Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Queuing times are unbearable with SWF on PS4

The title says it all, it takes forever. When each one goes as single player, it goes relatively fast - and that's what bothers me. Why are single players preferred in such a strong matter over SWF groups?? We wait for like 10 minutes straight (no exaggeration) and find no games at all. Can you fix this please, Behavior???



  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    because swf is ezmode and you shouldnt need ezmode to play. 

    Having Playing with friends is BLASPHEMY

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757


  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    Lol I just want to play with my friends, I don't need to justify that xD has nothing to do with ezmode - it just sucks to instead of playing you are waiting...

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Lowbei said:
    solos come first since the game was built for that. swf can wait in the que for a while, its fine.

    That's a strong opinion, are you killer main or don't you have any friends to play with? :D
    Jokes aside, I don't mind to wait, but we talk about 15 min wait for a 10 min game as SWF vs 30 seconds wait as solo player. That can't be right.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    If you have a huge rank disparity, you will have issues.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @fcc2014 said:
    If you have a huge rank disparity, you will have issues.


    Boosting or Being Boosted = Having Long Que Times = Working as intended.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Or could be your in a 4man group while 3 man 2 man or solos get a game faster as oh i do t know they have the lobby space to join instead of 4 people at once having to wait for a killer to make a lobby
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I have noticed widly inconsistent queue times with SWF teams. Maybe it is purely anecdotal, but it also does seem to take even longer when there is a large spread in player ranks.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Like just sitting there, waiting, or does this count the killer backing out at the lobby?

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    The title says it all, it takes forever. When each one goes as single player, it goes relatively fast - and that's what bothers me. Why are single players preferred in such a strong matter over SWF groups?? We wait for like 10 minutes straight (no exaggeration) and find no games at all. Can you fix this please, Behavior???

    this happens for many reasons.
    Are your ranks equal?
    Are you 4 man or 2-3 man/girls?
    What time do you queue up?
    PS4 have lesser players compared to PC as far as I know, if I'm wrong just tell me but I'm pretty sure it is.

    I play swf in a 2 man group sometimes, most of the time alone but I don't see such difference in queue time except when I hit rank2 and my new I friend is rank14 dying in the first minute.. Which takes like 1 min longer

    Check it out your friends ain't too high or too low and on PS4 sometimes its better re-do the team since it might bug out for reasons. When me and my friend have long questions times we just re do the group and find the game in matter of seconds. Hope this would help ya
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    I don't host games for swf unless im practicing a certain killer. Too much of a hassle with how much you know when talking to each other.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Terrortot said:
    I don't host games for swf unless im practicing a certain killer. Too much of a hassle with how much you know when talking to each other.
    swf most of the time are overly altruistic. They might be a pain but also an easy win if you anticipate them
  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Not necessarily untrained ones are when they play in a squad. It's hell on Earth to kill any of them.

    I hate to say it but this game was not made for communication which was its ultimate downfall
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    solos come first since the game was built for that. swf can wait in the que for a while, its fine.

    That's a strong opinion, are you killer main or don't you have any friends to play with? :D

    im currently a survivor main, i play at rank1, and i always solo despite having dozens of vet friends who also play.... i do this because i like a challenge. swf is ezmode
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    @Countfunkular True , I lost the country for how often I got bullied by swf that even tell me to kms if I camp the last one with gates open or flashlight stunned and bodyblocked 24/7 but at the end I learn how the think how to give them false information knowing they talk and playing around them. Doesn't work all the time but at least I learn more about it and win eventually.

    The only thing I hate its the hex positioning, pretty dumb. Especially if instead of one knowing its positions if its half decent suddenly all 4 of them know
  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Awesome, remember that post I made a while back.

    Man thank God I proofread a lot more.

    My point still stands. Survive with friends is problematic because the devs even admit that the only reason they introduced it into the game was because people had quite a few friends that played it. The game was never meant for that kind of communication
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    @Countfunkular sure thing but if you have a friend to play for fun you should be able to, even if he's bad af cough cough

    Anyway if it was up to me I would make this game more competitive overall, balanced around high ranks with casual and ranked matches and on ranked only 2 man squad at best, a classic solo/duo which is waaay more doable on killer side. I never had issues with them
  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Like just sitting there, waiting, or does this count the killer backing out at the lobby?

    It's just waiting, not even counting the killer backing out.

    Last time, we did have a rank disparity of about 6 ranks, we had 3 at rank 8 and 1 at rank 13 (because he hadn't played as much the past days) and we waited for 10 min and didn't find any games. We quit after that. It doesn't always take that long, but to wait 5 min in the evening times is not such a rare occasion. And usually, it is still clear to the game what killer rank to look for - the average of the survivor ranks.

    @redsopine1 said:
    Or could be your in a 4man group while 3 man 2 man or solos get a game faster as oh i do t know they have the lobby space to join instead of 4 people at once having to wait for a killer to make a lobby

    Lol smartbuns, that would justify to wait a minute longer but not 5 or even 10.

    I get it guys, I'm with you about the competitive part, SWF is easier than playing solo. But my point is not about the competitiveness, it's about having fun - we can have that once in a while in DBD right?
    I, too, play killer often when my friends are not available or just go as single survivor - the game is just great in every mode. But goddamnit once in a while I just want to play this game with my friends that I like to have fun with.
    There are things I would change about the balance of the game and the influence of communication as well - the killer should be given certain advantages when SWF groups join his/her lobby. At least let him clearly know he's dealing with one.
    But let's assume we did have a counterplay given to the killer when an SWF group joins, what argument would be left?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    What Ranks? Anything below 15, and above 5 you’re going to be waiting a long ass time. Not a lot of Killers stay really low because newbie Survivors they can stomp. Then they hit a “brick wall” at Rank 15 or 10 and keep getting stomped by Survivors who know how to Loop and are all packing the meta perks.

    That in turn, makes high rank Killer very scarce because they can’t get past the “brick wall” of expert Loopers all packing the meta perks.

    Speaking from a lot of experience here, there aren’t enough actually good Killers on PS4. Most are mediocre at best. I’m not the best either, but I’m above par at the least.
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @unclevincent said:
    The title says it all, it takes forever. When each one goes as single player, it goes relatively fast - and that's what bothers me. Why are single players preferred in such a strong matter over SWF groups?? We wait for like 10 minutes straight (no exaggeration) and find no games at all. Can you fix this please, Behavior???

    Wait until the killers start lobbydodging.

    How about not playing ez-mode and trying solo if the queue takes too long as SWF?

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @unclevincent said:
    Lol I just want to play with my friends, I don't need to justify that xD has nothing to do with ezmode - it just sucks to instead of playing you are waiting...

    Of course it is ezmode if you play SWF

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Question. Are you getting into a lobby and then the killer is leaving or it just takes forever to find a lobby? I ask because the first is due to lobby dodging because and the second if due to what those above me have written out.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @unclevincent said:

    @Lowbei said:
    solos come first since the game was built for that. swf can wait in the que for a while, its fine.

    That's a strong opinion ...

    Its not an opinion. The game was made with a certain experience in mind, SWF kills that. Also, of course, SWF will be waiting since they need to fill more spaces in the lobby, while those who only need to fill one can fit anywhere. And when you have a Rank disparity, which you have already mentioned you had a HUGE one, then games will take forever to find. Which is good because it discourages Boosting.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    play kyf - problem solved

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  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    Wow I didn't know so many here are that salty about SWF. You all argue with the competitiveness, how much easier it is in SWF - and I agree that it is easier when you can communicate with the other teammates. But when I play with my friends, I don't care so much about winning, but about having fun. Hell, just because one friend doesn't play so often, which results in a lower rank, he can't ever play with me because we don't get games? What kind of logic is that? Also, when I play with other rank 1's it's the same issue.

    1. The game might have been made with that in mind in the beginning, but it was also clear from the beginning that SWF was going to be a thing - and it is now. There are many people doing SWF and they are part of the player base. So that's not an argument.
    2. I already answered that needing to fill more space, that would justify maybe a minute and not 10.
    3. The Rank disparity is hardly an issue because all the search algorithm does is take the average value of the survivors' ranks and searches for a killer lobby that has a value about that rank.

    I'm really surprised about the reactions here, seems like some of you made some devastating encounters with SWF groups. I can honestly say, whenever I have SWF in my lobby as killer, I don't give a f***. It's like playing any other group of survivors, except that the saves will mostly come slightly sooner than usual and sometimes bodyblocking is a thing. It's not so different as an outsider. So I don't understand the hate.
    Apparently, you guys have never experienced long waits - like the really long waits I'm referring to of 5min and more of just waiting to get connected - or you never play SWF. On PS4 at least, this is an issue, at least at certain times of the day with SWF.

    Back to my point: I understand that a group of people is supposed to wait longer, but waiting longer than 5 min is not justified. Not if as single player you wait 20 seconds. Can't believe I even have to argue about that. Immediately started a discussion about SWF...

    @HellDescent said:
    play kyf - problem solved

    We want to play together, not against each other. Problem not solved.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    @unclevincent im not salty. Just tried it, saw why its not fun, dodge ever since.  Im sure theres some killer that will take the games eventually, not entertaining to me and no reason to ready up.
  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Terrortot said:
    @unclevincent im not salty. Just tried it, saw why its not fun, dodge ever since.  Im sure theres some killer that will take the games eventually, not entertaining to me and no reason to ready up.

    I'm sorry to hear that. Of course it's your right to do so, and if SWF lobbies worked as in all other games, it wouldn't even be a problem to anyone, but I'm sure you are just missing the right strategy to make playing SWF still work for you. Maybe I'm saying this as naive PS4 player and on PC it's totally different, but on PS4 it doesn't make a huge if you play randoms or an SWF group if you play correctly (and I don't even mean camping :D).
    But again, it's your right to dodge them, I don't have a problem with that. I just have a problem with people telling me it's totally ok if I waste my time just because I like to play with my friends.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    @unclevincent i like the concept of swf, comms just kills alot of the game. I see it on streamers channels and ive seen it in the games i tried.  Every time killer geys called out, totem gets called out and someone says "hes chasing me get the ruin in the garage" well... #########.  

    And no, not all swf are pro. Just messes up the game enough that im not interested in playing them again.

    I would rather see reworks of things that are imbalanced on comms than for it to be taken away. Just has to be worth my time playing killer.
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @unclevincent said:

    @Terrortot said:
    @unclevincent im not salty. Just tried it, saw why its not fun, dodge ever since.  Im sure theres some killer that will take the games eventually, not entertaining to me and no reason to ready up.

    I'm sorry to hear that. Of course it's your right to do so, and if SWF lobbies worked as in all other games, it wouldn't even be a problem to anyone, but I'm sure you are just missing the right strategy to make playing SWF still work for you. Maybe I'm saying this as naive PS4 player and on PC it's totally different, but on PS4 it doesn't make a huge if you play randoms or an SWF group if you play correctly (and I don't even mean camping :D).
    But again, it's your right to dodge them, I don't have a problem with that. I just have a problem with people telling me it's totally ok if I waste my time just because I like to play with my friends.

    Especially on PS4 SWF is even stronger because the only killer that can do well against a competent SWF (nurse) is handicapped on console.

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Terrortot Ok, and just out of curiosity: if it weren't for the totem problem - with which I totally agree as I, too, often play killer - what else is there that severely causes issues compared to simply good solo players?

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    Sounds like the solution is to remove SWF. Supported!

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @DeadByFlashlight nah man, even if you were right, the amount of really competent SWF groups is very low on PS4. I'm not counting me and my friends to the very competent ones btw. The tournaments for instance have shown the pig to be quite effective, for instance. Unless all survivors are really good, but that has to do with the skill of individual survivors, and not so much with the team play.

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Justicar said:
    Sounds like the solution is to remove SWF. Supported!


  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @unclevincent said:
    @DeadByFlashlight nah man, even if you were right, the amount of really competent SWF groups is very low on PS4. I'm not counting me and my friends to the very competent ones btw. The tournaments for instance have shown the pig to be quite effective, for instance. Unless all survivors are really good, but that has to do with the skill of individual survivors, and not so much with the team play.

    If you are not compent, thats on you.
    Fact is that there are competent SWF that demolish killers so hard that they wanna uninstall the game.
    After such a game, you are simply not willing to face a SWF again (you never know what kidn of SWF they are before the game)

    In fact, the tournaments have exposed really well that nurse is the only viable killer. Not sure if you watched the console one, for the competitive situation, check out the PC one^^

    Highly-skilled individual players tend to group up with others because they are annoyed by their low skilled mates (a problem with the rank system allowing everyone to get rank 1), so they are commonly found in SWF

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    @Terrortot Ok, and just out of curiosity: if it weren't for the totem problem - with which I totally agree as I, too, often play killer - what else is there that severely causes issues compared to simply good solo players?

    From my experience:
    -killer location (chasing or leaving and where on the map) gives everyone info where to be.  Includes when to safe hook and when killer is in the area, or near your area so you can preemptively hide.

    -survivor location gives everyone info on where you spawned, what totems/gens you see. Also allows you to tell what exit gate is open/closed.

    - A big callout i see in streams often is when to finish last gen so that their friends adrenaline activates when they need it, such as taking a hit to unhook someone or a hit during a chase.

    - killers perks are shown to a dead survivor, i have seen callouts about noed,devour hope. Anything that the team was unaware of. Dead survivors can also spectate and call out anything someone else doesnt that they see.

    To name some, the general idea is that there is either an unnecessary perk to use in swf because comms is better (empathy, bond, borrowed time, alert etc), killer perks that are no longer useful (i cant think of anything besides anti chase perks that are not affected), and some things that you cant get in game without comms (precise location, map coordination, viewing killer perks).

    I would LIKE to play against swf, but its not entertaining in the slightest atm.  Im all for friends playing together, game just needs better design for it.

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @DeadByFlashlight said:
    In fact, the tournaments have exposed really well that nurse is the only viable killer. Not sure if you watched the console one, for the competitive situation, check out the PC one^^

    Highly-skilled individual players tend to group up with others because they are annoyed by their low skilled mates (a problem with the rank system allowing everyone to get rank 1), so they are commonly found in SWF

    I only watched some of the PS4 ones, on PC the gameplay seems a little different which is why I find it hard to directly compare.
    But what you say makes sense, highly skilled players tend to group up. But that's just a symptom and not the cause, there are many SWF groups that are not highly skilled and just want to play with their friends - as in my case. Highly skilled players will f*** up the killer anyway, having one more highly skilled player will not add much to the feeling. I see the problem more in the high skill-cap of survivors compared to most killers rather than in the sum of multiple skilled survivors.
    I also agree that it's a problem everyone gets to rank 1, that would probably solve some problems.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @unclevincent said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:
    In fact, the tournaments have exposed really well that nurse is the only viable killer. Not sure if you watched the console one, for the competitive situation, check out the PC one^^

    Highly-skilled individual players tend to group up with others because they are annoyed by their low skilled mates (a problem with the rank system allowing everyone to get rank 1), so they are commonly found in SWF

    I only watched some of the PS4 ones, on PC the gameplay seems a little different which is why I find it hard to directly compare.
    But what you say makes sense, highly skilled players tend to group up. But that's just a symptom and not the cause, there are many SWF groups that are not highly skilled and just want to play with their friends - as in my case. Highly skilled players will f*** up the killer anyway, having one more highly skilled player will not add much to the feeling. I see the problem more in the high skill-cap of survivors compared to most killers rather than in the sum of multiple skilled survivors.
    I also agree that it's a problem everyone gets to rank 1, that would probably solve some problems.

    Yeah thats because the PC community is older, in the beginning the PC players were "trash" too, sorry to put it this way^^
    Then they realized how to abuse loops and how genrushing works and started playing competitively.
    Then there is also the thing that the PC community tends to be more competitive than console ones (dont kill me lul), but I assume that soon the situation on console will change too and then, killers dont even have nurse as proper backup

    The real issue with multiple skilled survivors is that you cant focus on the bad one, because he simply doesnt exist.
    No matter which survivors you choose to chase, he will be able to loop you for several gens before you down him and thats the problem.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    @DeadByFlashlight Exactly right on not finding a bad survivor. However, game design and point system allows you to sac 2 or get multiple hooks coupled with chase to pip up. Not designed to only be good if 4 kills, and i think that is a big frustration for some killers that dont get a 4k.

    Most of the time, one skilled survivor will get half the pallets, end game the others get caught in now palletless areas. 
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Terrortot said:
    @DeadByFlashlight Exactly right on not finding a bad survivor. However, game design and point system allows you to sac 2 or get multiple hooks coupled with chase to pip up. Not designed to only be good if 4 kills, and i think that is a big frustration for some killers that dont get a 4k.

    Most of the time, one skilled survivor will get half the pallets, end game the others get caught in now palletless areas. 

    I have been in games where I only managed to get 1 or to hooks (hooks, not kills), but ofc that wasnt on billy/nurse. If the survivors decide to genrush you, there really isnt anything you can do with an unviable killer

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    @Terrortot said:
    @DeadByFlashlight Exactly right on not finding a bad survivor. However, game design and point system allows you to sac 2 or get multiple hooks coupled with chase to pip up. Not designed to only be good if 4 kills, and i think that is a big frustration for some killers that dont get a 4k.

    Most of the time, one skilled survivor will get half the pallets, end game the others get caught in now palletless areas. 

    I have been in games where I only managed to get 1 or to hooks (hooks, not kills), but ofc that wasnt on billy/nurse. If the survivors decide to genrush you, there really isnt anything you can do with an unviable killer

    Gen rush means an overly altruistic end game. I usually camp the hook, try to get a hit off on the incoming unhooker, hit or grab off the save, let the other save, hook up the new one.  Rinse and repeat until they leave on their last hooks.

    Quick gens suck, but they are working on secondary objectives hopefully that will make the games last
  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    @Terrortot ok, legit points. I believe the adrenalin story happens rather rarely, but still. I even want to add: I believe the most power out of comms from my experience is from telling each other when someone is being chased in order for another one to make an unhook.
    But I've had cases when my friend on the hook told me to come unhook because the killer has left, only to find the killer approaching again at exactly the time I was running toward the hook.
    Or the killer was chasing me, my mate felt safe and kept on doing his thing, only to suddenly find the killer behind him because he was unexpectedly spotted and changed targets. Just to name a couple of counter-examples.
    You can never EXACTLY INSTANTLY tell where a killer is, and in DBD a whole situation can change in a matter of seconds, noone can communicate that fast.
    Without looking around and being aware of the surroundings, the comms are useless, so it takes a good survivor from the start, and that has nothing to do with SWF itself at first. At first. But I get that skilled players like to team up.

    No worries friend, I understand what you are saying :) You are still describing the problem that a skilled survivor can single-handedly outplay a skilled killer, which is not a problem of SWF in the first instance.
    You are saying since very good survivors team up, we shouldn't have SWF. That's like saying STDs are bad, there should be no more Sex. We have to adress the STD and not the Sex! SWF is great and fun, let's just give the killer some condoms to protect himself from whatever the survivors might bring when he gets action.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642
    edited October 2018

    @unclevincent said:
    @Terrortot ok, legit points. I believe the adrenalin story happens rather rarely, but still. I even want to add: I believe the most power out of comms from my experience is from telling each other when someone is being chased in order for another one to make an unhook.
    But I've had cases when my friend on the hook told me to come unhook because the killer has left, only to find the killer approaching again at exactly the time I was running toward the hook.
    Or the killer was chasing me, my mate felt safe and kept on doing his thing, only to suddenly find the killer behind him because he was unexpectedly spotted and changed targets. Just to name a couple of counter-examples.
    You can never EXACTLY INSTANTLY tell where a killer is, and in DBD a whole situation can change in a matter of seconds, noone can communicate that fast.
    Without looking around and being aware of the surroundings, the comms are useless, so it takes a good survivor from the start, and that has nothing to do with SWF itself at first. At first. But I get that skilled players like to team up.

    No worries friend, I understand what you are saying :) You are still describing the problem that a skilled survivor can single-handedly outplay a skilled killer, which is not a problem of SWF in the first instance.
    You are saying since very good survivors team up, we shouldn't have SWF. That's like saying STDs are bad, there should be no more Sex. We have to adress the STD and not the Sex! SWF is great and fun, let's just give the killer some condoms to protect himself from whatever the survivors might bring when he gets action.

    I am not saying that we shouldnt have SWF, I am just saying that the game should be balanced around SWF since, as long as it isnt, it represents a problem.

    Look at the trapper or for example knockout, they are completely useless against a SWF, also there are survivor perks that are actually useles because you have them built in already with voice comms, bond e.g. and then there are those perks that gain insane advantage if used within a SWF, e.g. OoO or alert after the rework

    and alert is actually a perfect example where the devs didnt take voice comms into account, and this in the very last patch

  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    I really disagree with the extent of the power of communication you are suggesting. Except for the timing of going for an unhook, there is really not that much of an effect if someone informs me about the postition of the killer. And of course, when someone dies, I get informed about the killer perks - but that should absolutely be fixed.
    As a survivor, you are supposed to be working on a generator if you are not being chased. So if I am told by someone running OoO or alert
    "The killer is in the shack" or "He is on the other side of the map" or whatever, it really doesn't change the way I play. I still work on a generator. If someone tells me "The killer is coming toward your position", usually a lot of time passes between the observant noticing, telling me, and me registrating and processing the information, so unless I'm playing a Myers or a Wraith, the terror radius would have given away that information anyway and the time I gain from the earlier notice to react accordingly is minimal. Could be even misleading.
    And for knockout, from my experience a good random survivor can still guess well where the downed person lies, it's not as strong of a perk anyway.
    For bond, since it works only in relatively close proximity, it is still as useful in SWF as with randoms since in that active range, things can change so fast, no verbal communication can account for that.
    I really find the value of verbal communication is overestimated, it is absolutely useful, but not necessarily game-changing. Except for some special cases like adrenaline plays as @Terrortot described, and well of course the telling of killer perks after someone dies. But for that, someone first has to die, which means the killer wasn't so powerless to begin with.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    I really disagree with the extent of the power of communication you are suggesting. Except for the timing of going for an unhook, there is really not that much of an effect if someone informs me about the postition of the killer. And of course, when someone dies, I get informed about the killer perks - but that should absolutely be fixed.
    As a survivor, you are supposed to be working on a generator if you are not being chased. So if I am told by someone running OoO or alert
    "The killer is in the shack" or "He is on the other side of the map" or whatever, it really doesn't change the way I play. I still work on a generator. If someone tells me "The killer is coming toward your position", usually a lot of time passes between the observant noticing, telling me, and me registrating and processing the information, so unless I'm playing a Myers or a Wraith, the terror radius would have given away that information anyway and the time I gain from the earlier notice to react accordingly is minimal. Could be even misleading.
    And for knockout, from my experience a good random survivor can still guess well where the downed person lies, it's not as strong of a perk anyway.
    For bond, since it works only in relatively close proximity, it is still as useful in SWF as with randoms since in that active range, things can change so fast, no verbal communication can account for that.
    I really find the value of verbal communication is overestimated, it is absolutely useful, but not necessarily game-changing. Except for some special cases like adrenaline plays as @Terrortot described, and well of course the telling of killer perks after someone dies. But for that, someone first has to die, which means the killer wasn't so powerless to begin with.

    Just because your swf doesn't use the full advantage of voice comms, dont assume that everyone does not.
    I have experienced it myself, playing trpaper vs a coordinated swf such that they even disarm traps for each other midchase. I simply dc in those games where I don't see a reason to play.

    Sure not everybody plays like that, but if you don't take the full potential of voice comms into account when balancing the game, what Iß the killer supposed to do when the survivors try hard?  Accept the loss, dc and hope that the next game will be better? 
  • unclevincent
    unclevincent Member Posts: 40

    I would do the same if I see a survivor running around with the trapper, I'd check to see if the windows are trapped, and I had the same thing happen to me done by other randoms. So that's not necessarily an SWF phenomenon, I don't need voice comm to smartly react to another person being chased around the killer shack or some other typical trapping location.
    I believe that the way I use voice comms with the people I play is pretty effective and also realistic. You act like you only play world championships of DBD with all crème de la crème military SWF teams that like give each other coordinates and clock positions each second. Almost all supposedly typical SWF situations that were described: a smart survivor would simply act like that even as a random. I know that for a fact because it happens once in a while to be in a game with one.
    Don't get me wrong, I agree with you on the problem that there are situations in which good survivors can ridiculously outplay the killer. But that's a good-survivor-problem, and not an SWF problem, you are sending your resentment toward the wrong direction.

    If I have a match like that, well, I just take it as it is and try to not get frustrated about it. There are games when I outrun the killer the whole match and everyone escapes, and they just take it as well. It's part of the game. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, sometimes deserved, and sometimes not. And that's alright.