"Heal a total of 7 health state(s) of other Survivors." [A NIGHTMARE]

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Did or is anyone else having issues completing this challenge? I play in purple and red ranks and its literally IMPOSSIBLE to get two heals done in one trial sometimes I don't even get one. My build consists of We'll Make It, WGLF, BT, and Stake Out. Every single time I take a Survivor off of hook, they take off for a whole mile even though I KNOW!! for a fact they see the "We'll Make It" notification on the right then when they finally stop they have SC or a health pack and won't let me heal. Why is solo queue such a hell hole?

UPDATE: And finally, after 10 and a half games I finished this horrid challenge. I want to thank God, The Entity, the Survivors who stood still, and my tears.

Thank you.

*Throws roses*

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