Are we ever gonna get an official denouncement of toxic behavior?



  • aorion
    aorion Member Posts: 12

    It is a gameplay problem. You are playing a game where the premise is killers killing and tormenting and survivors surviving. And the meta is such that the killers are getting tormented due to, basically, impotency.

    This leads to the current situation where survivor queues are terrible and rank 10 killers get put against rank 1 full meta survivors. Because the alternative is too shallow of a killer player pool to adequately service the survivor players.

    It is not surprising. Nobody wants to play killer because you basically risk getting doodooed on for 15 minutes just to queue and start it again. The queues don't lie.

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    If only they had a setting to where you can have post game chat muted, that would be a blessing :)

  • You can't denounce something that isn't real. Toxic gameplay is a completely subjective term, there is no hard and fast rule about what makes something toxic during gameplay. So deal with it or don't play.

    Players cheating and exploiting bugs, isn't toxic, it's cheating, so send your recording to BHVR and they'll deal with it.

    Players talking all kind of offensive ######### in chat channels, isn't toxic, it's an attempt at bullying as it's done deliberately to upset the person recieving the message, if you're getting upset by strangers on the internet that have absolutely nothing to do with your life, then block them and report them via the complaints procedure of whatever platform you play on or chat application you use and they'll deal with it.

    #closediscussion #problemsolved #BHVRhavebiggerthingstofix

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited November 2020

    That's... a pretty bad argument. There is not really a written rule about what sexual harassment is but everyone knows about it.

    Besides Behaviour have bigger things to fix"? You're talking like every part of the team is focused on a single thing, so the cosmetic team is not the same as the bug fixes team, and the report team is not the same as the bug fixes team.

    Post edited by Saitamfed on
  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    They have addressed it though. With DC penalties and end game chat bullying can result in permanent bans which I've seen happen to other players so ik it happens. You can switch end game chat off. They've equipped us with perks that help against scummy tactics like DS and BT.

    At the end of the day there is only so much they can do. Gaming culture as a whole is incredibly toxic and immature and the issue is kind of beyond dbd. Playets will always find a way to tease the other side.

  • Fight toxic with toxic and stop crying

  • exelse
    exelse Member Posts: 37

    That literally describes me 100%. Me and my boyfriend take turns in playing as a killer, account is at rank 12 and we literally have handful of enjoyable games. All other games are just us getting pissed off at survivors who are toxic af having time of their life while we try not to throw controller at the TV.

    What we started to do is try to select games. We play on PS4 and when we see lobby of all PC players (cross play enabled) with all sorts of torches, med-kits etc we just leave lobby and try again. When lobby is 50-50 that's when the chance of decent game is higher but unfortunately not always. It's sad because we really love this game but toxic SWF make us stop playing.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    There are actually streamers who promote toxic behaviour toward killers?

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I know of one and I can't say more than that I'm afaird as I will likely be banned and this thread will likely be thrown into the abyss.

    I've mentioned their behaviour before thread was instantly deleted for simply telling the truth so there's that lol

    As for the toxicity in the game on these forums I have learnt to be the change you wish to see.

    I try my hardest to encourage positive threads try my hardest to change threads that I have read that are overall aggressive or negative towards the op in to a positive one.

    Meeting toxicity with toxicity isn't the answer I'm my book.

    Try to be a good person it's tuff honestly not easy but I hope more will pick it up and we as a community can be better towards each other.


  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    Maybe? He did have Claudette mask on so he maybe he was trying to collect Jake next.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Biggest issues this game faces:

    • Your average killer thinking they're way better than they are.
    • Non-existent matchmaking that just throws people together cause fk it.
    • Lack of a comprehensive tutorial that explains how the game is -really- played.
    • No synergy between the wants of casual/competitive players which causes friction - The Sweaty Boi/Gal Pandemic.

    If none of these can be addressed, the toxicity stays. At this point it's part of the game's identity.