When there are two survivors remaining in the trial, upon one survivor disconnecting...
We've seen it happen plenty of times:
The survivor that has been t-bagging and harassing you (The Killer) the entire match, final gets knocked to the dying state. The last survivor is caught in the open. One survivor disconnects so the other can instantly escape through the hatch for free.
Its annoying and unbalanced.
Which option below do you think would best remedy the exploit:
When there are two survivors remaining in the trial, upon one survivor disconnecting... 35 votes
How about grow a skin and go on? You are also wasting the time of survivors if you slug them to prevent the hatch escape, which is disgusting as well.
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They can't all be 4Ks. I won't defend this action in and of itself (when purposefully done by the two survivors in question), but it roots from a desire to give the last person standing at least a chance at escape. Deliberately slugging to secure the fourth kill isn't necessarily the best course of action imho. If you get three kills and the last person jumps through hatch to escape, then you've still played a good game.
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The hatch is relocated to a new position and its aura cannot be tracked for 30 seconds
I'd say just move it. No need to block it; simply moving it enforces the normal gameplay of "look for it"
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IMO it is not worth to invest any time or ressources for this. It happens quite rare (when someone is saying it happens "all the time" or even "often", they are lying) and the DCing Survivor has a penalty AND loses out on all of the BPs earned. If they were in an SWF, their friends will have to wait as well.
So while indeed it happens occasionally, the penalty and loss of the earned BPs will prevent that someone does this on a regular basis.
BHVR has other problems to care for IMO.
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The hatch is blocked by the Entity for 30 seconds
I feel like it's more appropriate for the DC to hurt your own team as opposed to the other team, but I agree that, in a solo match, this is just shifting the damage from one innocent player to another. However, people might be less likely to do it if they know that their own team is going to be mad at them.
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I will answer, but I didn't choose any of the options as I didn't see any of them reflecting my opinion. I think it should not change at all. I know it is unfair for the killer if someone DC's so someone else can get the hatch, but it seems like the example given is more like two friends playing together, one DC's so the other can escape.
Well, most times the two last survivors are not friends, they don't know each other. One is downed and rage quits, the other found the hatch by accident and escapes. By changing it, the remaining survivor, who did not quit, ends up being given a penalty they did not do anything to deserve.
If the hatch is blocked, within 30 seconds the killer can probably find it and find the survivor, preventing them from using it. 60 seconds is even worse. And relocating the hatch just makes it bad for the survivor, because now they have to search the whole map again and hide at the same time, while the killer can just freely explore to find it. So, while I understand that it is annoying for the killer to lose the last kill, it should not change, at least not with the options given.
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The most fair option in the situation would be to leave the same options as if that survivor wouldn't dc.
There are 3 common outcomes:
1) Killer picks up slugged surivvor, that survivor dies on hook, the hatch opens
2) Slugged surivvor bleeds out, hatch opens
3) A walking survivor picks up the slugged one.
(P.S. there are more possible outcomes but most of them would require the slugged survivor to get back into the game and not DC, so I ignored them)
My idea is when a survivor disconnects, some special item is left behind 🔱(a special totem for example) for the exact amount of time the dc'd slugged survivor had left (if he wasn't slugged but just DC'd the timer can be full 3 minutes) The hatch won't open until that time runs out, but there are more options^
1) A killer can interact with the special item. The hatch will open instantly but the DC'd survivor would count as sacrificed while giving killer bp and emblem points.
2) A survivor can interact with the special item as well. The hatch will open instantly and the survivor would get bp and emblem points for altruism.
3) Noone interacts with the item, the time runs out and hatch opens. Pretty much the same as if a survivor DC's today but not instant.
No idea how something like that could be implemented with more that two survivors still alive so probably it shouldn't.
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None of these
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hatch just doesn't open until a gen is done.
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I think this issue could be easily remedied by just heavily rewarding the killer if somebody disconnects. Y'know, count it as 3 hooks & a sac, three thousand bloodpoints into the sacrifice category. I think having a hatch blocking/ hatch moving mechanic is to much work for the DBD team.
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The hatch is blocked by the Entity for 60 seconds and relocated to a new position on the map
Alternatively the hatch doesn't open