Motivation to keep playing?

I first got this game back in March of 2018, and I loved it. Everyday after school or for hours on weekends I would play it and enjoy it. So much so that I've put in almost 800 hours. Not much when compared to a lot of people but still, that's a lot of time for me to put into a game.

I've been on and off with Dead by Daylight since Ghostface was released. I stopped playing for a good while, and then when Deathslinger came out I started to play again. I would play for a few hours. But less so than when I started.

I got a lot done, getting all the unlockables for killer, and all for survivor, even maxing out my main survivor. But I started to feel burnt out and started playing less.

I havent played for even an hour since before the blight came out. I bought the Rift pass and was determined to complete it, but everytime I sat down to play I didnt have any motivation to play.

I played a few games earlier this week and somewhat enjoyed survivor and had fun as killer. But I still don't feel motivated or feel the need to hop on and play. I really like this game, from watching people play it, to just drifting through the forums and reading about things. Any recommendations as to how I could get back into the swing of things?


  • I mean, the game is frustrating, buggy, and unfair in general; so if you are not actively enjoying it I would suggest just not playing it to be honest, for your own mental well being.

    However, if you really do want to try and get back into it, find some fun specific builds to try. (Hopefully you are far enough along you can, if you are new's too grindy for that to be a feasible choice)

    another option could be to get friends and play in SWF with them, that usually is when I have the most fun as survivor naturally.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    This isn't for everyone but when I play survivor I always run Ace In The Hole and Plunders Instinct just to see what I can get to kinda change my playstyle on the spot. Since the new survivor has a perk called Appraisal, it'll make this build even more fun. Also playing killer for me at least is stressful so instead of focusing on how many kills I get I always run BBQ and Chili and try my best to get all 4 tokens. I don't need to kill anyone but it feels good knowing that each survivor in the match I was able to hook at least once.

  • If you play legion or doctor or someone as well, you can get a bucket load of bloodpoints.

    Actually it's funny as legion, I've intentionally kept players alive because you get more points from them than you will if you just kill them generally.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    You dont have to compare your time played with other people to know 800 hours is a ton of play time in any game.

    I would recommend not watching any dbd videos on youtube, or watching anyone play on any streaming service.

    Everyone gets bored of their favorite game eventually

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I'm a Bubba main and I've found it hilarious to run Speed Limiter because you almost never see it so when I hit people they naturally kinda just drop the controller just to realize they're not downed right before they get hit again.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    There are a ton of other games to play. it is ok to move on.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    God I wish more people played like this. I think the community would be less toxic with more players like you.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I feel you on this so much.

    I was about to get into playing again during, but not because of the blood lust test and watched some tru3, Otz, and Umbra, went to the forums, and saw what I'm likely to go against since broken matchmaking and SWF drove me away before.

    I did ok as survivor, but I like killer more.

    I hope what ever helps you helps me, too. I don't like many pvp games but I like this one.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    the only motivation is mastering looping skills, which is the ultimate goal making a 5-gen-hold

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266

    Kinda hard. Today was my first day back. Had several bad games where the killers just camp and tunnel as survivor, and the survivors just BM as killer. Yeah im goin back on break. Hate this game

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Don't have any. The game just has sunk cost fallacy at this point with the absurd grind, but even that will only get me to do a few games each reset.