Advice for New Killer Main

Hello!! I am here because I have been playing killer more and more these past two or three months, and I am having trouble with looping and pressuring survivors. I am a red rank survivor and understand the ins and outs from their point of view, but I keep getting messed up by the MMR. I should be going up against brown and yellow ranks (since I am only rank 13) but keep seeing red and purple ranks in my matches. Their techniques are harder to counter, and most of them seem to be in comms since many matches have a pair or so of people that are dedicated to distracting while the others gen rush or save. Please don't be rude or tell me to 'get good,' I'm aware that practice makes perfect, but I would like to get better from some seasoned killer mains. Thank you :)!


  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Sadly, a lot of it comes down to practice-makes-perfect, as you said. It may be different for your region, but I find killer matches almost instantly in the evenings, so that’s a good time to practice. Usually tougher survivors though. But if you improve against them, you’ll be able to handle almost anyone!

    Beyond that, I’d say practice with killers that can shut down loops, since this was a named concern of yours. Trapper and Clown can do this, but I’d actually recommend Hag. This is a solid killer to start with and has lots of room for fine-tuning the skill and strategy for pros as well! Also, less trash talk as she’s not the oh-so-hated Spirit or Freddy

    One final thing. Bamboozle is a perk which I’ve ignored for years, but recently found to extremely valuable! I almost always get a hit off of survivors thinking they’re safe to loop the shack. Once they know you have it, they abandon loops much more quickly and find themselves defenseless in open areas between vaults.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    every killer is played a little different and perk loadout can change things drastically without knowing any of that. the basics are

    learn how to moonwalk at tiles where they cant see you ie if your at an L wall and they just rounded the corner and they will vault in 1 second walk backwards and get your hit on the side they are vaulting to.

    get survivors off gens is priority number one you can get that hook later you can get that hit later you can get that down later you cant stop that gen from popping later defend your gens

    a strong sense of priorities is the main thing

    stopping a gen from popping is better than getting a down which is better than getting an injure which is better than getting a deep wound which is better than wondering around looking for something to do

    hope this helps

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh, very smart! I am currently learning the twins because I prefer them for my play style and I encountered this even while playing Ghostface and Plague (who I found were pretty good against loops!) But I will continue to practice! It's just crummy that my MMR is placing me against very good survivors that seem to be teamed up, but I've had my fair share of taking them down. So I'll stay on top of it and try my best :)!! Thank you so much for this advice, and I'll take up a few night matches!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh yay, I'm on the right track then! I always damage a gen before entering a chase, and I'm trying to master the mind games at a pallet. I find that "I'm All Ears" is wonderful for looping, but I get stuck between blood warden and bitter murmur because I use coup de grace and oppression! And I'll set up priorities, I always aim for at least 2-3 hooks (which for my rank takes work, so I'm proud of myself if I can do it!) Thank you so much for the advice and I'll practice the basics :)!

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Do you have Surveillance? It works really nicely with Oppression so you can see other gens that need your attention when they turn yellow.

  • AmbulanceParty
    AmbulanceParty Member Posts: 9

    For pressuring, think about the long game. You don't have to chase down every survivor you hit until they're down. Sometimes their injuries just buy time for you while they heal. You don't always need to chase a survivor because you see them, either. And try to keep note where everyone is on the map. If you see multiple survivors, try cornering or chasing them away from gens or go for the one closer to the gen(s), keeping the other(s) off. Slugging isn't always necessary, but if you know where multiple survs are (especially nearby), it can get you another injury at least and pressure survivors off of gens, especially with another on hook.

    For looping, I don't have much than using the red stain to your advantage and trying mind games. If they very clearly know what they're doing and you feel like you're wasting time, break off and check a gen or look for another. Chances are, you can find the survivor later in a compromised position or when more survs are sacrificed. But if you feel in control of the match and the chase, let them take you for a few loops.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh, good advice! I have this power move where I destroy the pallets the minute they're thrown so they run to another for me to break, and when they loop too long I immediately go to gens and ignore them because they are obviously just provoking me at that point lol! But yes, I tend to pressure gens a lot and using Victor to locate survivors on the map. Thank you so much, I'll learn better mind games lol :)!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Unfortunately no, I haven't leveled up Piggy yet. I'll keep an eye out in the shrine of secrets just in case :)!

  • AmbulanceParty
    AmbulanceParty Member Posts: 9

    Sometimes you can mind game with a dropped pallet, but it's usually best to get them out of the way. With Trapper, it's fun to put a trap in front of a dropped pallet for other survivors later in the game caught in a loop.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Who do you like playing?

    For more basic killers you mostly want to learn how to run tiles and loops. You want to learn which chases to take and which ones not to. You want to learn when to drop a chase if you have to. You want to learn how and when to mindgame, hide your red stain and moonwalk. And you want to learn how to apply and keep pressure on the survivors. Pretty much all of this comes with experience, but you can check out some good killer streamers to figure oit how to dp these things and perfect them as you play.

    I can give a few general tips though.

    At the start of the match your main objective is to get survivors off gens. They all just spawned in and they all have zero pressure on them so they're all going to be on gens. This means you should not commit too hard to your first chase. If you think you can down them quickly then do it. If you can only get a quick hit in then do it but make sure you're getting the rest of the survivors off the gens otherwise you'll lose 3 by the time you get your first hook.

    Get a snowball started. Once you get your first hook you can get some nice pressure going. There should be very little time between each hook. As I said before learn how to shorten chases as much as possible cause it's very important. Every second a survivor isn't on the hook is bad for you. If you're hurting on time and need more pressure then make a slug or two.

    Try to be unpredictable. Experienced survivors will often try to read your moves based on how you play. Mix up your strategy a bit here and there to keep them guessing. This means things like respect the first pallet but not the second, mindgame this loop but not that one, etc.

    Perfect your gameplay. Keep playing. Put the hours in. No better way to improve your gameplay than building up raw mechanical skill and game sense through just playing the game. This is what everything pretty much boils down to anyways so yep.

    Good luck! And happy killing :)

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    NONONONOONONONONOONONo don't kick a gen before a chase i mean like get them off the gen the default regression times are awful after you kick it the ratio of survivor time working on a gen to time after you kick it is 1:4 dont do that unless u have pop or something

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    the best thing to me is learning how to zone the survivors properly

    when looping a pallet, you should definitely break the pallet on the side that pushes the survivor into nothing or an unsafe loop. Most of the time, this can result in a hit or at least another very early pallet drop

    also: you have to learn when you need to break chase. there are times where you simply just cant chase a certain survivor, have it be that they’re at a busted loop (like the Asylum main building, or at a Longwall window thats facing shack window) or if they’re too good for your skill level. Dropping chase to find a weaker/out of position target is usually the best option as killer.

    but like always, practice does make perfect since there are times that your skill level and experience just isn't enough to beat survivors that are better than you.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826
  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh, very smart!! I'll make sure to follow this list and practice these moves, and thank you for taking the time to write out such a detailed message :)! I will focus on looking for survivors on gens first thing!!

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Honestly, the only way to offer any good criticism is to see you play, text based advice really doesn't do much.

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436
    edited December 2020

    I'll try to keep things high level since most micro level advice generally doesn't work. I'll preface this by saying that you should decide whether your goal is to get better at killer or to get better at a specific killer. In my opinion, killer fundamentals are learned best through a M1 killer whereas learning a M2 killer can teach bad habits. That being said, play what makes you happy and fits to your goals.

    1. Since you main survivor, try to do what is effective against you when you play survivor: This is probably the most intuitive tip - The skill levels of killers you go against widely vary. Think about what killers do that throws you off guard - generally, effective things such as hiding your red stain around every corner, looking the opposite way of the next action you are going to do, etc
    2. Learn to track with sound: This is probably one of the biggest differences when switching from survivor to killer. Survivors generally track with vision, whereas it's very important to use sound as a killer
    3. Macro level play is much more important as killer: It might seem dumb, but always ask yourself, given the information you have, what each survivor is doing. Sometimes, you won't know. Other times, you will be able to deduce something like..random example "Since I'm chasing someone and one survivor is on the hook in a deadzone behind me, there is probably one uninjured survivor trying to sneak behind me to unhook". Things like this will help you make the right decisions and overtime, your predictions will become much more accurate and almost automatic. It you can't get yourself to consciously remember to do this, and don't mind acting a bit dumb, you can actually say things out loud until it becomes automatic. Mastering macro play will basically allow you to win almost every game at R1 on any killer.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    A really good perk to use is monstrous shrine

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871 ~~ ~~ ~~

    Information Perk / Regression Perk / Synergy Perk / Free Slot

    1. If you have to ask yourself; "should I continue this chase or add more pressure to gens?". The answer is most likely; "add more pressure to gens".
    2. Use perks that are consistent, and reliable.
    3. What you learned as Survivor is mostly useless. Surprise! Survivor is easy, now you actually have to learn the game. Watch youtube tutorials. Watch the above streamers. Submit some builds for them to playtest, and interact with them too.
    4. Perks To Use; A Nurse's Calling, Bamboozle, Barbecue & Chilli, Brutal Strength, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, Dying Light, Enduring, Franklin's Demise, Infectious Fright, Insidious, Iron Maiden, Lightborn, Make Your Choice, Mindbreaker, Monitor & Abuse, Oppression, Pop Goes the Weasel, Sloppy Butcher, Spirit Fury, Stridor, Surveillance, Thanatophobia, Thrilling Tremors, Unnerving Presence, Whispers.
    5. Killers To Use When You Reach Purple Ranks; Nurse, Nightmare, Spirit

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    1) The match itself is more important then end game screens

    2) Try everything at least once or twice

    3) Learn how the killers powers work and how survivors react to the use of them

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    "lowiq" you should change your name to INFINITE IQ you are so smart!! I leveled up as Ghostface and Plague and played to help survivors farm, but now I want blood... points lol! So yes, I have the basic moves down for how most survivors navigate the map and such because I've been playing on them for a whole year now :)! I will practice more as the twins since they are more my style, and I have actually gotten better with sound stuff-- Just yesterday I found an injured survivor in a locker and I was so proud of myself ;w; I'll follow your advice and practice a whole lot!!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I have actually been able to win a few matches due to my 'survivor instincts' lol! I find that grinding as survivor is difficult, but pressuring as killer is also difficult. Both sides take hard work and I respect that! And yes, I will get those good perks for the matches! I adore oppression and coup de grace, but I need something to track survivors better without Victor and also a way to make them less cocky ;w;!

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Just don't lose your cool and if you can, for the other killer's sake kill the douchey players lol.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    For everyone who has been screwed over by bad survivor mains, allow me to introduce: Hook Party!! We all watch the meanie sit on the hook and then go back to regular playing <3

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    It all depends on who you use.

    But most come down from survivor mistakes, they don't look back? Take a shortcut, they look behind? You can try to mindgame.

    No exhaustion was shown? Expect dead hard, learn how to read scratchmarks well, I know many killer mains who can't read them well.

    Abuse your red light, get bbq not only for the double bp but for info as well.

    If a survivor wants to be chased where there are no gens, don't go unless it's a dead zone which ain't uncommon these days.

    Make a build for X killer not for all of them except ruin + undying that works for everyone.

    Look for crows, I can't believe people don't know this, I understand survivor mains not knowing but killer mains? Free tracking, if a crow is leaving survivor is right there if crow is coming back 15 seconds have passed since survivor was there.

    Since you are a survivor main, think of what could work against you, believe it or not that works amazing.

    Hopefully something from what I said helps.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I forgot BBQ gives extra points!! And yes, scratch marks are super difficult for me to keep up with in a chase since they kind of delay from the survivor, but I'm getting better! Also the survivor bit works well for me, I always imagine what I would do against myself in a match and it almost always goes that way lol! Thank you for your advice :)!