Let's Make the Worst Map Possible


Let's have some fun, shall we?

The goal is to make the worst map possible for both killer and survivor. However, you can only add things that already exist in other maps.

"I want to add breakable walls everywhere" is no good, but "I want the main building to have a bunch of breakable walls like the Tavern in Dead Dawg Saloon" would work.

To start off, I would like the map to be split in two like Sanctum of Wraith so that stalemates happen that drag on the game for way too long.


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited December 2020

    Take a hallway from any map. Extend the hall way by appending an identical hallway. The map is just one long hallway. Killer spawns on one side of the map with hooks and the exit gate and survivors spawn on the other side with all the gens plus the only location where hatch can spawn. The distance is so far apart between the two locations that by the time the killer gets to the other side all 5 gens should be done. I think this map would be awful for both sides...

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited December 2020

    Shape of azarovs resting place, one side is back to back jungle gyms, and a main building filled with God windows and several rooms with doorways only survivors can enter. Killer shack is also there, next to main building. And also the Myers house next to that, because why not. 3 gens always spawn here.

    Other side is completely barren apart from hooks and totems. No buildings, no pallets, not even rocks or trees. 3 gens always spawn here.

    The 7th gen doesn't spawn in the centre, it's 50/50 which side it ends up on.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Just make a big empty map with a giant tree in the middle and call it "Shelter Woods".

    Actually take Shelter woods and get rid of the jungle gyms etc on the sides of the map, and instead make it one long trailer park hallway like Midwich.

    Oh and have a basement level with lots of breakable walls. No hooks should spawn down there though.

  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    Was going to suggest something similar.

    3 floors that are stylistically identical so you can't tell which you're on. Each floor only has 1 staircase that is procedrually generated so they're never in the same spots. Gens are all inside of rooms tucked in weird corners and impossible to find, but maybe like a hole in the floor or two. Hallways within the levels are blind, narrow and winding and where doors are for the rooms make no sense. Breakable doors everywhere, but half of them open massively OP loops. but the level is a pain to navigate without breaking the doors due to the winding halls. Like Gideon and Midwich had an unholy demon baby.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    What about instead of the staircase you could only go between floors with an elevator? That takes 30 seconds to arrive each time?

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Rotten fields, without the harvesters, without the killer shack, without the walls, without the corn

    A completely empty field, bright yellow to make even the mere possibility of stealth impossible

    And scattered periodically are invisible walls that are just big enough to hit but not climb over, one's that survivors can go under but killers can't, one's that killers can go through that survivors can't.

    It would be miserable

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Came to this thread expecting this was the discussion.

    But yeah, this. This is the answer.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    It's a race track, full circle, huge with no shortcuts through the middle. Gens are evenly dispersed throughout the circle. People take small naps while waiting for their SWF to finish the game if they die and killers have to stretch post-game.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    So, so hear me out, alright.

    Dead Dawg Saloon is the base of it, but with fences from Haddonfield around every single building. It's size is now increased to Mothers Dwelling (I think that's the biggest map), and the building's aren't spread apart enough to compensate it (so there is actually deadzones with literal nothing but corn and gens) It also changed realm from Glenvale (I think it was) to Coldwind (so it has a BUNCH of corn now). Unlike the Shack in the regular Dead Dawg Saloon, this shack no longer has a breakable wall (like the other shacks). Lastly, to fill the void of dead zones, there are only Z walls.

    If we can count bugs, I would like to add that the lighting works like it did on occasion in The Game map (it was like, 2 years ago so I don't blame ya if ya didn't know. Here's a video showcasing it).

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    The entire map is just the middle section of Grim Pantry - the variation where it's all just tall reeds.

    But, like, 50 of those tiles. All in a big square.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,137

    Add 200+ dripping effects to pipes, showers, etc to screw over console framerate.

    Lots of bright lights in places where they shouldn't be.

    Loud noises.

    Make the colour palette all gray.

    Add windows everywhere.

    Make it super long so killers have a hard time pressuring.

    Hide gens incredibly well.

    Wait, that reminds me of something.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    3 floor building with multiple 3 gens on each floor. The map is the same size as The Game map. Also each floor is a literal maze with only a few breakable walls. Only 1 staircase in the center of the maze that leads to the next floor. There's a dropdown from the top floor straight to the bottom in one of the corners.

    The perfect hell

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,869

    Shitter Woods but there are no walls, just the tree in the middle

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Name: The Void.

    Content: Nothing.

    Everyone will just keep falling eternally.

    Only a Killer DC or all 4 Survivor DCs can end this otherwise endless cycle.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,787

    I would like there to be a bunch of random piles of junk on the floor that all have weird corners and sometimes you can climb on top of them and sometimes you can't.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The devs already beat us when they made the original Ormond

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I think some sort of hotel would be a nightmare. Maybe they would try to add some elevator gimmick to make it more of a nightmare

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Haddonfield. Each house now has a basement in it like the house of pain, with both windows being at the back of the house

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    The Tower

    A 10 story building with floors about twice the size of the main building on Ormond. One staircase randomly placed around each floor, with exit gates on the first floor. Each floor is blocked off by a breakable wall. But you can fall through holes (placed randomly) to go down a floor on every level). Each floor is covered in corn. Generators are placed on the floors randomly, with no more than one on each floor. There are no T-walls or L-walls. Also, the floors move around, so the 3rd floor may become the 7th floor, or the 6th floor may become the 2nd. It rotates. The rooms also rotate. And each floor is identical.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657
    1. The map has two floors.
    2. The barrier between the first/second floors is transparent.
    3. You can only ascend to the second floor through staircases at the edge of the map, but you can drop down basically anywhere you want.

    Say the killer hooks somebody in the middle of the map and he sees somebody looking them in the eye from the second floor.

    If the killer leaves the hook, they know the guy will drop down and instantly save, and by the time he gets back to the hook after going the long way around to get up there, they'll both be long gone.

    The result is that survivors end up getting each other facecamped, regardless of what the killer actually wants.

    By the way, I just described the Dead Dawg main building.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    So... indoor maps with 2 floors are bad, but I want to try to make an outside flat map that's terrible... so... here we go.

    1. The map is large, like larger than Mother's Dwelling.
    2. The map is absolutely covered in the huge Blendette bushes found on Dead Dawg Saloon.
    3. The map has no jungle gyms. It has a few pallets about the quality of most of the pallets on Hawkins. It has no windows anywhere.
    4. The map is covered in incredibly long, low stone fences a la Haddonfield, but they have invisible walls above them to block hatchets and spearguns.
    5. Every Generator is located inside of an open gazebo that's at least 16m across with no windows or pallets and a Crow Bomb a la the swamp buildings on top.
  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Can we also add like 700 different types of bushes to this The Indoor Map From Hell and you will literally never know which of these indoor bushes you can run through and which are actually walls? JUST FOR FUN.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Rotten Fields with no structures. It's just corn and gens. Corn and gens for miles and miles.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    "And also the myers house next to that, because why not. "

    I literally spit laughed at that.


  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    It's a tiny killer shack, but no doors or windows or pallets.

    Just a gen upstairs, a basement downstairs, and a bunch of lockers.