So... about those hotfix changes.

I just want to point something out. These are the changes made to the Twins from the PTB.

  • Allow Victor to be recalled after having been on a survivor's back for 45 seconds
  • The Twins' Spinning Top add on now causes the survivor to drop any held item when hit by Victor's pounce attack

However, if you remember the post they made about the changes that were planned on the release, you might know that this was a change listed for the release:

  • Increased Victor’s movement speed while charging a pounce, and increased the amount of time it takes to reach this movement speed.

This change isn't listed in the patch notes. Which means one of two things:

  1. They forgot to list it (the one I am sincerely hoping for).
  2. They had THREE WEEKS to change a number value and they didn't do that.

I really want the first one to be true, but considering the other listed release change of making Victor's unbinding sound louder and clearer is also not on the patch notes...

I don't even know what to say. I think I'm in actual shock.
