A Supernatural DLC, if its possible, and how it could work (SPOILERS FOR FINALE)

So in the past, I have made multiple threads and discussions regarding the possible addition of Sam and Dean Winchester to the game. First, Ill go over if its popular enough to be added to the dead by daylight, and I definitely believe it is. It is a super popular show, and I have seen people all over the forums, and on other forms of media as well requesting supernatural to be added to the game. Although I cant speak for everyone, and I would like your opinion in the comments below.
Secondly, I see alot of people in the forums discussing how supernatural would not fit in the game for different reasons. Some people have said its not horror, and whoever is saying that I will point you straight to Stranger things. Stranger things is much less of a horror show than supernatural, So I definitely believe it could be added. I also see supernatural fans themselves saying it would not make sense for Sam and Dean to be in the game because they could just beat all the killers up. While I agree in the real world, that they could beat up the killers, we are talking about the entities realm here. The entity powers up its killers ALOT, allowing a small teenager like Susie to be able to pick up a grown muscular adult like David King. So with all the experience the brothers have, wouldnt mean much against the killers.
Finally, if they were to be added, I am curious as to where they would be taken. (SPOILERS AHEAD), so in the finale of supernatural, Sam and Dean finally won, and were living a peaceful life. However on their last hunt, Dean got impaled on a huge nail, which ultimately killed him. Would the entity take the brothers in an alternate universe where it was the exact same timeline, except Dean didnt get stabbed? Would the entity take them right as Dean was dying, just like with Bill? Or would the entity take Sam and Dean when they were in heaven (in picture above) if it is powerful enough. Please leave your responses below as I would really like to hear everyones opinions.
Additionally, what would/could be added with the DLC? Obviously Sam and Dean would be the survivors. As for the killer, there is a multitude of options they could choose from, however something like the Alpha werewolf or the alpha vampire, or maybe even a leviathan could work. The DLC would also allow for ALOT of legendary cosmetics for survivors since there were a lot of characters, such as Castiel (He was weakened and the entity could probably take his powers away), Kevin, bobby, Charlie, and other characters as well. It would also provide alot of legendary cosmetics for killers, such as the wendigo for the hag possibly. After all this, I would like to hear everyones suggestions, reactions, and if you guys would even want a supernatural chapter!
I would really like the supernatural dlc to be included in dead by daylight, I would be most happy with only surviving content. Its popularity is unquestionable, but I see the dead by daylight community isn’t interested in enough of it which may seem like they don’t want enough to get into the game. However, I think he could bring a lot of new players into the game mainly because the series is over, but somehow the behavior should be made more aware of this. Sorry for the bad english.
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Stranger Things is literally horror you forehead
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Sam and Dean have taken down things far bigger than the dbd killers. I don't want to see the winchesters get sacrificed by the trapper. Or any of the dbd killers honestly.
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Don't apologize, I completely agree! Sam and Dean aren't in any other game, and it would definitely bring alot of players to dead by daylight
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I know I know, I mentioned it before that the entity sortove buffs the killers and nerfs the survivors, so Sam and Dean would be helpless. I understand you don't want to see it happen to Sam and Dean, but they aren't in any other game at all so it would be honorable to see them in dbd in my opinion
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I don't know. Sam and Dean are too awesome for DbD. I know the ol "Entity makes them weak!" excuse/explanation, but at that point, is it really Sam/Dean? Or is it just a whimpy Ash? A whimpy Bill? Another weak David? I feel like they miss out on what makes them, well, THEM.
Survivors are best when they're characters like "Laurie", who you can imagine running away from Killers and slamming pallets down to escape them. It makes no sense and it makes other characters lame when they SHOULD be able to fight back, but can't.
100% against a Supernatural DLC, it would be such a disservice to Supernatural.
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I feel the exact same thing for Steve as well.
However I felt very similar to this except for killers, when people ask for killers like xenomorph, Nemesis, or even Pennywise. I just can't wrap my head around the fact, that a pallet would block, or even stun those things. For one Nemesis survives and explosion for god sakes man, you honestly think a pallet can stop him? It would honestly destroy what makes these characters scary and ######### on the legacy of fear they created.
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Worlds best insult right there. lol
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You can't have Sam or Dean without Castielle. So that's 3 Survivors and which Killer? Probably none like they did with Ash
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For xenomorph its less the pallet that confuses me as its a flashlight. I could trick my brain into shutting up long enough to convince it the pallet didn't stun so much as surprised it. Xenomorphs don't have eyes. Like.... at all. The whole point is that you don't know where its looking. How would you blind it.
Pennywise makes sense tho. The pallet is battery acid.
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I'm wondering what exactly your blinding with Pyramid Head lol. Probably light sensitivity more than anything to do with eyes?
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I feel the same way.
I just don't like bad ass characters having to be nerfed just to be in the game. It works with Ash because it is still in the realm of his character to run until he has his weapons; but Dean....Dean would fight with a piece of metal he found on the floor. Some teenager with a knife wouldn't scare him, he would come swinging at him.
The only way they could fit in the game is with VERY aggressive, probably game breaking "perks" that would then have to be used on other survivors where it would make much less sense
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Not 100% convinced.
However, I could see the licence being an option. With the show ending, it would give the copyright owners another income source....