Survivors more toxic than killers
Ive been a survivor main for about 500 hrs. i got all the characters teachables and leveled them up as much as i could. felt like i hit a dead end, so i decide, hey lets try killer for a while..... Day 2 into being a killer i get CONSTANT toxic survivors! nothing but purple ranks teamed up with 16 ranks looping me and t bagging for the whole match. when i give up on a chase with a strong survivor i get palleted t bagged or blinded by the good survivors. In other words they chase me???
At any rate in a given day i may get face camped and slapped on hook once or twice as a survivor.
It seems like 50% of the time im getting toxic survivors. one toxic game one good game.
Let me just say, if all survivors escape, im not upset at all. the after chat is usually ggs and wow yall turned that around quickly.
i do NOT tunnel, camp, or slap people when they are on the hook. As a survivor i KNOW how messed up that is.
All in all survivors are WAY more toxic in my experience than killers.
######### M8
-end rant
Just like I said in another thread, not all survivors and killers are toxic.
Sometimes they will try baiting you to follow them.
I suggest learning how to not give a crap, slug when you want to and feels like the best idea, show them that you will do anything to win.
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no bro THEY FOLLOW ME! any time i get in a chase with someone that is ACTUALLY MY RANK the high rank will follow and pallet stun/flashlight (which is okay) but the t bagging and pointing
Like I said ITS DAY TWO IM RANK LIKE 17 AND THEYRE RANK 4 ######### IS UP WITH THIS SYSTEM. It shouldn't be the way it is. Completely outmatched to begin with, whats the point? They get a free win off of a rank 20-17? How is that a win. I'm not going to become a total sociopath and just not give a dang. All i'm saying is that as killer, day two, i've seen so much toxicity on this side that it blows all of my previous interactions with toxic killers out of the water.
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I always had the opposite happen when I tried to play SWF, which is why all of my friends quit playing. Red or purple killer against the three yellow rank teammates and just me in red or purple. Most games we couldn't even get two gens done. And when I try to play killer just to get these horrible challenges done, I get red and purple SWFs against my yellow rank killer. It's match making. No one side is more toxic than the other. Survivors teabag because they want you to be mad and chase them. Don't do it.
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This isn't even arguable, There's 4 players in the other times so a lot of chance to be a bad apple in there.
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Killers tend to be more toxic than survivors, but there are more survivors than killers, so you'll see toxic behavior from survs than you will from killers.
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yeah i just always though killers were more toxic. out of the 4 survs one is bound to be toxic. also i just need to keep calm and not let it piss me off so easily. im SURE if i keep playing killer i will have TONS of toxic survivors. the quicker i learn to not let it get to me the better.
Playing killer is really fun and when i do get good survivors it makes the previous experiences manageable.
I know i gotta GIT GUD to deal with those pesky ones but what do yall do when they follow you just out of reach?
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Hard agree on toxic survivors. I also started killer pretty recently, though I found the number of truly awful swfs got better when I finally got into purple ranks on killer. Not sure if there are fewer jerks, or if I'm just better at shutting them down. But yeah, the match making is the absolute worst.
If you can, I recommend getting Lightborn early. I wouldn't run it all the time by any stretch, but if it looks like you're going up against a flashlight wielding harassment squad, you might not win, but you can at least ruin some of their fun! Did this to one group who brought in 3 flashlights, and I ended up winning because they suicided on hook once they caught wise...
It's probably partly a numbers game, out of 5 people in a match, 4 are survivors, so the dbag's statistically gonna be a survivor. But it still feels disproportionate...especially when finding multipul groups of 3+ jerks on the reg.
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I dont know because i havent been killer long enough to determine this as a fact, i know that 90% of the time the killer is indeed NOT toxic to me.
(i am also not a toxic survivor)
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Welcome to the party pal.
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One thing I will say is that toxic players are much more likely to try and game the system to get a lower ranked killer. Smurfing, deranking and playing with a brown rank friend are all things they can do (which isn’t to say that all survivors playing with low rank friends are toxic - they’re not).
So you’re probably seeing a higher than average number of these survivors since they’re actively trying to get matched with killers who aren’t experienced, so they can get their sick juke montages for their YouTube.
I don’t see that many toxic survivors these days but I used to see a lot of them when I was newer and at brown/yellow rank.
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Oh for sure, I never get crappy messages from killer, the only messages I get are from the survivors who where just on my team, trying to not take any responsibility to why they sucked that round lol now yes some killers can be toxic dholes but I'm fully agreeing survivors are worse for it.
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Today another tome chapter got released both sides are super toxic. If moris wouldn't be nerfed you would encounter mori in 70% of your games
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yeah dude even as a survivor i encountered MORE toxic survivors than killers.
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i just made rank 15 so im slowly making my way up there. What youre saying makes total sense i think once i get to say a green rank or even purple if i can maintain it as a killer i would see less toxicity.
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Whats really funny is most of the time they are Neas. Its funny because she is my main and most matches as a survivor im getting singled out. NOW I KNOW WHY LOL
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well the thing is theres 4 survivors and 1 killer so odds are you're more likely to have a toxic survivor than a toxic killer.
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Where do i sign in?
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Just ignore them & don't pick up under pallets, give them a slap when they're crowding you. Slap them away before you do pick ups or look at a wall if you can, and then always look up when you're carrying to hooks.
Remember too, if someone is chasing you, that is one less survivor that's doing gens.
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Well it is a PvP game.
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umm. ya
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In other words they chase me??? <-- a beautiful and succinct description of the new killer experience.
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its crazy dude i was dumbfounded lol
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thanks for the advise. i think too the problem with me is that im not too familiar with the killers mechanics and i panic slash. if the survivors are just being good at their objective, no problem. i cant get mad if they are good. its when they are toxic that i want them to die that much more. im still a wholesome killer tho i wont face camp a toxic survivor.
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Mad Grit is a good perk for when you're being bullied by survivors that chase you while you're carrying people who have been downed. But I feel you! It can be pretty tough.
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lol i JUST bought legion too
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so good news to all new killers. those toxic d-bags pretty much dissipate after about rank 14. green/purple ranks are generally not toxic. now i dont have hundreds of hours into killer so i dont know for sure but i noticed a serious decrease in toxicity once i got past those beginning ranks. i havent gotten a single ds yet either. maybe its good karma for not running ds as a surv
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This is 100% typical to the experience of learning killer, and it's a damn travesty.
Survivors are absolutely more toxic than killers in a way that exceeds the natural variations from encountering four times as many survivors in every game. It's not an "us" versus "them" thing, or about "good people on both sides" it's just simple fact here about the nature of this game. While you encounter more survivors, meaning more observations, the real defining attribute here is that this game is a 4 vs 1 so it's very prone to bullying situations, which is only furthered by the incredibly ######### up balance in this game by allowing voice-coms to create wildly divergent gameplay conditions and uncertainty, on top of which we've got the wildly "eh whatever" match-making system and devs who seem satisfied with artificial means of boosting killer players over genuine attempts to address the parts that drive people away in spades.
Seriously the BEST advice for a real fix in the meantime:
Don't play killer during peak hours (where the survivor queues are longer and "matchmaking" means you're going to be little-#########-boy), or at least avoid them until you're more experienced and better equipped to try those overwhelming odds every now and then. They'll always be overwhelming until you're great I suppose--or at least that's my experience still climbing the ranks--but the scale of insanely frustrating BS is heavily frontloaded at the start while learning.
This game perpetually pushes lower queue times over player satisfaction or fairness... I mean why not? Probably the best move for any casual environment or balanced gameplay conditions... but this is Dead By Daylight. That's the wise decision allowing them to step over having to address inherent issues of player satisfaction that create the killer imbalance in the first place. Impressive for a game where you only need one freaking killer for every four players already here. Naturally the lower standards sow greater dissatisfaction, creating worse shortages, paving way for lower standards, and so on, and so on.
Now you're playing Dead By Daylight where a "balanced" match at 8 PM pits a Rank 16 killer and rank 6 survivors as equivalent. That's 10 full ranks of experience tossed out the window. Literally half of the entire ranking tiers that exist deemed all A-okay good enough match-up here.
So... yeah. Learning to play killer absolutely sucks in this game and it's the most bullshit thing around in this game. Hence the insane killer player numbers in a game where you get to live out the coolest scenario as the hero in all those slasher flicks who kills all the obnoxious teenagers.
Eventually those experiences can be (marginally) productive at teaching you things, but for now its only sufficient for demolishing your will to the point of abandoning this garbage game, like so many killers who've traversed the path that lies ahead of you now. Stick to getting demolished by at least somewhat reasonable match-ups for now in daytime/off-hour games when possible.
You might even have fun eventually. Though... in some ways that's worse.... because you know what this game can be, versus the beast you're forced to put up with so frequently instead. This ######### game
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Funny thing is it's always the opposite for me, I met some pretty TOXIC killers for instance I think I'm doing a pretty good job looping, keeping the killers attention so my team can do gens then BOOM I get downed, put on a hook and face camped. Even tho I didn't tbag once, guess I'm toxic for trying to survive? But I hear you man there are some of those Survivors who do exactly what you described and that's when you face camp them till their dead, it might cost you the game but they're getting their just desserts
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I understand what he is referring to. I've had specific matches where apparently the survivors fun was coming from trying to embarrass me in a game. I will spare the details as there is always an excuse or deflection and never a majority of hmm that needs to be looked at.
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"i do NOT tunnel, camp, or slap people when they are on the hook. As a survivor i KNOW how messed up that is."
Trust me, i got more "toxicity" when i follow survivor rulesbook.
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Ppl are just ppl. But roles of killer and survivor is different.
Survivor's role brings out the worst in ppl. More so than killer. Probably becuz of the pack mentality. The desire of entitlement. The entitlement of escaping. The view that the killer is the big bad boogeyman man so it justifies survivors to harass them without feeling bad for the person.
Survivors like u who gave a fair chance and play killer consistently, are the only ones who understands this.
I am a survivor main. And survivors are the toxic players. Not the killers. Killers are the victims.
But entitled survivors won't see it this way. They don't even know they are entitled.
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To play devils advocate in a counter point to this, are you sure the killer was being "toxic" or given that you ran them really well they are now unsure of how successful they will be and are just camping this one resource they've captured over risking losing it?
Are they hitting you repeatedly on hook the whole time you are hanging there or engaging in other obnoxious behaviour?
When this happens to me I try and take an objective view of why they might be camping me, and if I've run them for several gens, and generally outplayed them I don't blame them for camping and even tunneling me out because last thing they probably want is to have to chase me like that again.
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Survivor main here
we know
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I don't think any one side is more toxic than the other. The whole us vs them, survivor vs killer, console vs pc argument does little but to divide the community and result in unproductive partisanship.
Many people play both sides and if you don't you should because you are missing out on half of the game. Yes I play more killer and so by design see more toxic survivors but I also play a lot of survivor and see toxic killers and survivors from that side too.
There is 4x survivor and 1x killer, you are gonna see more bad behaviour from survivors because there are more of them.
Basically its an online game where there is little consequence and plenty of anonymity to go around, an environment that empowers the worst to indulge in the giant tantrum throwing cry babies they are.
Its the nature of PUG online gaming that you will be thrown in with people you would never game with under any circumstances because they lack the emotional maturity to play games with others. We all know that one person we don't want to invite to boardgame night because their goal is to ruin it for everyone when they don't get what they want.
Remember when you were a kid and you knew that one kid who always threatened to take the ball and go home if they didn't get what they wanted. That kid is now applying the same childish mentality to online games (often as a childish adult).
Bring on the bots I say. Let me decide if I want to spend an evening with these people or not. Because I love this game but what can really kill it is the bad gamers.
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Bingo. Survivors also have a lot more ways to mess with a killer than vice versa. All complaints about killers revolve around tunneling somehow.
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Every community has a toxic portion. But logic dictates that since there are by far more survivors, there will be more toxic survivors. But that does not mean killers are not toxic. Like everything you said is true and it happens more than a killer looking like they will give hatch only to close it. Slugging is complained about, but there are many killers that need to at points. and sometimes "tunneling" is the smart thing to do, if they are right there, why not go for a second down? It was their own fault for not playing smart. I am a killer main, but when I play survivor I get tunneled, but I mean I suck and I get they wanna pick off the weak link. Personally I try my best not to tunnel unless or slug unless it makes sense or if they sent me to a bad map or brought a key.
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This happened to me- like I looped a huntress for a bit got downed and she literally sat there face camping for five gens stabbing me. I only stayed on hook to help the team out. But there is a game where I am clearly going against a newer killer that I loop for 3 gens and KINDRED on, and they do not even attempt to save me because they are a swf- the blight was not even face camping me. They were just bad teammates.
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Thing with survivors is they can be toxic to their teammates and the killer. So it is just a fact there are more people playing survivor so there are more toxic survivors. Explains why match making is so bad because mid level killers quit due to massive bugs and nerfs and optop of that survivors in red rank that are swf are acting toxic towards them.
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Die Hard reference? :D
Also, reminder to everyone that it's not Killers or Survivors that are toxic, it's the players. And players can and do play both sides. If you had to make me choose though, I suppose Survivors might be more toxic on average because of herd mentality (4v1).
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I agree with this- but it is not realistic unfortunately. this game inspires a "Us vs Them" mentality. So can only ask for those who are not toxic to not give into being toxic and hope the community realizes, when I say community I am pointing at survivors. That no matter who is more toxic, killers are quitting the game and this is why you have such long queues at parts of the day. Or you get Red Ranks going against a level 17
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I think this is slowly becoming true there are lots of toxic killers nowadays I'm thinking of becoming toxic myself but I would never chase a killer. The community is getting increasingly toxic by the day and I also agree. Every time I play solo I never get any good survivors I haven't encountered any toxic survivors tho except for one game where this girl was t-bagging me. I was playing Demogorgon inside of his map and I still won. If I'm playing SWF with one of my friends I won't be toxic tho I usually just buddy up with one person maybe try to do that. It's better to play with one other person instead of 3 other survivors in an SWF.
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I agree I have never used ds and currently I'm rank 11 and I never see any of the solo survivors using ds seems like newer players may use ds. I tried using ds once tho I can never hit the mark lol.
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Can you explain to me why keys are such a big idea I just don't understand?
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To me, it is just another get out of jail free card that the survivors already have so many. They can plunder it without you knowing and win when they should not. Not all killers can patrol like Nurse, Spirit, Billy, or Freddy. So gens will be done. And the worst part is that it makes the killer think twice about killing survivors because if they do key comes into play. I new moris needed a change. So I only think it is fair keys get a change. espcially when they bring an addon to put the hatch somewhere they know.
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yes they should just remove both of them.
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It is not that difficult to hit. and Red ranks there is usually at least 2 DS and in a swf there could be 3 or 4. There is no reason not to run it. It is a get out of jail free card that can actually flip the balance in the game 100%.
As for toxic killers and survivors. They will always be here. It sucks, as a new player getting steamrolled at the time when i was rank 18 killer by a swf that were reds and purples getting called trash and t bagged and they would not even end the game. It was pretty demoralizing. That is why killers are quitting, this is a fact. But a lot of it is just mindset because these people won't leave. So gotta learn to not let it get to you. I will say a face camping killer is the most toxic thing someone can do.
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moris should not be an add on, it takes up too much bp from a extremely grindy game. just have it so a killer can turn it on or off or at this point just make one mori and give it out for free. Because the only bonus from the mori is avoiding unbreakable and DS now, but who saves DS? Only smarter survivors will ever save it. I am just tired of the grind and having like 10 red moris that are now just a way to avoid some perks when i would rather just farm more blood points to grind.
Edit: if the killer could turn on or off moris the survivors would know if it is on. Though I now kinda see this is a dumb idea. just make it one addon that never goes away or at least cheaper. I wish I could turn in all my moris for BP i never even used it
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If I were you I would just get to a high rank im at rank 11 now I haven't seen survivors with any ds or deadhard. More experienced survivors may not use those perks I'm not sure tho.
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lol I am rank 10-11, maybe there is a fall off. But red ranks run it like 75% of the time I bet. But still if there is an obssession you need to respect DS