What is the most balanced thing in the game right now?

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So you think jumping in a locker which removes The Twins's power completely is balanced? Survivor main confirmed lmao.
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I think Demo is probably the most balanced thing in the game. Can teleport across the map with his portals, his shred can help in a chase but also force survivor to drop a pallet early. Meanwhile survivors can destroy portals as counterplay and fake vaults/pallets to try and avoid his Shred, which Demo can counterplay by letting go.
He's basically a killer, so fair, that it's almost bland and boring to play as him imo, but I still think he's the most balanced killer.
Other than him, I'd say pre-dedicated servers Huntress.
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Balanced Landing, probably. That's the only balanced thing in the game I can think of.
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im killer main
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iron maiden perk
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I'm partial to thinking Oni's base power is balanced.
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Coal Tower.
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Uninstall button kinda do at least what it made for....
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Victor can pounce in lockers, can camp effectively, has a generous huntress like hitbox, recovers 5 seconds after a crush, and is overall a mix of 4 killers (deathslinger,huntress,hag,t1 myers). That makes them so boring. Also I main killer so cut the survivor main nonsense.
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Nurse and Grave of Glenvale are the pinnacle of balance.
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If you ask a biased survivor main: Wraith. Because he relies on mindgames to get his hits so you can loop him all day if he commits to a chase.
if you ask a biased killer main: Nurse and Spirit. Because they can get you in a matter of seconds and quickly defend that nearly finished generator afterwards due to their mobility when played decently.
In my opinion: All killers that are strong in chase (mechanically) but lack mobility as they dominate the 1 v 1 aspect when played by a competent player while giving the survivors a fair opportunity to escape as the survivor team has a chance to finish the gens due to their lack of mobility.
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Victor can hit you in a locker.
The devs talked about having Victor hold locker closed, but instead they put a bandaid on it.
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I see what you did there, you cheeky.
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barbecue and chili
enough counters to it, good aura reading, and extra bloodpoints
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I think the twins r a great balanced thing its just an awesome addition to the game im happy they came out
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Non-meta perks that still serve a purpose (Leader, Better Together, Shadowborn, etc.
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The Perk “lithe”
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Campbell's Chapel?
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Demogorgon, 1 ability to pressure gen and another ability to mindgames loops with and unlike Freddy his an actual fun killer to against.
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All of Tapps perks.
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🐎Maurice, our good equine friend🐎
He jus kinda sits there guarding that circus car, minding his own business, and no one really ever has complained about his presence.
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I would agree, but I do not think that makes them good.
I think they suffer from the same thing Old Legion did, he wasn't good, but he was so broken that there wasn't much you could do about him.
Their power can only be truly estimated when most of their bugs are fixed.
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Blight. Powerful. Clear ways to counter him. Great perk combos. Can be fun in any level of play. Can work for any skill level too, from a mere distance closer to ridiculously strong and precise lethal rushes. A killer that can probably contend with Nurse and Spirit if given time and effort to master while being fair for the most part.
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Jake's behind.
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That's fair it's not even that they are unbeatable. They are just annoying. The most fun thing is the fact they are not immune to locker flashlight saves.
Hopefully we can see all these bugs be fixed.
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The only things they are good at are no fun for either side.
It isn't fun to slug as Killer and it isn't fun to be slugged as Survivor. Nor is it fun to camp or be camped.
The Twins have very low chase potential and extremely low map pressure. That, coupled with their power's ability to naturally camp, coerces a lot of players into playing that way.
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David’s perfectly sculpted buttocks.
Pure, balanced symmetry.
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BBQ and Chili.
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The most balanced thing is the abbreviation for Mettle of Man. It’s short and carries the same weight forward or back.
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Demo for sure.
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Ds is fair and balanced
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NOED, and even then it's only a stopgap to counter survivor BS
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pallets and windows are pretty balanced
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Nothing, last thing the community decided it was balanced was Billy's basekit, now he is nerfed.
So nothing, I don't want fun and balanced killers to get nerfed.
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I know i can't do a wheelie on a motorcycle.