I can't wait for the key and mori change

In the last few days I've been doing lots of bloodpoint grinding for the new killer and survivor, even though people say they aren't good. All I have seen in these last few days is ebony mori tunnelers and 4 person swf teams that offer survivor sided maps and I have a hard time keeping pressure cuz all of them have toolboxes and prove thyself except the keyholder then they all just leave through the hatch (maybe 1 or 2 don't make it). I stg I'm getting tired of all of it. I know the devs don't always do exactly what the community thinks was needed but I still can't wait to hear some news on this because I'm getting tired of the nonstop toxic sweaty teams.



  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    I didn't hear about the changes. Does anybody have a link? Or can they say what the changes are?

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    They should just make it so red mori only activates after all 4 survivors have been hooked once & for keys, give it a progress bar like healing & gens. But shorter. Rarity of key affects how long it takes.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I wouldn’t mind that if only because it would mean the devs would have to remove or change the “Where did they go!?” trophy.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Hatch games are also being fought for recently because of the "Escape Through The Hatch" rift challenge.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    "We felt like Ebony Memento Mori can be reverted to its original version."

    There's the Ebony change you can't wait for. 😜

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited November 2020

    As others have already said, red and green moris should activate only when every survivor has been hooked at least once.

    The yellow one that lets you kill the last survivor is fine and can stay as it is.

    For starters about Keys, I'd make it as they'd not spawn in chests anymore. Then, I'd add a progress bar of about 10 seconds to open the Hatch and bring back the possibility for the killer to grab a survivor mid jump like in the past.

    Red keys also should not allow more than 2 survivor escapes. After 2 escaped through a Hatch opened with a red key the Hatch closes again by itself.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    Opening a hatch takes time and moris get removed from the game. imo

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Or just make moris for fun. Ya know? After second hook it activates this way it doesn't affect gameplay much. Just a fun thing to use sometimes.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020


    Post edited by MikaKim on
  • legacyrisky
    legacyrisky Member Posts: 10

    Yeah I agree with this it wouldn't really change much

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I think keys spawning in chest are okay because if someone starts with a key it is a almost 9 out of 10 chance the killer will tunnel them. It makes it a little unfair unlike when a killer bring a ebony mori all we can do is guess because sometimes it can be another secret offering. If a killer sees a key in most my matches they almost certainly tunnel and camp that player and that is why well besides it being hard to use but why I do not use keys. I also do not use Ebony Mori's though either because it takes no skill to use them. Hook someone slug them and kill them. I like killer a lot but have to say with keys aside from SWF it does take a lot of skill to properly use.

    I mean even if I have a key I have to dodge the killer and sometimes horrible teammates. Then I have to normally at least in the games I play do 4 out of 5 gens myself meaning skill checks. Then I also have to be lucky enough to find the hatch and I have the worst luck with that. Then add if a solo survivor is still alive somehow deciding do I try to make them understand and save them or say screw it and just escape.

    When I play killer with Ebony mori I almost think as I am playing well this is to easy and poor survivors. I do not do this but most games I play if the killer has an ebony mori they do their best to tunnel without making it look like tunneling or sometimes they do not even care to hide it and then mori everyone.

    I mean I have seen games with mori's both when I use them and playing against one over in less than 4 minutes maybe 5. The key takes some time given if all your teammates are still alive. I will not say the key is not unfair but it is more powerful in certain situations like SWF were as a Ebony Mori is Strong no matter the game. I also see Ebony Mori used WAAAAY more than keys because people with keys especially in solo survivor play know that they will be tunneled. I just had 2 games back to back and the killer had a Ebony Mori in both games. I think like I said Key is strong in SWF and no so much solo Que and Ebony Mori is Strong no matter the game and that is why maybe we see it used much more.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I think the base function of keys and moris above the weakest versions (broken key and yellow mori) are the core of the problem. Opening hatch before endgame (possibly for more than one person) and removing someone from the game early are potentially just too strong and seem to be the focus of everyone's gripes with both.

    Maybe keys only open hatch during EGC for 1 person and moris only work on death hook. Potentially buff keys aura reading aspects to help out with the changes.

    Alternatively we could go the "removal" type of route and keys just don't open hatch at all, really focus on their aura aspects, and moris are gone, but the yellow one is base-kit since its just an animation on an already dead survivor. Alternatively, we could add an option of carrying any survivor that's on death hook to a hooks location (allowing for saves and DS and such) and in addition to the hook/sacrifice option, we get a mori option as well.

    There's a lot of directions they could go, I just hope they don't end up making things somehow worse.

  • Crap_Martini
    Crap_Martini Member Posts: 50

    Current tome has kill challenges and a hatch escape challenge. Probably why you're seeing more.of these in matches.

    There are also kill and hatch trophies/achievements so they are not going to get drastically changed.

    Players are not going to stop trophies/achievment hunting of they are inclined to do so. So I doubt keys and moris are going away in any realistic fashion.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    The moment that happens, all hell breaks loose so prepare your butts for that stuff

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    I don't mind it being really powerful. How it is now though just encourages tunneling. Hook someone once and then tunnel and youve removed one player a minute or two into the match. If they changed it to what I suggested, it'd actually promote NOT doing that and to go after everyone.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    edited November 2020

    I can't tell you how many times I've been abandoned by my teammates via the hatch, and I can't tell you how many times I've been tunneled off of hook against a killer with an Ebony.

    It'll be nice to see what they do, and hopefully it'll be for the better.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348

    Will be interesting, but at the same time I don't like the thought of the state of the game between the final "they will be changed on this date" announcement and the actual implementation of the change. People spamming their stashes of moris and keys will annoy a lot of people, and I'd be surprised if that doesn't happen, lol.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    keys need to have better effects other than opening the hatch.

    And for opening the hatch it should take time and have a way for the killer to find and stop it like a directional audio up to x meters.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    I think Moris should be basekit, but you can only use them on death hook.

    It's a shame that you only get to see the badass animation when you bring an offering that makes people ragequit.

  • Maddmaxx
    Maddmaxx Member Posts: 17

    Read another post saying this game is unplayable the extreme entitlement in this game is mind boggling. Post this every we're survivors there is no invisible rule book killers have to follow. Killers don't expect every survivor to let you win enjoy the game every, time a perk comes out people lose their ######### minds. If you think your entitled to win or get hatch or kill every one delete the game your not apart of the community.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 207

    The only reason the hatch exists at all is so that when a couple survivors are dead and there are still 3 or 4 gens left the remaining survivors don't just DC or suicide. It's a chance to still "win" even though you've lost.

    From the killer side a survivor escaping through the hatch never feels good. It's the video game equivalent of a game ending because someone flipped the game board over. Unsatisfying and insulting.

    From the survivor side escaping through the hatch feels like finding a dollar on the floor. You might be happy about the outcome but your know you didn't earn it. Even if you have a key, it just feels cheap, like you're not finishing the game properly.

    IMO hatch is a bad mechanic and shouldn't exist. The devs should come up with another reason for survivors to finish out a losing game.