Good old hit validation!

"The server will step in and evaluate their hits to make sure that they are fair."
Clearly hit me though right? Switch back to p2p or show the killers ping so I can dodge these bad internet killers. VPN still works.
remember hit validation is supposed to make sure the hits are fair. Further proof these devs could care less about fixing this. Guess im maining killer. Cant even program it right now poor oni players are suffering.
The Hit Validation I havent noticed any change with either way tbh, returning to p2p would probably be the best but I doubt its likely. How would they make VPN not work anyway?
also welcome back.
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I wish they could ban vpn from the game and force people to play on their real servers
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If we assume the hit validation system is working as it should be, then the only thing BHVR could determine from this clip is that the Killer was the one with the stronger connection and so was given priority - on the Killer's screen, you were closer to them.
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They can't ban VPN, but they can do a ping validation before the match starts.
Everyone gets a White Icon on the top right whenever their ping is over 150.
And a red icon whenever their ping is over 200.
Before you ask, I play with buddies from the UK and I get the White bar all the time.
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I took a screenshot of the moment of impact so people can evaluate it more easily:
Post edited by Yamaoka on7 -
I thought it would help but I was wrong sadly I mean they could just show the killers ping for vpn and then you dodge the lobby on high ping killers.
Thank you glad to be back.
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I was at 60-70 ms that's decent. That's not hitting if the killer has similar ping. There is no way in hell that he had stronger connection even the stun was slightly delayed.
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Exactly this. Hit Validation prioritises the player with the better connection to the server so it's distinctly possible that the killer had the better connection so prioritised their hit.
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That almost looked like a Coup de grace lunge to me but I could be seeing things.
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When you look exactly in the clip der first try hit he aimed the wall because of aim dressing you was closer to him as from your sight. That why you get downed after pallet. The hit validation prefer killer or one of you has the better ping. In easy words when you have 30ms and killer has 16ms for example the killer get the priority and vice versa depends what both seeing.. But with the desync issue you can never fix bullshit hits
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I think a ping indicator is a good idea, but it wouldn’t prevent all these questionable instances. I’ve had survivors scream at me about having bad internet post-game several times and my ping is very consistent and hovers around 30. My internet is almost certainly better than theirs.
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I think this is probably the case. I mean I've been on the killer end of this and it looks like a 100% justified hit to me and my friend playing the survivor sent me a clip showing me something similar to this.
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Feel it sometimes i get ingame a desync the survivor stand there for x seconds i hit them get damage after the hit the surv he is moving far far away from internet is stable and never had this issue since the first hit validation test. And i have this only in DBD.. In other games my internet is working as intended.
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I'm not auto-hitting walls anymore! I love it! Thank-you BHVR!
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Explain the delayed stun then since he clearly had better connection. Bad connection means everything is delayed.
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That has happened to me and my friend you get a blade wipe and they run away. It's crazy as hell.
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It would at the very least give an opportunity to dodge obvious bad ping.
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Based on your terrible graphics. I can pretty much guarentee you that the Killer has a better connection than you. They are going to get priority hit over you.
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No coup de grace just ######### ping.
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Graphics has no correlation to ping. Also I'm on console. If 60-70 ping is bad idk what to do. These servers are cheap any other game in getting 9-15.
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And so you can. You can see your ping to the server in the lobby. If it's not good enough, leave the lobby.
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Ooo even worse. Consoles can't even play this game correctly. Better off waiting till you got the new Xbox or Playsation at this point, or switching to PC (PC would be cheaper and better for you in the long run in terms of gaming anyways).
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60-70 ms is definitely on the upper end of "acceptable". You probably live relatively far away from the closest server.
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I am building a pc right now I just need my gpu and motherboard. Also a console can still get good ping graphics once again have no correlation to ping.
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Still good enough to not get all the bs hits that get me as killer.
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That's wrong. I have this game on pc and console. The problem is in dbd the ping is related to the FPS. On ps4 i get 60ms and on pc i have 30ms no matter what i choose. I get 60ms only when i set my monitor refresh rate to 30hz then i get the same ping.
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If your ping changes with framerate, that's a hardware issue. Ping is not related to framerate in any conceivable way unless the hardware is having a hard time supporting that framerate, which delays other operations.
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And this issues have all consoles. This what i mean.
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Looks normal to me. I have had worse hits around corners, through windows etc. And I usually get 35ms (Frankfurt) or about 50ms (London I guess), so my connection ist not bad.
This situation was a close call anyways.
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They are but they kinda suck. I thought I would be perma banned too but I guess not.
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No offense but do you play this game casually? When I play games I like to be competitive and I find casual players dont really mind bad hits as much. Close call ot not it was not fair.
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Scientists have confirmed that the Hit Validation indirectly buffs killers
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I got 3.3k hrs in this game and I play for 2 years now, if that answers your question.
I get a lot of players from eastern Europe here in Germany. They often have a bad connection and the hits are just uhhh. And it bothers me to get slapped through a window that is 3m behind me or get hit by hatchets around a corner. But I was never bothered by close calls like in your clip. there will alwys be some latency with servers. I also see DbD as competitive game, but I learned to live with some things. And close calls are some of these.
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I think everyone is forgetting something important. If you touch the pallet, you become one with the pallet, so smacking a pallet == smacking the survivor.
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Well, again, going with the theory that the Killer has a better connection than you, nothing the Killer does is going to appear exactly accurate on your end - delayed hits, stuns, etc. Additionally, connection stability and speed isn't constant, it fluctuates for a variety of reasons. So there can be cases where the Killer is favored for a hit, but then their connection speed and/or ping takes a hit for whatever reason, and now you're favored and dodging everything.
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Can confirm. I still get hit by those bs hits when playing survivor. Can also confirm that my grabs get cancelled consistently when playing killer. Can also confirm that my ping is better than most players since I hit escape to check the ping of other survivors. Can lastly confirm that I have accepted that this is just part of the game and it will never be fixed.
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screenshot was taken to early. Look at HUD, still just injured.
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Yupp just added one more frame exactly when the blood splatters/hit connects
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This looks like the perfect excuse for the bs hits. I guess all killers have better connection from my 40 ping.
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I understand now what truly bothers me is that it never used to be like this. That's why I am so bothered by getting by that even though it was still close ish.
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That's what I'm thinking dont expect mandy to answer it though. Hits will never be fixed I'm slowly becoming a killer main though, so I should be alright.
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It was the same with p2p, but at least you could see how bad the connection was. I could easily play around a 150ms ping or even higher, because I could adapt. I knew I would need to vault or drop the pallet earlier, but now I only know my own ping and can hope that I won't get someone from further away or someone using VPN. To see the Killer's ping in the lobby and during the game when pressing ESC would help a LOT. So I can at least prepare myself again or dodge the lobby.
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I've definitely seen worse. I do think we need some info about opppnent ping/platform in the lobby. It 100% affects gameplay, and unless you're going to clean up the netcode and server performance, we should have that info to make informed decisions from the start of the game.
I need to be a bit more patient with my Nurse blinks against 300 ping wifi Switch Jimmy warping all over the place.
I need to drop pallets a year early against that same player if they're on killer. I shouldn't have to learn that by getting hit through a pallet I already threw.
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Years ago 2016 to late 2018 vaults worked. Pallets were ######### ever since the vacuum pallet removal but atleast vaults work. All we need is to see the ping I we can know when to dodge. All this info should be in the lobby.
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You can see your ping. If you think it's too high, then leave.
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a better example
I'm the claudette, my friend got hit miles away and on my screen he was nowhere near the killer. in other words, i saw exactly what he experienced in the video
Hit validation is still faulty
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It is also way more likely that the system doesn't work correctly yet.
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All I saw was DS, Unbreakable soul guard