Remember when I was learning new killers
Yeah I'm just gonna stick to Freddy and Ghostface until they give a bot or practice mode cause Gosh darn man this sucks.
just get friends into a custom game and try then
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If you don't play them you'll never learn.
Forget your rank and be happy
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It can be hard to learn new killers, especially against experienced survivors. But, it's a casual game and there's really no reward for winning. Add into that the fact that anyone proud of themselves for beating up a clearly inexperienced killer doesn't exactly have a worthy opinion and it becomes much easier to stop caring, although I will admit that it doesn't change the fact that it's hard to learn when you're forced to jump in the deep end with lead shoes.
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The main pain is gens. I have no clue what to do in chase, but I'm slowly learning. In this, I'm having long chases, which is expected. But once I've finally gotten one chase, all gens are done, and I need to go on to the next game and do it all over again. No point in ruin cause it gets cleansed in two seconds. Even then it doesn't do anything while your chasing someone.
I don't mind going against the higher ranked teams that give me a harder chase cause that's what I need to learn. But when the gens quite literally fly I have no chance to practice and all I get is a bunch of tbaggers clicking at me running out the door.
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I'm kind of in the same boat. I stuck with Myers until I got him to Rank-1, and now I'm trying to learn new Killers. :) The problem is I constantly pull Red/Purple Rank survivors. It is hard ground to till. But, on the bright side, most Killers employ the same basics. I'm not great with the new Killers, but I am improving however slowly.
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Unfortunately this game is not designed to encourage people to learn new tricks once you reach a certain rank. If you are going for the rank 1 achievement then yeah keep grinding with the characters you know. If you want to learn new killers and have fun, then you have to not care about your rank. I found that I enjoy this game so much more now that I don't care about my pips per match (but I also got my rank 1 achievement a couple months ago so I guess it might be easier for me not to care).
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AFK queue until you are low rank enough, then take your time to learn.
You can also have an horrid experience trying to learn in higher ranks, but thats your decision
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The only time I get to play is late from like 10 pm to 1am (I go to sleep at 1) so my ONE friend who plays this game, who is a rank 20ish survivor, is sleeping.
The only time I've had a fun time learning a new killer was when a team I went against realized I had no clue what I was doing, so they let it one gen and gave me some practice. This was with nurse as well. Most people are NOT like that at all. So I'm stuck with 30 games where I'm getting bullied and getting maybe 1 chase worth of practice cause they slam gens
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I don't have much care for my rank. Imo opinion rank doesn't really show skill it shows how much you play. Some rank ones barely know to look out for trapper traps while some can frikkin body you in chase. It's mainly the people that make it unfun to learn new things. I'm trying to learn someone knew and it's very apparent, yet they're taking it as a chance to be a holes.
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The sucky thing is that you will have a terrible time learning a new killer in any rank higher than low green. My advice is to not care about the rank and just play who you want. If you want to really work on a certain killer, for example the nurse, then just do the entire game not necessarily going for kills but just learning your limitations with them. Learn your blink distances, learn what you can and cant blink through, things like that. Many people may disagree with me but I truly believe that the best mentality to have when learning a new killer is to go into a game knowing you will lose. If you go in knowing for a fact that you will not win, then you don't have to try and push yourself to get that win. Just focus on learning the killer and you will be fine.
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Yeah that can be rough. I know how it is when a survivor team smells weakness they make it their life goal to ruin that killer's day. For some reason, your decision to play killer offends them to their very core and you don't deserve respect because of it. Unfortunately the only advice I can give against that is you just have to keep in mind that you are there to learn your character and if they are being jerks, that is their problem and not yours. Keep grinding the practice and eventually you will start to get better but it will not be a pleasant journey. Wish I could give some more sunny optimism but this game is not designed for that :(