I hope DBD will not get a reward on steam this year.



  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Right? It's so annoying. Like what is the point of Q&A if most of the questions are not properly answered.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited December 2020

    Actually... the fact that you play this game means you like the idea, not that you like how the devs are doing things.

    And it's not like that, "oh, if you keep saying that we don't care we will stop", this is not a free game you know? They are making money with it, so we, as purchasers are part of it. I can understand how damaging it is, I have made things for ungrateful peopple, but I didn't get a reward by it, that's a true "labor of love", if you do bussiness then that's a different thing.

    And as toxic as the community is, I do believe they are very patient with how BHVR's is doing things. When I came into the game, the first event was the BBQ event. I am sure it recquired a lot of work but. Why removing almost all existing events when they have already the codes? Would you call that a "labor of love"? Would you call a lavor of love to not refunding the Legacy cosmetic to those who own the game since day one when they said "we are trying to bring it back" for years but now they sudenly say "we can't do it"? Would you call a "labor of love" when they could have done a blood hunt during lockdown and they haven't? And yes, we ended having it but because the community pushed for it. So no, a "labor of love" is something that YOU do, not that you're FORCED to do. Another one. Would you call labor of love when in the free rift there are many tiers with absolutely nothing even supposed they could give a few blood points or shards?

    If it's a "Labor of Love" then why does the community needs to push those changes? Even infinites were changed due to community pushing it, not from behaviour's side. So yes, this is a Labor of love but for the community of this game that keeps pushing things, not from behaviour. Even the new upcoming perks are just bandaid fixes for in-game problems, like ruin as an example.

    So... now you're saying "Don't be negative?" if you do something it's because you care, a friend of mine recorded a wonderful video message to me even if I didn't ask for it, that's because he cares, now if I were the one saying "Could you make a message video to me?" and he agrees. Don't you think that I have every right to be angry when he made a promise to me that he didn't keep or he seems to have forgotten?

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Unfortunately I have to agree. In games like league something op gets nerfed almost instantly. Keys and moris aren't even mentioned by the devs. We have no information and frankly this resulted in people not trusting the devs at all. I think the devs keep planning stuff that take time, and they want to both surprise us and make sure that the feature they've been working on is factional. Unfortunately this game doesn't need theories, but action.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    That's true. I'm glad to see that the community doesn't have a blinkers 😍

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Give the devs a break, the people in this community aren't exactly saints when they ask for changes. They are trying and honestly we need to try to change to help this community

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Then maybe they shouldn't promise any things before they could had any progress over them?

    This kind of BeHaViouR makes just people disappointed.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    This post aged well, especially after this cluster[BAD WORD] of an update.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I'm just hoping that the devs will finally listen to the community and youtubers. Victor is still bugged as hell, new perks are still filled with bugs and overly this DLC feels like unfinished crap.

    Absolutely agreed.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    This community is so [BAD WORD] ridiculous. They are never satisfied. They are working, they cant change everything but they are working on balance.

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    I understand a lot of people are upset with DBD right now but not much has been added to Hunt since it came out of EA so I dont see why it deserves that award either. A lot of people wanted more monsters/boss fights and less hackers but instead we got COD dual welding pistols and 100 some dollars of DLC cosmetics.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    The invisible stairs are gone, fixed.

    Invisible structures are gone, fixed. Took 2 weeks, compared to BHVR?

    They have community events.

    New traits and guns.

    Charity events.

    They've closed gaps between console and PC by removing Nvidia settings.

    They're removed aim assist to again close gaps between PC and console.

    Enemy camps bodies? Necromancer Perk.

    Enemy camps clues? Serpent perk.

    If this doesn't define a Labor of Love nomination, I don't know what would.

  • PotatoPlank
    PotatoPlank Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2020

    I rarely jump on the forums, but I felt like I needed to respond to you because what you're saying is suspect. I'm a Software Engineer, I don't think you are (or you're very knowledgeable) frankly. You might be super old school, especially since you mentioned languages no one uses from ~30 years ago.

    To be entirely transparent, I have ~15 years of experience with modern development (5 professionally) in C++, C#, PHP, Python, JS (node, frontend frameworks), Typescript, Visual Basic 6/.NET, Java, and F#.

    Here's what stands out:

    • "Fortrain" is Fortran. This is a niche language that was released 60 years ago and since essentially replace by Julia or Python for scripting purposes.It's also not OOP, so it's largely irrelevant in todays engineering.
    • Basic and COBOL are also old and are not entirely OOP (COBOL apparently added some support in 2002). Like 40 to 60 years old.
    • C+ isn't a language... It literally doesn't exist.
    • Assembly and machine code are both great concepts, but have little to do with modern code practices.
    • I'm not sure why you even mentioned command line environments. As an engineer, that's probably the last thing I would think of as something "impressive" to explain my credentials. I work in the command line pretty much all day in various Linux distributions and Windows (cmd, powershell)....

    I can't quote multiple of your posts, but they all have bad or odd information. Particularly, your rant on spaghetti code was interesting.

    "this is what happens here, for anytopic for the most part: disconnect penalty, the fact that killers are getting nerfed all the time or survivors are always nerfed and many other topics like this one and the dreaded "Spaghetti Coding" which is a term coined in the 70's and 80's for a programming style that is no longer even used. originally programs were written with number lines (like 10, 20, 30, 40 etc) and when you needed to add things you had 9 lines you could do it with and thus you end up having to redirect the program to lines far down the line and then make sure it returns to the right point."

    Spaghetti code absolutely is a thing today?

    The modern foundation of software design (OOP) is encapsulation, data abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance. If your objects are properly designed, they should not directly interact with other objects that are logically unrelated. That's why techniques and design patterns such as Dependency Injection are a standard.

    But I digress, the point is that not properly following these principles is regularly considered "spaghetti code".

    Also, using the Blueprints has other reasons that Scott didn't mention. There isn't a great VCS for Blueprints, which makes working in a team difficult. It's not just Scott that states using Blueprints for large portions of a game isn't viable.

    I'd respond even more, but I just wanted to point out some issues from your posts on "page 2" before others took you seriously.

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    People act like console players in DBD dont stand a chance against PC players. Yet you're praising Hunt Showdown (a competitive shooter full of one shot kills) for how they keep trying to close the gap between PC and console.🤭 Hunt came out of EA in February of 2018 and what you posted (and 100 dollars of cosmetic DLC) is all they have done. So yeah I don't think they deserve the Labor of love award either.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm a Nurse main, there is a huge gap between console players and PC players. I fully support closing gaps to make it fairer for both sides. So what Hunt's doing sounds great to me.

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Yeah I'm not against them closing the gap in DBD or any game. Just saying its pretty much impossible for any competitive shooter to close this gap when its mouse and keyboard vs controller.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    I see that this thread got pruned way to go mods it doesn't make you look desperate at all ;).

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Ok so i misspelled fortran in a tired and drugged state (pain killers) but c+ is a language that quickly morphed into C++. I worked in basic, machine, fortran and cobal in the 80's and 90's as I was going through aerospace engineering courses. I am not a software engineer but I have the experience in these languages and how they are programed. I do not dispute you credentials but C+ is a language that was a step from C and then stepped up to C++. I had books that were listing C+ and not c++ originally and they were respected publishers but I will admit that it could be that there was a difference in how one publisher called it and it was truly c++ but we are talking about late 80's and early 90's when I was learning basic programming functionality.

    Speaking of Spaghetti Coding I said it was a thing of the past becuase of the block or encapsulation style coding. people here want to say it is the cause of all the errors that they see in the game, you misread what I posted because I talked about how the spaghetti coding really came about in a very simplistic way because 1) most here do not understand what it truly is and 2) I do not have the EXTENSIVE experience in coding programs but I have done so in all the languages I listed. I do not see that just departing from programming standards makes spaghetti coding because the idea of it is that the threads of the program are jumbled and hard to track down. unless they decided to program in stream of consiousness most programs now even if there is a divergence you can follow it from one to the next and find the error if it is obvious.

    speaking to the video I did not comment on what blueprints were used for directly other than to agree that the devs have said they used it for parts of the game before, my issue is that he was making statements of "I think" and "I believe" and that made the use of it to prove spaghetti coding impossible because all he was doing was making postulations and moving to proof from there without any of his own. People take it as 100% proof positive because they want it to be and don't care for actual proof. As a programmer and software engineer, can you tell me I am incorrect in that a program does not have to have bad coding to crash? I mean if the video card passes bad information to the computer or the cpu gets distorted information because of mother board noise it is possible that the program could get a bit of data that it can not process and then crash? can that actually happen or is the program 100% protected from the computer hardware? this is where my argument lies that many people can have a program that works just fine and then suddenly someone has an issue, is it the program? or is it something else? could it be both? I think there is room to a say either one of the first two possibilities could be correct. However information must be gathered from those that have the error to examine what is actually going on yes?

  • Todbringer
    Todbringer Member Posts: 20

    Sadly the game is massiveley underrated and pretty unknown by many. The game is so great, already prestige 11 on it.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Yeah, you're right. The devs really put so much work into that game.

  • PotatoPlank
    PotatoPlank Member Posts: 4

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but:

    • C+ was never a language. You can see a list of languages here (link). You can see the history of C++ here (link). The reason why there was no C+ (it was actually originally called C with Classes from 79-82) is because the naming is purposeful. The ++ symbol is called the increment operator, so C++ is supposed to mean "The next C++".
    • I appreciate the aerospace background, but that doesn't provide much cross-knowledge to modern development.
    • If you think that debugging code is simple in any way, you're extremely incorrect. The etymology of spaghetti code is irrelevant to modern standards. Spaghetti code has it's own Wikipedia page (link) that explains what it means.

    Quote: "Spaghetti code is a pejorative phrase for unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code. Spaghetti code can be caused by several factors, such as volatile project requirements, lack of programming style rules, and insufficient ability or experience"

    If you watch the video though, Scott provides proof of why he states they use Blueprints. Blueprints are way less manageable compared to C++ code. Mclean also has a Twitch VOD that states they use Blueprints, but much less. Of course there's other factors that cause bugs, but historically BHVR has caused the same bugs to reappear in future patches. My educated guess is that they aren't properly utilizing VCS, QA cycles, and a proper UAT environment/system to ensure these bugs don't suddenly reappear.

    I entirely sympathize with the devs. It's likely they knew the patch was not ready to go live, but management pushed them to launch on schedule. Debugging is difficult and if the code is not following best practices, it's easy to create new bugs and also extraordinarily difficult to find/fix existing issues.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Remember console optimization was coming about 2 years ago when Legion was announced?

    Look at this now lmao. Their optimization was basically the new consoles. These devs don't deserve praise just yet.