Is 2021 going to be the best year in DBD's history?

New map reworks, New maps, New chapters, New killers, New survivors, New perks, New cosmetics, Key changes, New blood effects, New bugs, Clown rework, Wraith tweaks, Demogorgon tweaks, The Twins changes, Character model updates, Maybe they'll rework offerings, Maybe they will buff solo queue, Console will most likely be optimized, Maybe we will get a stats tracker, Maybe the grind will be reduced, Maybe we will get a new game mechanic, Freddy changes, New animations, New healing animation and MUCH more!
I'm liking your positivity, we need more of this!
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nah, I was already baited when my high hopes went down with no summer event, hallo(scam)ween, still no rank and prestige extra rewards, no winter lights in gens and hooks along super mystery boxes and firecrackers.
probably only good things for me this year were silent hill and crossplay.
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Oh yeah. We'll sure have a lot of bugs with every update...
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with hatch offerings, 4 mans offerings if they all use the same one not being able to be cancelled by the killers in the match they would want to cancel an offering the most sometimes, and what just happened to the moris I'm not too confident it'll be a good year for any but the survivors. and that's if their queue times stay short enough or they get bot killers. I'm hanging off for a while even from survivor since I expect soon I'll be seeing nothing but the most annoying killers, people camping not out of desperation but simply to spite me and try and grind my gears, and for the queues to get longer at least when I usually play it. I do wanna keep up on reading about what goes on though, but more for the entertainment if it gets real bad for a while.
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One can only hope!
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Probably not, BHVR has a pretty bad track record of implementing changes
My recommendation is to keep the bar low, that way if it turns out bad. You're not surprised, but if it turns out good, then you're happy.
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Eh can't be worse then this year, (hopefully) I do like the positivity, but then again, this is DbD, one with a strong will can stand against many P3 Claudettes and their goddamn-(Out of Context )-lights with the Iri Bulb and extra battery shoved up its-( Still Out of Context )-hole with DS, Iron will, DH, BT also shoved up their-( Still... out of context). They soak up so much Bloodpoints they should've been made into Fat-( And still out of Context!) At this point they are the ones I really wanna ( WOAH BUDDY, this stil Out of Context!) . Then again there's the Forever bringing Lithe Fengs, The Balanced Landing Nea's and the newest enemy, Elodie. Then again Clown Rework will be exciting so yay
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There's huge potential. But it depends on BHVR cleaning up.
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well this year they did add the auto bamboozle for survivors that abuse vaults, so that was a plus, it was the reason I decided to give the game a try again this year when pyramidhead came out. I did hear that ruin used to be better though, but ruin itself was new to me period nerfed or not. I don't remember touching dbd since late 2016 before that, even though I did hear news about it at a few points most of which made me laugh though. It's a shame somebody had to go rambo on everything with Jason in it since the F13 game would have been this one's hucklebearer
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Its a shame the F13 game didn't last long, it mostly would've been a good benefit for DBD
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They need to do a lot for it to be a great year. Actually eliminating a lot of the bugs in the game would be a start. Fixing Killers like Nurse would be another. And maybe hiring a QA team (or a new one) would be another.
Unfortunately, this is BHVR, so my expectations are a bit low. 🤷♂️
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Choice is always good, if after playing both games some didn't wanna start a new one or preferred dbd there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I enjoyed F13th more though, especially since the killer was chosen at random and for some reason even premades in that game didn't abuse that as much as I'd expected they would (people did farm xp though I mean more not abused to troll random players) and seemed to have fun killing their friends too. Plus voip was built in while they were making the game, so that wasn't a huge problem like it is in this game. Bots & the random killer assignment being the most important things really to me.
Last Year also did random killers, but Last Year devs abandoned it within weeks and then did the same to it a year later on steam, they just took a month or two to abandon the steam version iirc. I had it on discord day 1 lol. It was fun at first, but oh well. If either other game had been successful it would have set a higher bar for dead by daylight and all games would have been better for it. What I've learned though are two important things, never get hyped over another 'asymmetrical' gave ever again, and asymmetrical games are impossible to completely balance by their nature.
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Let somebody have a positive exchange on this forum, the world won't end.
*Edited to dial it down a notch*
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I was hoping to get some fire crackers this winter, but guess I won't get any... :(
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Idk but I think I speak for everyone on this forum that it has become a normal thing to have a ton of.
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kate's new hairdo is a firecracker. I hink she's the one that got it anyways, maybe it was meg but I think meg got a hat
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Pretty sure you will still be able to get them during the Chinese new years (just not the winter ones) since that is usually when they are in the bloodweb. I know they are going to focus more on the anniversary and Halloween events, but if I recall correctly they are just going to focus less on other events. I hope this means double bp weeks and the usual special items/gens/hooks.
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Let's hope so! I actually like the mori change, since I already wait until second hook to kill them, and the maps are super spooky now :o!! Stay positive and even if it doesn't turn out that way, they will probably fix it up over time :)!
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I love this attitude! I know plenty of ppl who wouldn't forgive the devs for one little mistake, so having somebody have faith in them is refreshing lmao.
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Since when? They've already reworked a lot of the base content.
Repeating this meme doesn't make you cool or trendy. Bugs cropped up on fixes, but I can remember only a handful that were relevant over the past two years.
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What about no new chapters and more bug fixes
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Nah, there will be new chapters in 2021. But I hear you, it would be nice with a chapter that focuses on game health.
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We are talking about the same game right?
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considering they've been making blunder after blunder, 2021 is going to be make it or break it for dbd.
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If they actually make meta changes such as nerfing DS, UB and Ruin, Undying, then the year as a whole is gonna be better than every other year combined. Every other change is an added benefit in my eyes.
Hopefully though they don't mess it up with another broken release (or releases) like Legions and Twins.
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if they fix the dc ban system maybe
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Sadly no. With each year everything is getting worse.
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I wasnt talking about OP just myself
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Perhaps idk. But what is the best year for DBD so far? So we know what year they have to beat.
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It'll be the best year when the game doesn't keep filling my with anxiety when I play killer by failing with matchmaking.
Nothing, and I mean nothing else matters if I don't want to play because I'll get stomped by higher ranked survivors.
I might repeat history, feel hopeful, pop in and play a few games, then get reminded that the matchmaking is terrible, and just go back to watching others on YouTube, and the forums.
Survivor is only slightly better as an experience, but it comes with it's own issues as I play solo only. It's not good enough to keep me wanting to play. I generally get splattered easy, and I don't make enough BP.
Positivity is earned.
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I really hope so, but we are not off to a very good start.
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This? lol
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lol no the game was absolutely horrible when itc ame out on steam, at least low and moderately skilled killer players cana ctually catch somebody in 2020 without cheating their bandwidth, kicking half or all but one of the guys in the match (when it was p2p), or at the whim or straight up bad luck of a survivor without the vault bamboozle effect and some spots in maps making it impossible to catch them most of the time unless they really goofed. there were way worse problems, on both sides, but those were the ones that came to mind right away along wih the forever sabo'd hooks from jake teams leaving you only the basement or a mori as somebody reminded me of in another thread earlier. I hope they fired whomever thought That was ever a good idea. idk how this game made it past 2016 or 17 except due to the sheer lack of competing games of this sort
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When infinites were removed and Myers was released was the best time in the game imo.
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I'd quit before meyers and only came back right after pyramidhead came out, even ruin and bamboozle were new to me but hearing they put that bamboozle effect on vaults for abuse of them in chases was some of what convinced me back for a while
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That's the general feel I get from the feedback here...😂🤣🤣
I almost said it without laughing
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Good year. Tough to beat.
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Definitely made them set the bar higher.
F13 would give new kill animations regularly. Dbd talks about a MASSIVE REWORK to moris and then adds another hook requirement.
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New cosmetics, new cosmetics, new cosmetics! Also more bad decisions
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If you say so. The game was very climatic back in the end of 2016 and 2017.
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Sorry for worry about the game??
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Worry is one thing, but being just negative is another thing.
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Very climatic indeed, in fact it was the only strong case for climate change it was so climatic. Not very climactic though more than it was a shitshow.