what is considered unplayable as far as ping goes? If my lobby is not green, then I back out and look for another game. My internet is not the greatest but my ping is usually around 70 and I get hit when vaulting or dropping pallets when I feel like I definitely was safe. I know getting hit in these situations is common, but I'm talking press x for dead hard before the attack animation and still being exhausted on the ground. When hit validation was turned on i felt like it wasn't as bad but it may have been my imagination. Also are there factors other than ping that affect this. Thank you for any feedback. Accidentally posted in international initially, sorry.
you have to make that decision yourself, i'll play any game i get in even if it's red (though i'll back out if my friends back out) because i rarely pay attention to the "PING" the ping meter is not the "PING" you are locked into at any time it is just a representation of potential issues and changes ever millisecond.
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Before Blight's patch came out the ping on my Xbox1x was green 40-70ms. That patch caused the lovely insta-overheat for a week until the following patch, and since then the ping has been yellow & 140-160ms ever since. With no change to my rig. So I have to throw pallets much earlier or swing the blade sooner.
Ahhhhh the console life.
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interesting that internet latency would cause your console to over heat. seems that there is a problem with your xbox or the installation of the program that would cause this issue. Ping is not something that could even cause anything to over heat...
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The ping didn't cause the overheat, the overheat caused the ping.
It's weird, I know.
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ping is a one time value. it may stay the same but rarely does from millisecond to millisecond. with the increase in "ping" it sounds like you've been routed through a few new destinations due to other networking concerns and the overheat and the increase in your ping is only mildly related. the real term ping is describing is LATENCY which is the delay between your signal being received by the destination and the result of the destination returning information to you and forwarding information to others in the case of online games.
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Try to optimize your windows TCP stack for gaming.
There are some tutorials it really worth it don't know if i can put a link here tho.
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It wasn't from latency, it was something in that patch that only affected most of the Xbox1x consoles at the time. The other models of Xbox1 didn't have this problem. Me and many others reported it, and it was resolved with the patch after Blight, but was unplayable for a week.
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Never heard of this. When I searched it up I got something about Windows 10 and "command prompts" and am unsure what it all means for an Xbox.
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120 ping, 30fps for life!
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I think he means when you are on pc.
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that's what i'm saying is latency could not have caused any problems and the higher latency is not necessarily an issue with the patch that fixed it