how can you counter the new killer?

Still havent figured out how to dodge her power. Whatever I do, it always hits me. And hitbox seems to be much much worse than huntress hatchets. Im really frustrated versing this Killer. Especially with these dead ass long waiting times just to feel helpless and defendless against the new killer.
Please, I need advice. At best in form of videos, twitch clips or whatever
Kidnap the goblin
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Tried, failed. The TR sticks on me and if the killer isnt chasing me I get suprised downed. And she can call this little dipshit back if she wants while I wasted time doing nothing
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Oh my god are people actually just taking Victor and running away with him?!
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Yea, they want to make you a m1 Killer for those 45 seconds.
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Yes. It was a problem in the PTB, since Charlotte was deprived of her power all match while one schmoe just carried Victor on their back the whole time.
The little rat doesn't even properly block them from using the exit gates.
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Pretty sure crouching by a dropped pallet on the opposite side to Victor means you can't be hit. Not very fair but it certainly works.
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Yup! I do it myself and I see other people doing it when I play her. Works like a charm! No downside to keeping him ( other than not being able to do gens) so why not. My gremlin now <3
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Pretty sure crouching by a dropped pallet on the opposite side to Victor means you can't be hit. Not very fair but it certainly works.
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Don't stay injured. Victor is great at slugging multiple wounded survivors quickly, but having him latched onto someone can actually be more of a pain in the butt for his sister than anything.
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Do gens. All four of you. Sit on generators. That is and always will be the way to counter any killer.
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If I dont stay injured gens wont get done.
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Thats what I always do. Still doesnt help in any 1v1 situation
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Bring a med-kit or use Inner Strenght.
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What kind of victor's are you going against that let you run them around a tree?
That's like trynna do that against a bubba or billy.
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its true, looping around a tree will prevent victor to attack u, hes one of the weakest killer. tru was also countered by this the ohter day
This is due to Victor being slowed while charging, it doesnt work on all trees only some on specific map
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Run around a rock.
Kick Victor in the face.
Killer = nonexistent
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Playing nonsotp twins the past day I havn't run into that issue once. His charge is barely 1 seconds so you can pretty much hit people anywhere. Whilst charging he actualyl doesnt move as slow as when he's fully charged fyi.
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-Kidnap Victor, making Charlotte an M1 Killer for 45 seconds.
-Stick with another survivor, Victor is useless against survivors who stick together.
-Intentionally run far away from Charlotte when being chased by Victor, so if he does down you; there is a chance you can be picked up.
-Perks like Spine Chill, WGLF, Tenacity are great against Charlotte and Victor.
-Move unpredictably and immediately run to kick Victor once he's vulnerable after missing.
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Wait until you versed survivors that knows how to exploit this, its not well known yet
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Maybe I havn't yet that's possible, although consdidering victor's pounce is far easier to hit than billy's chainsaw and no-one complains about a way to exploit agains that, idk doesn't seem very likely.
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Victor moves at nearly survivors movement speed as hes charging his thing so he has no issue catchign survivors.
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running bubba around a tree is impossible unless you are playing against a baby honestly, same with victor.
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yep exacrly noticed the same
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I just want to know where y'all are finding these Victors and Bubbas that can't get past a tree. In my experience you are almost guaranteed to be DOA.
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You stay in pairs and stay healed, and Victor becomes essentially a periodic annoyance.
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It's another Deathslinger, Spirit, Hag etc situation again. There's almost nothing you can do in a 1v1 to help except pray that the Victor messes up, and the way you beat them is in a 1v4 and pushing gens before they get the opportunity to facecamp someone on a hook whilst also slugging people from across the map. Very fun and engaging but hey it's nothing we haven't seen before so we're gonna have to get used to it.
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grouping up herts them pretty bad if victor downs a survivor and another survivor is nearby it's a free kick.
in terms of perk counters
urban evasion allows you to crouch around victor without getting killer instincts whether he is on someone's shoulders or idle camping a hook
were gonna live forever hurts there slug game allot too as a group of survivors can pick eachother up after kicking victor, before charlotte even gets there
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Don't kick the baby whatever you do, there's an iri addon that makes you 1-shot downed for doing that. I don't really know what the counterplay is, this patch is so broken. he can hit you inside lockers, camp, etc. it's a mess. a real mess.
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This is an awful idea. I have gone against people that have tried to do this and they dont realise how detrimental it can be, they are doing nothing for their team which is basically free pressure for the twins. Unless you are running OoO, I dont recommend it.
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It should be a Jockey situation honestly. Victor should struggle pull you towards the Killer and make it difficult for you to move around, but last a shorter time and take slightly less time to break off.
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Charlotte can send out Victor and slug people if they are injured so the best thing to do is stay healthy. Victor can be crushed after any pounce regardless if Victor was successful or not so staying in groups of 2 is not a bad idea against the twins as it means you can crush victor if one person gets downed.
Also if you force Victor to chase you far away from Charlotte you can likely be picked up before she can get over to you.
That addon only lasts for 12 seconds (shorter than Iron Maiden's 15) and requires Charlotte to be near you after kicking Victor. That addon isn't good and kicking Victor is far better than worrying about that addon existing.