Clown is indeed getting a rework, but not as big as Freddy's.
I don't think he needs much. Maybe an extra bottle basekit, a second off the reload basekit, or slightly longer intoxication duration basekit.
I always wondered why Huntress has 5 hatchets and Clown only has 4 bottles when they don't even damage you.
More than that and he risks being too oppressive imo. A clown using Bleach is already one of DBDs premier loop-stoppers and he is pretty easy to play at the majority of loops as it is.
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"What do you guys think? Are you hoping Clown's rework will be good?'
No im hoping it will be terrible....?
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Did you mean to tag me or someone else?
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Cmon my dude, don't be cynical, have hope
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I would love to have people take a look at this
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You, just didn't quote the OP.
Literally every rework for killers has been for the better. Doctor and Cannibals were really good.
Billy was kind of a shame although with the general reduction in Pallets I can see why they did it. Endfury instasaw billy would be a bit ridiculous on some of the new maps imo. There's way less pallets overall for someone who could chew through them that fast. New cannibal does it at about the same rate as old instasaw billy but he has no mobility.
As Freddy has shown, slowing down the survivors is always riding a thin line between too weak and too strong. Then you consider someone like Clown who can equip gigantic gas clouds and doesn't even have to land the bottles remotely close to the survivors to get the effects.
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Leave Coulrophobia alone its good perk
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Just wait till they give him even more unneeded movement speed lmao, idk y they like making the big bois fast af but they do
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It's horrible seeing all the unnecessary killer buffs. I've said the game is no longer DBD. It is a bloodbath battle royal game.
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Only when you are putting seasoned players in the role of the killer vs. average survivors. The majority of the killers are just as average as the majority of the survivors.
There are so few seasoned killers overall that when I play survivor lots of the matches are putting full red rank lobbies against green and purple rank killers, who get stomped.
And honestly? There must be so many more survivor players than killers it doesn't even matter if it's killer favored at the highest levels right now. My killer Q times have been under 5 seconds for weeks now, at almost all times. My survivor Q times are into the minutes.
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- It needs a direct hit for that addon to work and even then you would be better off playing huntress
- to counter the gas drop the pallet
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we need something to do besides watching the gen number go down and eating pallets
but fine have it your way I'll eat your DS
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Here's how I vision the Rework to be!
Clown has 4 to 5 bottles by default! With a new reloading mechanic; which he can choose to wait 4 to 5 seconds to reloading all of his bottles or individually reloading one bottle per second! Plus, every time you down ans hook a Survivor; the bottles are automatically reloaded all together! This makes great clowns player that consistently down and hook players; get rewarded; while still having the counter play being if he not good at throwing and landing bottles at his target constantly will struggle to waste extra time by reloading bottles consistently!
The Clown also can have another mechanical when it comes to bottles effects! He could have a built in bottle consumption, in which he drinks a bottle and gets a massive speed boost which allows him to close the distance faster! It will duration will last, for the same effects as the bottles gas lingering effects! Or better, he could have the bottles directly effecting work on Generators like as if he kick it and made it regress! For example, their a Survivor from a distance or on the 2nd floor of Saloon; i can used the bottle and throw it very accurately and hit the Generator from a distance or on the balcony! Not only are the Survivors directly effected by the gas; but the Generator they are working will loose about 15% of progress and begin Regressing as if it has a miniature Pop Goes The Weasel! It rewards Clowns for landing good hits with the bottles, with great ranged throw; as well adds some micro map pressure! Obviously if he throw a bottle at a regressing Generator; the effects do not apply, so he has does decide to used pop and Kick or throws his bottle when necessary!
And finally, Remove the loud Grunt sound when vaulting, breaking, etc. No other killer has this, and more unnecessary sound cues that Survivors do not need to take advantage of, on such a struggling bad killer!
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Both are good killers as is, they don't need to change anything about these killers. What they need to do is remove all mories and keys, or not give out a -1 for people who get tunneled and moried
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He's anti loop. Don't be a bot and you basically turn off the survivors controller. Can't see and can't move. If anything, he needa a nerf. Idk why we're focusing on passable killers. M1 babies like wraith and hag are dogshit, they need to see some changes
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Mmm yes make the "cant see cant move" even worse for survivors.
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Yes I agree, I think gas should also spurt out of the generator or you get to see there aura. Whatever is more balanced
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I agree. The only Killer I think that needs a Freddy level rework is Demogorgon, but that's just me
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IMO make it so the gas spreads when survivors run through it and make his attack slightly longer. Either lunge or the actual swipe length.
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As long as they remove his exhaustion add-on, I have nothing to complain about.
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You do realize why the kill rate is higher than 50% (barely), right? It's because at the lowest levels, where 80% of the playerbase is, people are ######### potatoes. It's just easier to win against potato survivors. At the highest levels, survivors are OP as #########, while Killer feels like a ######### chore, which it is. At the highest level, killer mains are just playthings. At the average level (and I mean average as in between these two levels, not where the average player sits), it's kind of sort of maybe balanced, but survivors are still at an advantage.
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what point are you even complaining about
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Yep. Stacking both gas expanding add ons pretty much gives the middle finger to every single loop in the game. Every. Single. Loop. These add ons guarantee a hit, unless the player is so bad they’re beyond help.
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That’s IF you can get to a pallet in time. Any Clown worth their salt will prevent that from happening.
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His chase music would be circus music with a dead by daylight style twist
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They have already made the killers op look at leather face he camps and got buffed so they don't care I play less because they game just sucks they will never fix the problem with how the hit system works
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I fricken hate clown, I hate how easily he can end chases, I hope it’s a nerf or something because I hate the shart out of this stupid fat man
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It's not just the lowest, it happens at all skill levels. Survivor game play is so basic, they go out of their way to put themselves in danger. They can knock down all 5 gens in 4 minutes, get a door popped, and instead of a 3 escape, turn around and give the killer a 4k trying to make sure everyone gets out. Many will focus on a totem even though them and all their friends went from 0-death hook in the space of a couple minutes over it (hell, I enjoy bringing thrill of the hunt as my only hex because of this). If they get a single pallet stun or the killer aim dresses into a tree just once, they will get so cocky they will stop to taunt the killer at every vault and pallet, assuming that the killer is some r18...
And that's before you even get to the true potato behavior, sprint bursting into a corner, unhooking 3 feet from the killer who was leaving without bt, burning every pallet in sight before even taking the first hit.
If there was an actual competitive vs casual queue breakdown, you'd see a hell of a big difference in kill stats when Survivors are trying to actually win and not just screw around for half the match.
You can already see how many people are allergic to a challenge here. They'll DC and hook drop at the mere hint of a killer that requires any more thought than shift+w and occasionally spacebar.
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his "anti-loop" capabilities dont extend beyond getting survivors drop pallets early hes among the worst.the visual
impairment from the gas is minor at best and the movement penalty is just enough to be noticeable and nothing more.
clowns isnt passible hes just barely better than legion like a c tier killer in every way
i love playing wraith but if you are judging him without addons hes down there with clown but hag?! hag is an A tier killer or even S tier if you can guarantee no flashlights. S tier meaning unbeatable regardless of survivor skill or swf in the right hands (assuming no flashlights)
this is an old tier list but i stand by my clown, hag and wraith placements and most of the others.
how could hag be on the same level as wraith?! what thoughts could've lead you to that?
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Honestly they could just give him a 2nd ability that’s a bit more passive just like they did with Doc as well as rework some of his add ons.
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Dont remove my favorite addon ! 😡
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Let's hope the rework is more engaging and fun for both sides. Although considering their other reworks, they only seem to get one side right...except Leatherface, actually. I find him pretty fun overall now, they did a good job with him.
I think the killer that's gonna get the "full rework" treatment is Legion. And God I hope I'm right and they remove this abomination from the game and make them better.
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I would say that doctor is also pretty ok for both sides.Not too strong and not too weak (Except that the mending timer doesn't stop when recovering from madness 3 🙄)
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But... But Wraith :(
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His add-ons didn't need buffing at all. Discipline's 2nd effect of reducing the delay on shock therapy is completely dumb. And his green and yellow range add-ons having no charge penalty is also stupid. There's absolutely no thought that goes into using shock therapy with discipline and range, just spam away.
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I love wraith, but literally all the guy needs is increased movement speed while he's cloaked and the flashlight burn mechanic to be removed. Somewhere between yellow and green windstorm (I think the values go 12%/16%/20% so maybe make it 15) and then they rework the other windstorm perks into something else. Make a yellow shadow dance, and turn the green and purple windstorms into something like "you can immediately re-cloak when you get a surprise attack on a survivor by holding M2 during the attack wipe animation" or "reduces stun time if stunned whilst cloaked" something like that.
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That's fair. I just want them to do something for him. I'm pretty sure the last time they changed him at all was when Spirit came out, other than bugfixes and the Undetectable status change. I just want him to not be so add-on dependent. That's all. He doesn't need anything else.
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I think the developer lost the plot again after a few months of good content. They are releasing a killer who genuinely is a bad design and bad gameplay all around. Ill put her down there with legion in my opinion. On top of that they're doing a clown rework when they know killers like wraith, trapper, and legion are the ones who need it the absolute most no contest. Yet, they twiddle their thumbs and fix completely irrelevant things yet again.
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I have feeling that when clown gets changed, it will be something Wraith add-on rework where Clown will still be... really weak and really easy to beat. I hope I am wrong but I have feeling it might be like that purely because some people think he is good at chasing and perhaps... that might be clown's greatest downfall. A killer that should be good on a chase in paper but it never really feels that way in game.
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Well all the people whining about "clown is the worst killer" all the time got overheard.
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I enjoy playing clown one of my top killers. If the reload was faster it would be great. Another power with him would be awesome too for going against swfs.
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How does it make sense for someone to drink Anasthesia and move faster???
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I mean how does it make sense for the Clown to breath it all in and not pass out
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You're right. In this game where a dismembered woman can phase through reality, a interdimensional monster tears through dimensions, and a cowboy that made a speargun that sometimes somehow doesn't injure people despite going straight through their sternum a fat clown man drinking his own poison to power up in this living dimension doesn't make sense. What was I thinking.
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Hag is arguably the 3rd best killer in the game..
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I'm glad he's getting a buff, because I definitely get that he's a weak Killer, arguably even the weakest (well, at least in the live patch right now), but I always kind of groan when going up against him because his current counter play is just run to a pallet and throw it down immediately.
It leads to really boring chases for both of the players, especially since Bloodlust could potentially be completely removed so you'd be forced to break the pallet as the Killer.
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I mean no he would be affected by it like everyone else but its just that interaction doesnt need to exist because of how killer needs to be played lol
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Yes exactly because thats not how poison works or or wouldnt be poison. Yes it is a fantasy world with weird magical ghosts but anesthesia is not one of those magical things because its already been written realistically. Whether its science fiction, or just a limitation with the game itself it still needs to be consistent as thats what good writing is.
I mean im not talkin [BAD WORD] on you it was just silly to think lol like "hah you dumb bro pass them chips"
Im sure you could think of something much better and more practical than that. That was like just the first thing that came to your mind but it was so dumb lol
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Only if you use an iri add-on, which requires you to hit them directly with the bottle. His reload time is atrocious though unless you use add-ons to speed it up.
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You're the only person on this KILLER rework thread already complaining about a POSSIBLE buff to the weakest killer in the game 😂.
I know this is a meme but my god if it ever applied to anybody... It'd b @Sluzzy