Is it just me or?

Is it just me or have others noticed people who play Claudette and Felix are kinda toxic with their game play?
I normally play survivor and bounce between solo and playing with my cousin. My past few matches as a survivor, people playing Felix have intentionally led the killer to where others are working on the generator.
I was also hooked (first time) and Claudette just stood there with the key and wouldn't help me down just sat and watched me die.
I see behaviour like this alot but mostly with people who play Claudette and Felix. Is it just bad luck or have other people noticed?
A bit ironic considering I main Claudette, but yes most of them seem to be toxic. As for Felix? I'm not sure, personally I haven't noticed.
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Honestly Idk what it is but I always come against Felix and Claudette (Dwights too) who are kinda toxic with their game play Idk why it seems those characters specifically like mayve it's their base perks ??
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Not usually a Claude, but I see a log of toxic Felix yes. Followed by Ace and Jake for some reason.
Kates, Dwights and Yui's seem to be the best (when Dwight isnt in the locker)
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It is is all anecdotal of course, but I do see a slightly larger number of Claudette types who seem more than willing (happy even) to let their peers die. I wouldn't say it is a huge number, but it is a slightly higher percentage than I've see in the other Survivors. I've also run into more Bill Overbecks who are actively working with the Killer than I have other Survivors.. I don't know about Felix yet, at least not enough to say I've noticed a trend.
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I mostly see Claudettes, Dwights, and Fengs be toxic/leading killer to teammates. Felix I tend to see get tunneled out of game by killer too quick to screw over teammates.
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As a killer, the most toxic to me are usually Yuis and Neas. Least toxic are usually Kate's and Dwight's.
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I forgot about Nea's! Yes, they can be bad
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Maybe youre just bad ? Im running kindred and if a random is just hiding on the edge of the map and doing nothing you can bet youre dying on your next hook. I dont get why they even "play" the game.
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I would like to think I'm not bad, I work with my team but I have my Yui set to quickly and quietly move so I'm not as easily spotted while still doing gens and totems. But when you intentionally bring the killer to where your teammates are working you're just a (Bad word) And yes I've noticed Neas too. But I just have bad luck I guess?
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You'll see a lot of 'toxic' or 'BMing' survivors of anyone in the base game simply because more people will play them. There's not a lot of incentive to play multiple survivors so simply by chance with the sheer number of players playing the survivors you start with there will be a high number of BMers.
I would not say its a pattern more like probability. If 9/10 (Random example number) players play a particular character then there will by sheer chance be a high number of trolls.
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My experiences are usually Claudette, Kate, and Feng Min working against the team. Last night especially was really bad when it came to Kate to the point we were lobby dodging them.
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People are inherently toxic in general, there character has nothing to do with it. Its human nature to put others through pain for their own amusement as we have seen through history, nothing new and will never change.
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I normally get Neas and Claudettes as toxic players. A few days ago I got a console team with 4 DS, unbreak, soul guard etc. they used haddonfield, ormond and badham offerings, wasn't that much of fun, to say the least. I haven't encountered any toxic Felix players yet, the ones I go against were just good at the game. I also main Felix so I'd love to get bullied by one too.
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it's just or
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I see alot of toxic Claudettes like when they taunt the killer at the exit gate just go! I wait until I see all my teams escape or near me and then I go out completely. I don't run out immediately in case a teammate falls. I haven't run into many Neas or Kates. Feng Min I've noticed a few
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I've noticed it with Claudettes and Jakes more tbh, most Felix's I see seem pretty chill.
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Idk, remember it's not the characters that are toxic it's the players. I think most people have encountered every type of survivor that's toxic.
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I usually come across Immersed Claudettes and Toxic Neas but you've had toxic Claudettes? That's the first I've heard of it as for Toxic Felix I never ran across one of those before so that's definitely interesting
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Really you've never seen the toxic claudettes who teabag and point at you when hooked? Ive seen them a few times both as killer and survivor, if I see it as killer Ill usually end up letting the rest go free and just kill them
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From my experience Felixs normally aren’t toxic just massive potatos
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These are all random anecdotes that are probably poorly remembered. Trying to draw any kind of conclusion from them (Hypothesis: Are toxic players drawn to Claudette/Felix) will be impossible.
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I'm not saying they're drawn to those characters I've just noticed I come across those more than anything and wondered if other people cone across it alot
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I play Felix from time to time.
I'm not toxic.