Man I love it when the survivor sidedness shows



  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    Firstly keys and mori's are both op they both are items/things in the game that majorly changes the outcome of the game the problem with this is like I said they nerfed mori's in a way that made them pointless to use without fixing keys at the same time, the problem isn't that I know they're going to rework keys it's the fact that they nerfed one before the other and did it in a lazy way while cramming it into a bug fix without warning and now people will be using keys like hell now that they now they'll be changed in 2-3 months.

  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    My personal opinion is that they are both equally harmful and they should both be fixed as both are mechanics in the game that can grossly tip the scale in a game in favor of one side but they should've reworked them both and released them at the same time and not have don't such a lazy and bad rework for the mori

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    Nope, thats a wrong personal opinion. There has been a strong Killer sided push for this change as well for months now, We all know that this will not tip anything in Survivors favor, Killers are plenty strong without Moris and the stats show this. Objective numbers my dude.

    Sure, this does not leave the Mori Offering looking great, its pretty useless, but a hotfix is better than waiting for it.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,961

    You make absolutely no sense it’s not just survivors who buys cosmetics everyone buys them they literally released a killer skin that’s worth just as much as the game. It’s not just survivors even killers admitted that Mori’s were to strong they didn’t nerf it cause of Money and favoritism the devs nerfed Mori’s cause they were broken and stupid as ######### plain and simple.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I find a 3 man escape with 1 gen left, when that's often the most pivotal moment of a game especially in high ranks, to be far more devastating than a mori.

    With a mori, especially red one, the games likely over when it started. No one's truly being robbed. Now, that said, I'm GLAD moris got nerfed and while this may not be the best way, it is something that's GOOD.

    But I think Keys are far more disheartening than Moris. Keys are a punishment to a killer that could very well be dominating and have an extremely good setup. A mori, unless the killer is very bad or facing some super squad, will lead to total annihilation from the start. Now you can argue that moris remove fun to a greater extent than keys, and that's true, they are far more awful to the survivors subjugated to them.

    Both are terrible in their own ways. Both need to be fixed. They're both super unfun. To say one is worse than the other is silly IMO. I hope keys get their turn soon enough.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Killers: Get an entire series of reworked maps that was a net nerf for survivor.


    Killers: Something else to whine about.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    Bruh, i love it when the entitled killer mains are crying about literally anything without giving it a thought

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,620

    20min que? are you exaggerating too? have never waited that long for a lobby and esp since que times are better :)

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Did you really just say old insta heals didnt change the direction of the games? Like, wut?

    Also I think you meant to write "you're stupid" instead of "your stupid"... You made plenty of other errors but that one made me literally LOL.

    Technically it wasnt without warning. They told us ages ago that they were going to change both. If you didnt expect them to get changed then you havent been paying attention. And it was handled well - if they told the community moris are going to require 2 hooks after the next patch EVERYONE and their mother would mori spam until then to get value for the offering.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    they're coming, even if some survivors leave for cyberpunk tomorrow or over the weekend, you still will have plenty of killers that leave over the weekend too. and after the years ome people have had, theyd on't want to put up with bs on their games too. any long time killer players that leave, this might be the last straw for them, but I'm pretty sure a lot more than just older ones are gonna leave at this point after a series of bad patches. So enjoy those in Your region while you can, maybe you live in a pothole that happens to have a stable 4 to 1 ratio, but in plenty of the USA I am really looking forward to next week's survivor complaints about queue lengths, afk killers when they finally get one, and nothing but the sweatiest killers when they're not afk. Man it is gonna be good. I love the Power Patch... it's so bad.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    unlike you, i actually play both, so yeah, now is just he said she said so, bye