I’m part of the 0.2% club.

I got the Adept Twins trophy today.
Feels good. Particularly because, ironically the match before getting the Adept was the most awful, despondent, miserable match I had experienced so far since playing as Twins since their release. I achieved this at rank 5, against red ranks btw.
Say what you will about their perks, but when repeatedly attempting an Adept, a player gets intimately familiar with a characters perks, and personally I really, really like them.
I think some people are completely overblowing the severity of the cooldown. 80 seconds flies in this game. Having the opportunity to apply some sort of pressure across 4 gens SIMULTANEOUSLY at fairly regular intervals, with the potential to gain valuable information on where survivors are is INVALUABLE to any killer that cannot quickly traverse the map. All from a single kick. I personally get great value out of Oppression. It has been way more effective for me in practice than it reads on paper.
I LOVE this perk, purely for the surprise factor. I think this is going to be the kind of info perk that survivors are going to very rarely anticipate or figure out that this perk is being used for quite a long time. Almost always when it procs and I act upon it, that survivor is usually in an unprepared, compromised position. This perk is at its most beautiful when it gives away a survivor in the basement. This used to be the one reason I used to use Territorial Imperative, but comparatively Hoarder gives me my intended outcome more reliably. One successful hook in the basement is enough for me to confidently say I got value out Hoarder (even though I get more value out of it than that). Be brutally honest, even without camping the basement, a hook down there dramatically pushes the match in the killers favour. Hoarder helps me “engineer” that.
Coup De Gráce:
Here’s the real surprise: Coup De Gráce is a WAY more better perk than I expected, especially with the surprising reduction on distance from PTB despite its already restrictive conditions. I get the feeling a lot of the killer community put a lot of stock into gen slow down with little regard into things that can help end chases as fast as possible. Coup De Gráce is a wonderful example of how when considered, intelligent thought is put into how to get the most value out of a perk, it gives a really big pay off. Firstly, it really forced me to be way more attentive of being conservative of when I lunge. Secondly, it also got me to focus on ensuring I only lunge at INJURED survivors. With these 2 factors in mind, in circumstances where I would identify its 100% appropriate to lunge, such as a survivor about to take a vault, or I had successfully baited out a dead hard, Coup De Gráce 100% guaranteed a down. Every time, no question. For any killer that relies on their basic weapon being unquestionably, guaranteed a down up to 5 times per match at loops that would otherwise be 50/50 whether a lunge misses or not is nothing to be laughed at.
Here are my thoughts and analysis. By no means am I any authority on anything. These are just my opinions and observations.
It’s working a TONNE for me. I know it’s buggy and sometimes doesn’t work. But I havent had a match where I don’t get a chest notification or item pick up notification.
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Well, 95% of the perk doesn't work, the notification works tho, it only doesn't work in the basement.
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The notifications work, just not the decreased rarity and extra chests.
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I swear I am not making this up, I’ve caught out survivors in the basement because of the notification hoarder gives when they start searching the basement chest. I’ve seriously lost count because of how frequently many matches have that one survivor that wants to get their grubby mitts on it.
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In my countless attempts to get adept, hoarder worked couple of times. You're just lucky
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Wait, how did you even manage that? I thought their emblems were all over the place?
Also, well done, they are not the easiest of killers to do well with.
Also also, I am one of those survivors you would catch in the basement with Hoarder. 100%. I literally just had a game against an Oni where I stealthed into the basement while injured and looted a medkit while he was right above me.
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Thank you, and yep it’s what I read, that the emblems were messed up, making Adept not possible, but here it is.
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I don't even go for the Adepts, they're just not worth my time. I tried some, got some but stopped at some point.
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They’re definitely hard work. Harder with some killers than others. But despite a lot of the frustration that comes with going for an Adept, it definitely teaches me a lot, particularly when it comes to having a deeper look at the perks, and thinking more broadly or abstractly about those perks. A lot of perks are nowhere as bad as many perceive them to be, learning this after I have forced myself to spend extensive periods of time using them.
I.e. getting the Adept is only part of my objective. Another big factor for me is getting into the nuance of new perks.
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Not even half of the playerbase passed level 10 on any character, the numbers have no value
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How though?
Trophy/achievement percentages are based off of the know total player base count. It doesn’t matter whether those are players that played 1000’s of hours, or less than 1 hour. Of that total player count (at this stage) only 0.2% of the player base have acquired the Adept Twins trophy.
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There are some basic achievements that normal players should have as the one I mentioned, free periods where people tried the game, played two matches and left forever make the achievements rarity not be accurate since these players who dont unlock achievements affect to the numbers
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I think what's he's trying to say is that because less than half of the accounts considered for the achievements stats have raised their rank by 1 or get to level 10 with any character, meaning they haven't played basically at all and should not be considered for the achievement numbers.
So your 0.2% is actually quite higher than that with half of the data pool gone.
EDIT: Also you should consider that the achievement rates on DLC, even the semi-FreeLC, will probably be lower since there is another paywall to get over before you can complete them.
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personally im not much of an achievement hunter myself, though i am well aquainted with how ridiculously hard Killer adepts are.
the fact that you got that o a new killer, highly buggy killer with perks that too are bugged right now is quite impressive.
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What, like it's hard? Play enough matches and you're eventually going to 4k. I've 4ked in most of my matches with the twins, even against purple & red ranks & I only just now finally got perks besides oppression on them.
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Im still trying to get adept blight, everytime I swap my build to just his own perks survivors seem to dc and kill themselves on hook more often, so well done on getting it on twins.
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Alright you can have a trophy too, since you asked so nicely. And a pat on the head for doing a pretty good job so far
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I’m in the 0.1% for downing someone who had Victor on them 10 times
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Or the 0.1% club for survivoring with Elodie and her perks...
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Nice job on the adept! Great insight on the new perks as well -- while none of them are particularly top-tier, I never really thought that they were the hot garbage that people said they were, just killer/build/situation specific
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Congrats and welcome to the club. It took me five attempts to get it. They kept kicking my poor Victor!!!!!
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I tried playing as the twins for the first time today. Going to wait for the hotfix before i play them further.
Having Victor get stuck multiple times each match is making the already hard learning process pretty unfun
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I'm not apart of that yet, but not to brag, I am however part of the adept, Demo, Clown, Gf, Pig, pre PH, pig. and pre bubba club,
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I’m proud of getting the adept as well. I literally earned it for the fourth time before getting it because of the emblem kills bugging.
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EDIT: Never mind.
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I got it a couple days ago, and the game was a pain. Luckily the survivors were throwing super hard. They ended powering all the gens and I downed all 4 and won. 11 hook game too. It was on groaning storehouse and the first time I released victor he got stuck in the floor, and the shack pallet was unbreakable. Glad I got it tho
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I'm jealous!! I went from rank 18 to 13 in two days with them, and I haven't even learned how to use Victor yet! I'm excited to try out hoarder when it gets fixed, but so far I have found my new fav character in the series. Twins and Meg are very close to my heart, one for being a speedy gal, another for being a rough and tumble gremlin booby gal <3
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Coup de Grace forces you to go for quick attacks only if you don't want to insta-waste the token. Most of the time I never found an avenue in which it could be useful because most loops are too short to prevent the Survivor from getting to the pallet anyways. So instead of getting bonus lunge range, I was reduced to only quick attacks.
And even then, it can be Dead Harded.
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I wanted to use it on Nurse because extended blink lunge attacks sound orgasmic but with how often you lunge with her power anyway and it only activates 5 times uncontrollably (even paired with Tinkerer for a general idea on when it will get a token) I figure I'll either waste the lunges or they won't help me in any way.
Sad because it's a really cool idea but too balanced to be of any use.
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PS4 Skilled Huntress gang.
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my problem with oppression is that 80 seconds while ok against normal survivors is too long against good survivors focused on gens. you get the perk to activate at most 6 times and when it does it barely affects how fast the gens are getting done and there is no guarantee that the survivors miss the skill check.
coup de grace is a fun perk i agree my problem with it is i barely get hits with it i wouldn't have gotten anyway which wastes my tokens. In the 4 games i tried to get adept i only got 2-3 hits i wouldn't have gotten without it. if this perk gave us more tokens i think it would be a lot better but 5 uses with some being wasted makes it not worth using.
hoarder doesn't fit with any meta or build, the perk is a outlier that is only used if you feel like using it, the best it does is give info rarely and also reduces item rarity which i guess is nice but as said not really worth running unless you have a perk slot free to use as a wild card. Also yeah once a game if your near you can get a survivor in basement but i wouldn't run a perk just for that.
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Thank you. I feel pretty proud.
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That has been pretty frustrating. I just switch back to Charlotte and hope a survivor finds and crushes him.
That’s of course when it doesn’t further bug out by preventing me from switching back to Charlotte.
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Victor getting crushed used to tilt me, but he re spawns so fast I don’t stress out as much about that anymore.
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Well done
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Yeah I love Twins too. Even in bad matches, I’ve usually still had a lot of fun.
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It’s definitely a scary perk on Clown.
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"rough and tumble gremlin booby gal" that quote there just made my Sunday night, thank you 🤣
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that would be the "surprise factor"
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Actually that's the only time it's worked for me.
What on Earth--
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A 4k is not the same as getting adept. You may have 4k'd most of your matches but something tells me they were all brutal and not merciless. Anyone can 4k. Don't diminish the challenge of getting a merciless victory on a bugged out killer using perks that are also bugged while the emblem system itself is also buggy.
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Thank you
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Welcome to the club bro, I noticed when I was going for my adept after 3 games I started to not lunge as much and go for hits to save coup de gráce and hoarder is gonna be a wonderful type of perk that catchs the survivor out in the open when it works and oppression helps a lot with locating survivors when you don't know where the other few are.
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Sadly. It's a bug, shack pallet on Macmillan maps is unbreakable from the outside going in.
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Congrats on the chevo! Good insights!
I am finding the Twins are decent, and more suffer from 'ergonomic' issues than power issues. They are like any 'kill' oriented power in that they have a lot of snowball potential and played well can do extremely well, but they risk getting snowballed very hard, which people mistake for weak.
The killer is, however, needlessly clunky, which I think actually is a problem. For example, the area you can't use your power to avoid hook camping probably could stand to have a very slight 'aura' at the edge to make it easier for the killer to gauge where they can deploy Victor.
Coup De Grace is interesting and made me realize how often I overused lunges. The need to save the tokens is generally not bad and any situation you HAVE to lunge is a good situation to Coup De Grace. Having multiple lets you force a down, especially if you can keep people injured. Main issue is less 'its weak' because its probably the best chase powerup in the game, and more that chase powerups are in a weird space as killers really want to save their perks for stall and (maybe) detection. In a reality where we had a better 'one and done' stall perk I think we could see Coup De Grace a lot more, because your right it basically forces a down if someone is injured. Its just that without stall in high end games it can be hard to really get any tempo to start chaining chases to really make forcing a down shine.
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I'm in the .1% club. Got Adept Elodie.
Wasn't anything special hahaha.
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Nah, dude. I get merciless all the time. I don't like to kill people unless they're on their third hook. It's literally not hard.
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Imagine bragging about steam achievement percentages on a four year old game that regularly has free weekends, let alone right after its worst received patch in memory.
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Who said anything about steam?!
And also that this chapter is as buggy as hell is the whole point that I achieved this at all when so many bugs work against the twins.
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I never go for adepts, as I don't care for achievements but I am playing The Twins a ton.
Absolutely loving them and their new perks, I'll just keeping working through the bugs so once they're fixed playing them will feel awesome.