Random Lines for Ghost Face

These are just random lines I thought of. It's not a suggestion since I don't expect them to ever be added, but still, fun to think about.

Start of the trial

"Let's make this one to remember!"

"They won't see me coming."

"Where, oh where could they be?"

Opening a locker with a survivor


"Heeeeeere's Johnny!" (Don't lie; you imagine him saying this)

*no lines, but low chuckling*


"I see you!"

"Shhh, stay like that."

"I'll remember these [moments]"

Marking a survivor

"You're next!"

"Better run!"

"Now the fun part!"


"The perfect shot!"

"That's a keeper!'

"Another for Philly!"

Hooking a survivor

"Sorry to leave ya hanging."

"Now, stay put."


Survivor survives being marked


"It was so close...!"

"Don't worry. I won't forget you."

Downing a Marked survivor

"Who's next?"

"You should feel honored."

"Sorry, pal. Not your night."

Closing hatch

"Time for a hunt!"

"No escape for you."

"Ready to have some fun?"
