Don't yeet if I'm about to unhook.



  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    You didn't invalidate any of my points. You created excuses like slippery meat and up the ante. Honestly, we both know those perks are a joke and rarely used.

    If others are on gens: not even the same argument as Kobe in you face. Not relevant.

    Just try it: just did, it felt horrible and the person that unhooked me looked at me like I'm an idiot before saving, so it obviously rubbed him the wrong way and I was sincerely scared he was gonna leave me to die.

    How about that? I'm actually reading and TRYING to see your points.

    You should try it. Just once, just try to see it from the other side.

    I already know what you'll say, no big deal, he's just being silly.

    No, he's being greedy.

    Also, don't call me a dismissive brick wall when you: 1) never try to see my points, 2) say goodbye as if you're plugging your ears and ruining away.

    I'm all for an actual debate, but I'm debating with myself because nobody else will actually try to see both sides.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Petty gets thrown around alot.

    But it's NOT petty to "Kobe in yo face"?

    Oh, yeah, it is.

    If it wouldn't happen, it wouldn't get punished.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    You're the only one punishing, everyone else just moves on and unhooks them.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    It doesn't impact me in real life, just like you being left on hook doesn't impact you in real life. Don't be petty about it.

    I'm not even being petty, I'm making a point.

    Keep doing the face Kobe, I'll keep leaving. We both are being petty, but it doesn't effect us outside of the game so I guess it doesn't matter at all.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    No, you gotta keep trying until you kobe. It's not that I've got this thought in my head that as I see someone running towards me "man can't wait to rob them" it's literally winning the dbd lottery. If I kobe I won that match even if I die, cuz again 4% like that's impressive, the entity picked you, YOU! TO UNHOOK YOURSELF. YOUVE BEEN CHOSEN. However, I'm not saying to put yourself in 2nd hook cuz then yeah let em die.

    But you'd still probably get the unhook, cuz the chance is so small, and healing points.

    Maybe if we changed views, cuz you view it as rude, but I said in the other thread to @chieften333 my view is they jumped into your arms! It's love! And now I get butt touches.

    We can also agree what is actually awful is someone with deliverance waiting til you get near and then jump and now you can't even heal. NOW that's aggravating but still kinda funny cuz I love a good jabait, even from killers

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Not everyone else, but that's the problem.

    If people actually voice their dissatisfaction, it's met with "don't care so much"

    Apathy is not the best policy.

    If you Kobe in my face, I will leave.

    If you don't like that, stop trying to Kobe in my face.

    If you don't care, continue doing so and so will I.

    It may seem like I'm super passionate about such a small transgression, but I'm not a person that rewards negative behavior.

    I can understand the mistakes that new players make, even tho it frustrates me I won't retaliate.

    But "Kobe in your face" is a "you should know better" kinda situation.

    I voice my dissatisfaction and is met with validation, as well as opposition.

    But the conversation itself will hopefully correct this bad behavior in those willing enough to listen. Even tho alot of you won't listen, a few of you are.

    Those people are the ones that may not have known how their behavior was perceived.

    Alot of people DON'T Kobe like this, because they already know how pointless it is.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Everything you said here, I wish you'd have put in that detail sooner.

    You're talking about changing my perspective from "haha, got eem" to "you saving me, I love you! "

    Best point you've made this far, and I stopped reading that other post because he literally just made a new thread looking for validation because he couldn't find it here.

    I refuse to see the 4% lotto point, because I'm not the gambling type in any sense. I guess there is a release of dopamine for those that enjoy gambling, but is it healthy?

    Then again, I get a rush whenever engaged in an honest debate, so maybe I shouldn't judge others for their gambling habits?

    I honestly do try to see all sides, but changing my perception has helped me to deal with the frustrations of this game.

    Example: I never liked tunneling or camping killers, until I decided they must be more afraid of me, than I am of them.

    Maybe I'll stop being "petty" when I see an attempted Kobe, but I'm still going to shake my head in disgust.

    Just because a person considers burping as a "compliment to the chef" doesn't mean the people next to you won't consider it rude.

    You consider it a compliment, but others consider it rude.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Never gambled in my life, that's why I do it in dbd. Lol same with drinking and driving, never do it, refuse to do it but I'll play some gta.

    But like I said very early on, try it with friends, it's hilarious cuz you actually hear the reaction. Like my friend just got downed and was being carried, and I was like "let me clear this hook for you" and jumped off. Ive also had a random say they would hook dive for me, stupid but sweet lol

    You never know when someone's going to be like "OHhhHhh" in an argument and I assumed you'd get it from me saying "it's not malicious" or that I'm purposely trying to be toxic. And I genuinely believe that most people who attempt aren't thinking that.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm so gonna 360 quick scope yeet off the hook

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Like I said tho, just because it wasn't your intention to be rude, it can be perceived that way.

    I guess it boils down to perception.

    One may consider it funny, another considers it rude, maybe both parties need to change perception?

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    As I said in the reply thread, I will attempt a kobe if you are too far away to begin with and I would be at second stage anyways. I will kobe if I have Deliverance, unfortunately you don't know I have Deliverance until you see I'm Broken upon landing, but thems the breaks I guess, so you diving in to save me with Borrowed Time or some maniacal plan to juke the Killer does not help.

    Of course this is all case by case, anything and everything can happen for any reason. Sometimes my friends kobe in front of me just to have a laugh. My advice? Don't take it personally. The moment you take something like that personally is when you stop having fun in the game, and you start ruining everyone else's fun at the same time.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited December 2020

    It's to trick the killer into thinking they kobied or it's to imagine the disappointment a player is feeling if they succeed.

    Op, just unhook them, in the off chance they are somehow rescued all they will do is retaliate even further.

    The answer to what you see as toxicity is not more toxicity if toxicity is what you're trying to avoid.

    Post edited by whammigobambam on
  • Ienzio
    Ienzio Member Posts: 6

    I do try and unhook if I know someone is close by and the killer isn't near us, and I've literally never done it while thinking "yeah, this is toxic, I'll try and rob them of their points "hehe." I just do it because I think it's fun to test the odds and if I fail there's someone next to me who can safetly unhook me without me going into second state. It honestly seems like you're projecting, you would only do it to be toxic so everyone else who's doing it must be doing it for the same reason. I've also had people try and unhook infront of me before I started doing it I never took it as toxic or "trying to steal my points" and it never crossed my mind to leave them to die because I consider that toxic.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I wasn't aware that people saw this as toxic, it happened to me quite a few times but i think it's funny.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    There's 4 pages of thread, but I see good points.

    1) you didn't know it was perceived as rude because you don't think it's rude. But it can be considered rude, especially if I don't know your reasons. Maybe only do it to teammates?

    2) toxicity breeds more retaliation. I've decided NOT to punish this Kobe in yo face, but I'm still going to shake my head in disgust. By leaving someone on hook, I'm just adding to toxicity.

    3) there are other circumstances for trying to Kobe, but specifically doing it when I'm within arms reach can easily be construed as rude.

    All in all, just try to take others into consideration.

    Belching can be considered a compliment to the chef, but the next table over may not appreciated it.

    But my "letting you die" is bad as well, especially if you have no idea why. So I'll shake my head, and probably won't care to save you if you get hooked again. I feel like that's fair.

    You beltch in public right before I paid for the meal... That's the last time I pay for your meal.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I don't really try to yeet, in this case i'm usually the rescuer, i don't see it as toxix but i understand your points. I actually tried once and managed to do it, the meg that was going to rescue me just tbagged and clicked her flashlight.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Honestly it' a pretty dumb thing to do.

    Quit a lot of perks work on unhooks

    Deliverance, WGLF, We'll make it, borrowed time.

    All these things are being denied when the person kobi's.

    I wouldn't throw a game for it but people seriously need to realise that it's not just a couple of points your taking away. Sometimes it's entire builds that don't work anymore.

    If i ever miss out on a deliverance because the person i was going to resque kobied in my face you can bet I'm going to start leaving people on hook too.

    Already missed a couple of we'll make it's that would have been a huge gamechanger if the person that i tried to resque decided to test their luck for funsies

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    You know what is wholesome? Corpse and sykkuno. Very off topic but they are wholesome to each other

  • Mendax
    Mendax Member Posts: 130

    Kobe is not a tragedy. But I think that if a survivor ran across the map to save teammate, the kobe is rude behavior (as t-bagging, spam flashlights etc.). And the rescuer has the moral right to leave kobe-person on second hook for dead when the gates are open. However, if the person who wants to save you is close and killer is gone, then Kobe is fine.

    It doesn't bother me, but I have fun in two cases:

    1. Kobe-person unhooks himself next to the camper, although I am nearby and could have rescued him with BT. The killer downs him. This survivor has no DC. I save him, but poor guy get tunnelled.

    2. I run across the map to the survivor on the hook. When I almost run to him, he tries to unhook (he tries only one attempt!) and gets into the second stage. I laugh at this stupid person who did himself badly.

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2020

    This is so absurd I thought it was bait lol. It's literally just a "what if I could" moment. It's harmless and waiting out 2nd stage is the only toxic exchange, that actually effects the game. I've done it to people and people have done it to me, it's a funny moment and impressive to pull a 4% chance. Random moments spice up the monotony of playing survivor.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2020

    "Wah don't steal my bps, how dare you try to have by getting the 4%!" This game isnt all about points its about fun too.

    I personally encourage others to try and kobe with a little wave. The things you baby survs whine about... Go play killer if you're that poor.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Unhooking yourself isn't a neat little thing to do that makes your teammates backflip with joy when they see it, it's an emergency move.

    You have no reason to do it when you're obviously being rescued except because it's "Fun" okay well now if we care about everyone's fun, maybe it's "fun" to watch you struggle on the hook because now I feel like I wasted my time? You're right, it's not that serious, it's just what I'm gonna do for fun

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231


  • filipscary
    filipscary Member Posts: 4

    I personally hang out on my phone while im on the hook but from today I'm gunna do the kobe in solo queue every match. I hope i get paired with you so you can spend more time being miserable on this thread

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited December 2020

    "they went out of their way to save you off the hook"

    You mean that thing they're supposed to do anyway? lmao

    ok buddy.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288
    edited December 2020

    Survivors are competing for points and resources during the game (chests, unhooks, exit gates etc...)

    Should survivors reward selfish play styles by other survivors?

    Trying to kobe in the face of another survivor is SELFISH play on the part of the player trying to kobe.

    I understand those survivors that also don't want to reward selfish play.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I'm seeing a common recurrence inn this forum.

    Person only reads OP and thinks they have something to add, although everything has been covered in comments.

    I'm not replying to you if you can't read the whole thread before adding NOTHING.

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    So aren't u technically screwing over ur other two teamates as well just because someone attempted an escape on a hook, if that's the case they're the guy that makes u like "y did he do that, ok" However ur the guy that destroys the whole team because I didn't like what someone did, I can't lie, that's a little hypocritical.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    So if another teammate beat you to the hook would you consider that toxic that you ran over for someone else to get the unhook points and waste your time? If they were hooked after would you leave them as punishment for unhooking the other survivor just before you got to the hook?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Sounds like you don't play solo, or at least have a better experience with it then me.

    When you get left hanging a couple times despite the fact that the killer is chasing the obsession on the other side of the map and you have kindred you learn to really appreciate when someone actually comes to save you

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    If I'm about to get unhooked I'll go for one attempt for fun, if my hook progression isn't too far along that it.

  • Poison218
    Poison218 Member Posts: 5

    I'm just going to be honest, I do try to unhook if a teammate is coming to get because I know I'll get unhooked any way, but I'm just trying to get those bloodpoints I don't do it with toxic intent.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    Math does. The BP people get for unhooking will be more than yeeting especially if they have WGLF. So, yeah, their BP are more valuable than yours.

    You seem to misunderstand what toxicity is: I don't care what your intent is. It's an inherently toxic and selfish action, you don't need to think negative thoughts when you do it for it to be toxic. Stop being selfish and toxic, please. You're a very stubborn person, the fact that you continue to defend a selfish and rude action is pretty disappointing. Just be nicer to other players.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Yeah, I find kobying toxic but I also don't find it toxic. I'm a little here and there with it.

    I'm unsure if some dumbvss streamer popularized it but I'm seeing it a lot more frequently now with recent matches then i did before. Yesterday, I recorded 7 people who tried to kobe while I was going for the save. I was oblivious to this because I though that phase had dried up but they dug deep and now they'res just this sudden spring of Kobe's.

    In any case, I saved them without a second thought. It was only at my last teammate where when I saw him kobe literally two seconds before I got there and I was like, "Are you serious?" I doubled back and then went back to save them because I couldn't afford to have him get to the second stage.

    The way I see it is, you as a survivor; try to make it big and look like the biggest annoyance in history by wasting one of your teammates time to come save you. This depends on whether the killer has ruin or not. Mind you, I have to run all the way to you, sacrificing my time when I could be getting a gen done and we could be avoiding gen 3's easily.

    So, yeah. If the killer is running ruin or some regression on my gen and you Kobe? Damn right, i'mma turn around and leave you, you just made me waste my time while trying to pull off something cool and think your some big shot. Then you have the audacity to ask me to heal you by teabagging? Lol, no. Should've thought of that before pulling that off KNOWING the circumstances.

    However, if the killer isn't running ruin and you Kobe in front of me. I don't care if you make it or not, I'm healing and or pulling you off the hook because at least you tried and failed; or tried and succeeded. Nothing of value was lost to me. I'm not that petty for bloodpoints considering I have a crap ton of offerings to give for that.

    A different scenario is a killer terror camping and you trying to Kobe in my face knowing I risked it all for you; I'm going to either leave you or unhook you and not heal ya. Should've though of that before trying to Kobe in my face knowing the killer is nearby.

    I don't care really care if you say " We're just having fun." Or " Stop being so sensitive." I'm not being petty, you wasted MY TIME. That time cojuld've been spent doing a gen to help us escape and survive. If anything, your being petty for making us run all the way across the map only for you to pull some free 4% or deliverance card out your vss. I didnt laugh and I'm not gonna heal you because of it.

    In a TL;DR, Time is precious and every moment counts; whether your looping, doing gens, pulling off protection hits or saves. If you intent to waste our time and thing you look cool by pulling off a streamers move. I'm going to leave you. If you sabatoge the game, I'm just gonna DC because obviously, your toxic and or salty that I didnt save you even after knowing you WASTED MY TIME. In those 20 - 30 seconds I'm rushing towards you, worst case scenario is the killer finds and or downs someone else. You just had to go and act smug or cool so you could pull of something instead of letting me get the WGLF and healing you.

    (Mind you, I don't run WGLF. I main a Jake park with Iron will, premontion, Lightweight and calm spirit; also a meg Thomas with sprint burst, adrenaline, iron will and urban evasion.)

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    The majority of my matches in DBD are Solo, but I do know where you're coming from, but it doesn't mean they aren't supposed to save you just because they won't, there's just been an influx of really really bad players lately.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    It's refreshing to see survivor mains take a break from being toxic to killers by being toxic to their team-mate who abandoned their gen, ran the full length of the map, risking life and limb, only to self-unhook in their face.

    Very refreshing.

  • SharkPiledriver
    SharkPiledriver Member Posts: 37

    Literally what I'm doing vs. people who want points so badly that they scumbag unhook me in front of the killer without Borrowed Time.

    Enjoy your gen.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I've ready covered all of this in the last 5 pages on how you're still likely to get your bps. The math is %96 chance of the rescuer getting the points still. We've also already discussed that this a perception thing. But please continue to attack my character, at least me and OP were able to have a civil argument/discussion without belittling the other.