Is this a good change to Autodidact?

RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

I’ve been thinking about Autodidact lately and how, with minimal effort, the Devs could make it into a very solid perk. The main issue with the perk is sometimes you just don’t get any skill checks. What if you could press the active ability button during a heal to instantly trigger a skill check once per heal? This would allow it to be more consistent and viable as you can start a heal knowing for a FACT that a skill check will happen.

Is this a good change to Autodidact? 30 votes

Yes this would be a good change.
TapeKnotAztreonam78Unnamed_FreakSkeletalElitehedgehoeGreyBigfootCephalon_LebronMadLordJackUndershotPior_MorteFobboMikaKimcheezjtzReverseVelocityAnnoyingNarratorjotaroSif 17 votes
No this is a bad change as it doesn’t address the perk’s problem(s).
TotemsCleanserUnknownlyKnown 2 votes
No this is a bad change as it is too easily abusable.
GibberishDemon_SwordsDimekkonchokGenerator_RepairerYordsTsukiYureiRubixLe_DWK 9 votes
Awkward_FiendDerZuntor 2 votes


  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293

    I think just increasing the odds of getting a skill check would be better.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    No this is a bad change as it is too easily abusable.

    That would guarantee getting the ability off once you got your tokens. Holy hell that would be broken good. no one would ever run another healing perk.

    Honestly I just feel that it should require 3 tokens rather than 5 to get full stacks. Tier 1 you can get just 1 stack, tier 2 maximum of 2 stacks and then 3 stacks is the full affect.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    Yes this would be a good change.

    The overall bonus would have to be nerfed a bit, but it would make it a contender to We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge and Desperate Measures.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    Yes this would be a good change.

    No one whos good (and is sweating) bothers running ANY healing perk except for adrenaline and maybe inner strength because ALL of the healing perks are trash.

    Botany speeds up heals by by 4 seconds. Most games you'll only use it once or twice though unless you're specifically going out of your way to go for heals which is non optimal. Needs a numbers buff to see use. Simply does not save enough time in an average game to be worth a slot.

    We'll make it has the exact same problem except it's less consistent but has a higher reward when it does work. At least this one is a game changer when it does work though.

    Desperate measures is worse than botany unless there are 3 injured people. Needs a numbers buff and has to be slightly better than or equal to botany at 2 injuries. Even more inconsistent than botany and we'll make it.

    Autodidact is literal garbage. You may not even get the opportunity to charge it up. You can get screwed by RNG and never get it charged up even if you don't get the opportunity. Once you have it charged up you may not get anymore opportunities to use it and even if you do you can once again get screwed by RNG and have it be useless. Honestly would probably still be bad with the ability to guarantee one skill check. Does not work with medkits or self healing.

    Self Care is a massive waste of time, get 40% of a gen done instead of sitting around for 32 seconds.

    Inner strength is okay but you're still probably better off spending the time on a gen. Bad if you waste too much time looking for bones.

    Solidarity is a joke, leader would be a better pick (leader is not a good pick)

    Pretty much every single one of these perks is outclassed by medkits (even brown) in terms of consistency and costs 0 perk slots.

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    No this is a bad change as it is too easily abusable.

    Being able to activate your skillchecks at will would be extremely broken. There are a few examples I can think of that could counter this:

    -Always does negative penalty when force activated.

    -Has a cooldown when can be done again.

    -Always does a "difficult" skillcheck (anyone who runs Decisive wouldn't have a hard time).

    -Triggers a sound notification for the killer/aura visible.

    -Gives you a debuff like Oblivious or etc.

    Usually when I run Autodidact, I also run Spine Chill for the increased skill check chance.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620
    No this is a bad change as it doesn’t address the perk’s problem(s).

    The odds of triggering a skill check should be increased imo. Kind of what happens with Spine Chill if that makes sense.