"Heal a total of 7 health state(s) of other Survivors." [A NIGHTMARE]

Did or is anyone else having issues completing this challenge? I play in purple and red ranks and its literally IMPOSSIBLE to get two heals done in one trial sometimes I don't even get one. My build consists of We'll Make It, WGLF, BT, and Stake Out. Every single time I take a Survivor off of hook, they take off for a whole mile even though I KNOW!! for a fact they see the "We'll Make It" notification on the right then when they finally stop they have SC or a health pack and won't let me heal. Why is solo queue such a hell hole?
UPDATE: And finally, after 10 and a half games I finished this horrid challenge. I want to thank God, The Entity, the Survivors who stood still, and my tears.
Thank you.
*Throws roses*
Take Empathy.
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I will replace Stake Out with Empathy, not that it will stop/fix the problem of people self-healing but its a start.
Thank you.
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My dude,
Bring Empathy. If you want fast heals, take Desperate Measures and Botany Knowledge. Faster heals, Autodidact and Spine Chill. Let them know in the pre-game chat and people will love you for it. The Dic-Dic is strong.
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Did you not read my opening post? The speed isn't the problem, its the fact that they always have SC or Medkits and won't let me heal them. I'm on console, there is no "pre-game chat".
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It'll let you know where they are. I'm guessing they Self-Care because they can't find anyone right away.
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Look at it like this. The more games it takes ti complete each challenge, the less useless grind games at the end to complete the rift.
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Lol, no. I've chased a couple down until they stopped and they still won't let me heal.
I don't lose them, that's not the problem.
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No need to be rude. You got ######### teammates. Plus you didn't mention console, its a hellhole- PC players are more team-oriented.
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Ah, those players. Yeah, there's nothing you can do in that case.
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Just use empathy, you don't really need all those healing perks
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If someone tells me to use Empathy one more time..
The problem isn't that I lose them, its that they won't let me heal them.
I just want to take care of the wounded. Is that too much to ask?
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I'm not being rude, that was a legitimate question. Sorry if it came off rude, I should've rephrased.
And yes, console is a hell-hole in general. Unfortunately that's my platform at the moment.
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Alright, here's a big-brain solution to your med-kit concerns:
Step 1: Bring a Broken Key (or a real key I guess, doesn't really matter)
Step 2: Killer throws on Franklin's Demise (or presumably will, due to seeing a key in the lobby)
Step 3: Profit (because the killer will kindly remove all your teammates' med-kits from the picture, just for you)
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Unfortunately not.
Going to cry in a corner now.
Lol, clever.
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I didn’t have trouble with this one personally. I ran We’ll Make It and people let me heal them. It’s probably just the playstyle of other survivors in your rank/region.
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That's not a far-fetched theory. Maybe my region doesn't like band-aids and/or to be nursed to full health.
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I didn't have a problem with this one and I also play on console
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Did you solo queue?
Maybe its just my lack of luck with teammates.
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I'm red/purple ranks. When I was trying to do the perkless achievement I couldn't get anyone to heal me. If I have self care on everyone wants to heal me but if I have 0 healing perks people won't help me out. 😂
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I had that same problem until I started making a "tea bag" motion in front of the hooked survivor before unhooking, letting them know I wanted them to let me heal them after the unhook. 9 times out of 10 it worked
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Was a mixed bag for me on console, but I rarely get other xbox teammates. No idea if it was pc/ps/whatever else, but seemed like a coin flip if they would let me heal or not.
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This is exactly how it goes, -sigh-
I'm on my 9th match and still need 2 more. This is how bad it is for me currently.
Maybe I'll try this, I had a Feng my last game that stood at the hook and allowed me to heal her, thankfully. Also a Bill so that bumped me up to 5. Thanks for this idea <3
I got 3 in about 7-8 matches, its terrible for me today. But I got 5 now so hopefully I can knock these next 2 out in my next game.
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Yeah I'm solo
It could be your luck too