How long should a match last?

Just asking for opinions.

It takes ME on average 5-10 minutes to find a match and 5-15 minutes for a match to end.

I personally want 30-45 minute matches.

Lobby times may increase due to this, but they could possibly be shorter?

A lot of my friends stop playing dbd because match times fly by way to quick. Win or loss, 10 minutes isn't enough time to enjoy anything.

Maybe more players will come to dbd if game times were extended?

Maybe additional game modes would defuse frustrations of being gen rushed and tunnelled out early?

Question: How long do YOU want the game to last? How long are you willing to wait in lobby?

Also, which is more important out of these two choices? Game length, or lobby wait times?

I'd rather wait a while for a long game, than wait a bit for a short game.

But that's just me, agree or disagree I'm not trying to argue, but I think the devs should really take a poll on this issue.

So what's your take?


  • Opeth32
    Opeth32 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2020

    The longer the better especially if the killer is a total bad ass I hate short 10 minute games the longest I got to play was 45 minutes o pure hell and fun. Just had a blast. So thats a loaded question lol

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    30-45 minutes would be horrible in my opinion.

    Not only regarding the necessary BP/XP adjustments. I think queue time is an issue, but I would not design the match length around an issue.

    10 minutes per game (plus minus 1) would be perfect. Games that take longer than 15 minutes with the current objectives start to get boring. This is normally caused by (failed) slugging, over-imersion or just scared survivors vs bad killers. At least in most of my 15+ games.

    And 5 minutes games are either happening by heavily outplayed or heavily failing opponents, which is fine as it does not happen all the time and a huge difference in skill level should just allow such a "glorious" win. Just wish that working matchmaking would reduce the amount of such games happening.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    *Hostage dr and old forever freddy flashbacks*

    No thank you, those matches were the most boring thing out there.

    Perfect matches should last 10-15 tops.

    Queues taking longer isn't because of fast matches or etc, it's just one side having more players than the other.

    Less killers = more wait time.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    It's not a loaded question.

    Some people want short easily digestible games, some want lengthy games. It's a matter of opinion.

    There's no wrong answer.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    If they balanced the game to make the matches longer, I would absolutely love 30 minute games. I love giving each survivor a good chase, and I love the problem solving of "how the hell do I catch this toxic piece of #########?"

    I hate how fast games are rn, and the only reason I hate long games rn is because they are just caused by over-immersion.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Longer matches could entice more killers. I play killer less and less because higher ranks just rush and rush.

    Kinda like this post...

    If the game was properly balanced around longer match times, maybe there'd be less of a gap between killer and survivor.

    I feel as tho the game is over 5 minutes in because of the predictability. If too many owe get hooked early or too many gens pop quickly, the game's outcome is easily predicted.

    The only lengthy games occur at lower ranks. Higher ranks mean faster games. I want to be high rank AND have long matches.

    I'm sure there's a place where we could meet in the middle.

    Maybe a new game mode for longer matches? Maybe 15-25 minute matches?

    Nobody wants to be held hostage. Nobody has all day to play a single match.

    But some of us would welcome even a small increase to match times.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    If the only objective for survivors is still to fix generators, a match lasting more than 15 minutes would be torture. A 20-40 minute long mode with multiple objectives and/or a dynamic map to play on would be fine, but as is, a match beyond 20 minutes is just a battle of attrition.