idea, go whine to the devs of League of Legends and Fortnite (or any other developer that sells non-gameplay impacting, completely optional skins) for not receiving every set of glorious holiday skins for free. See how that pans out for you.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    For people saying that everyone is just being spoilt and greedy, it's got nothing to do with that. It's not even about how many cosmetics we get. Yes, we don't usually get 3 cosmetics (although as illustrated above, they did that for the Lunar New Year, and that was all for free for the record). People are upset because:

    a) As @SpaceCoconut said, they're monetising something which was traditionally free for all players, not to mention that they never gave any indication until this stream that the majority of the unlockables would not be free.
    b) Because even though 3 is more than we sometimes get, it feels like less. No matter how much we play, we can only get 11% of the available cosmetics and we have to pay for the rest, whereas previously if you grind enough you have always been able to unlock 100% of the event cosmetics.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    @HP150 said:

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    Business is business and we can understand that. This is borderline predatory marketing, and a sign of what's to come if we continue to support this kind of behavior.

    Jesus Christ. The level of entitlement in this community is sickening. I'm all for "taking it to the man"... but it's goddamn cosmetics... and 3 free ones at that.

    I got an idea, go whine to the devs of League of Legends and Fortnite (or any other developer that sells non-gameplay impacting, completely optional skins) for not receiving every set of glorious holiday skins for free. See how that pans out for you.

    Missing the point, but w/e.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    HP150 said:

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    Business is business and we can understand that. This is borderline predatory marketing, and a sign of what's to come if we continue to support this kind of behavior.

    Jesus Christ. The level of entitlement in this community is sickening. I'm all for "taking it to the man"... but it's goddamn cosmetics... and 3 free ones at that.

    I got an idea, go whine to the devs of League of Legends and Fortnite (or any other developer that sells non-gameplay impacting, completely optional skins) for not receiving every set of glorious holiday skins for free. See how that pans out for you.

    You could buy a whole other game with that cosmetic money. $70 for cosmetics that should be grindable by event currency. Also stop justifying this dev made dumpster fire 
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Tsulan said:
    Here is a list of the last event skins.
    I used my awesome paint skills.

    Yes, why even bother with this event -.-

    While i kinda agree with you, you have to be honest and show everything.

    Like the 1st Anniversary Events, for example :

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Giche said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Here is a list of the last event skins.
    I used my awesome paint skills.

    Yes, why even bother with this event -.-

    While i kinda agree with you, you have to be honest and show everything.

    Like the 1st Anniversary Events, for example :

    I gave a link to the source.
    Btw. most of the skins were simply reskins. Nothing even close to what we get now.