Tunneling and Camping: How to address it?

Hyd Member Posts: 379

To be clear, I don't care if people tunnel or camp. This is a game about chasing and killing, so, honestly, complaining about being chased TOO long, or camped if a Killer wants to try and make sure you die, is just dumb. The number of things Killers and Survivors can BOTH do to screw the other over in any given game is nearly endless so, in my eyes, this really shouldn't matter but, the two things I see more people whining about here than anything else are tunneling and camping, so, even though I don't personally care about it, I do think that the devs can address it in ways that are beneficial for both Survivors and Killers.

My thoughts in general on this are that tunneling and camping only happens when you have 1) a griefer, or 2) an inexperienced new player that doesn't know any better.

It'll be difficult to stop a griefer from doing this as they won't care about any penalties for whatever they're doing (unless the penalty outright makes the killer unplayable while doing it), so, that's a tough player to counter. New players will (I think) eventually grow out of the tunneling the camping strategy. As they gain more experience, they'll eventually learn tunneling and camping is not in their best interest as it wastes a lot of time, and in addition to wasting time, camping is also super boring after a while. I've been in their shoes (new player of almost a month now), and with a lack of experience, perks, not knowing the maps, strategies, plethora of perks and add-ons, etc, this game was pretty overwhelming for a few days and at times I felt forced to camp as it was the only way to get a kill, but, I pretty quickly grew bored of it.

So, what can be done?

Tunneling - implement a passive debuff called "Tunnel Vision":

It's all in the name basically. This will be a debuff that over a certain amount of time, substantially reduces the Killer's FOV, almost to 0, the longer a chase goes on. So, basically, the Killer is going to have to call off the chase because they're not going to be able to see very well at all.

Now, the devs would have to somehow be able to distinguish between actual tunneling happening and the Killer simply being within range of Survivors for a long time - you wouldn't want to punish the Killer for being near Survivors and legit just not being able to find them, or, for doing other things like kicking gens, laying traps, etc. So, I'm not sure how exactly they'd regulate this debuff to account for all of those situations in order to activate and deactivate at fair and correct times, but I'm sure they could come up with something.

Camping - implement a passive buff/debuff called "Deadly Focus":

The Entity requires peace and quiet to focus on sacrificing the hooked Survivor, and thus, after a time within the hook radius, Deadly Focus causes hook progress to greatly slow, and when outside that radius, the progress is sped up slightly.

In addition to this, if the Killer remains, Deadly Focus has a second aspect to it where the Entity attempts to force the Killer away by making them suffer bloodshot eyes (pulsing red haziness and veiny vision on-screen) along with increasingly loud voices from the Entity, basically making it difficult to see or hear around you until you leave the radius.


These aren't perfect of course, I'm sure there are all sort of holes in these that could be exploited, but it's just a starting point that I think could be workable. I think to solve the tunneling and camping, you have to implement things that will make those strategies unplayable, as this helps against griefers, but also have cues or effects which make it obvious why it's happening, so that newer inexperienced players aren't confused and can learn how to play without being punished too harshly. The tunneling is probably the more complex thing to solve since it could be pretty hard to distinguish when a player is actually doing that or not.



  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    You don't get to say no, you're not a dev.

    Tunneling is indeed griefing

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    It's called DEAD by daylight.

    I get the dead part, so idc if you tunnel or camp. You're the killer, and that is what it is...

    What I don't get is the daylight part.

    Been playing for years, never saw the sun once.

    Devs please fix.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020

    OP's suggestions are top-notch. I'd love to see those implemented

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020

    F for the Dwight I just saw tunneled in my last game. The griefer (doing a dev-approved strategy) made sure to focus this Dwight, camping, through borrowed time, through Decisive Strikes, and through bodyblocking becuase everyone felt so bad for Dwight (who btw, wasn't toxic and was out of the game ASAP)

    Who knows, maybe the killer had a daily/archives challenge.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    edited November 2020

    I'm sorry if that offended you, it wasn't meant to. Your view is just a bit too extreme.

    You seem to consider a strategy the same as griefing = something worthy of getting banned for. Tunneling is part of the game if killer wants to focus all his attention to removing 1 surivor he can, usually that's a bad call and results in a loss if survivors know how to play around it.

    You don't see people wanting to report survivors for griefing if they finish gens under 4 minutes making killer's game miserably short. It's the same as tunneling and as equally fair way to win even if it makes the other side miserable, yet still not griefing in any form.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    The devs have already addressed it. It was the million dollar question EVERYONE was salivating over. It was announced in a dramatic fashion w drums rolling.

    Idk how many ppl I need to tell this to. I see complaints about camping everyday even though several post down, someone else already posted it about it.

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I think they tested your idea of slowing progress when around hooks but survivors would just abuse it and loop around hook.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    If someone considers tunneling griefing, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

    I don't agree, which is just my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.

    Everything anybody does will go against the opposing side.

    Tunnel, tbag, camp, gen rush.

    The devs have given you the tools to counterplay tactics you don't like.

    Gen rush? Noed and blood warden.

    Tunnelled? Decisive strike.

    Slugged? Unbreakable, soul guard, no mither.

    The devs are ultimately in control of the rules, and you can only control yourself.

    Give advice, be humble, and you'll realize it's just a game that has no bearing over your real life.

    I'm not gaslighting by saying that, I'm only pointing out a fact. This is a video game meant for entertainment, and other games exist.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709


    How would such a system account for the scenarios that survivors create themselves? How do you prevent survivors not just weaponizing these type of systems? I see some blatant abuse issues right there, being in chase for longer period of times... euhm not everyone drops a survivor in 15 secs straight 100% of the times. Looping around hooks happens... so lets hurt your ears and eyes... in the end game all gens are done... please leave the hook so that everyone can freely walk out?

    Tunneling, camping, slugging, etc. are tools that sometimes have to be utilized. Not every killer is a 5k hour experienced master killer and frankly even they use some of these tactics consistently or they are presented to you on a silver platter by the survivors. I am pretty new to the game, reached red ranks and simply put, playing nice as a killer going for 12 hooks... doesn't seem realistic in most games. 5 gens pop way to quick to do that without some mad snowball.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Camping and tunneling are strategies. Distasteful in casual play, but strategies nonetheless. There are plenty of tools to deal with them. Camaraderie/DS/BT/Babysitter/etc. Camaraderie is one of the strongest survivor perks in the game, but it takes a bit of coordination to use to its fullest potential. An extra 34 seconds in struggle state is massive against a camper if your teammates focus on gens during that time.

  • MichSciFiYT
    MichSciFiYT Member Posts: 4

    You sound like a toxic killer main! 🤣